Reminder that getting a gf is mostly about your personality

Reminder that getting a gf is mostly about your personality.

Na, women can't see your personality when you first speak to them

Personality includes your vibes too, body language and expression.



When women first meet you they gauge your sexual attractiveness visually via an updown glance. Every human being does this when they first see the opposite sex. Its so normal you dont even notice it

Reminder that getting a gf is the biggest waste of time and money you're not ready to settle down and marry the bitch.

If you look good enough, people will make up your personality before you even open your mouth or make a move.

It's the only explanation for how much pussy I got. That and being built like a brick shit house and everyone finding out my dick was almost ten inches...

solid larp, even if what you said is true

>my dick was almost ten inches...
Stfu you faggot, you do not have a 10 inch dick
if you do take some pics and post em!
d-do one from underneat like im looking up at it plz

but i'm pretty much an autistic loser who would rather spend his time on the net and working out then going out and hooking up

it's like 70% looks, 30% attitude
if you look really good you can get laid, so long as you aren't autistic to the max

Your appearance is reflective of your personality.

>built like a brick shit house
>dick was almost 10 inches

Who is she???

So I've been single for a few months now.

Today I worked out with a girl who's been there a few times and she came up to me and told me she was going to a party of her faculty at university and asked me if I knew if it was alright to bring people from other faculties.
Obviously I answered in all honesty that I've never been to a party of my faculty and therefore have no clue.
As we were leaving she asked if we could do a car pool or something, we both took out our phones to show where we're living and decided it won't make much sense.
I didn't ask for her number.

Took me a while afterwards to notice what happened today.
Am I completely hopeless Veeky Forums?

She's really cute and I'd love to get to know her.

So you're born with it if it's crooked and ugly you can't change it without surgery?

When’s the party

Going on since a few hours now.
And I'm sitting here at home contemplating my extraordinary autism.

Look at those tooters

Nigga your dumb
If you see here again say sorry for not being able to go to the party and invite her to a movie

It's more of breaking the threshold of standing out

Whether it's personality, humor, looks, success, or some other hierarchy, if you can surpass what she's used to seeing you'll get her attention.

Little bit of context:
I met my ex while blackout drunk and couldn't remember anything but her name and her eye colour. Apparently she liked that when we saw each other the next time and made a move.
I can talk to women without problems and most find my pleasant but as soon as it comes to anything dating related I completely sperg out, miss all sings and continue to do nothing until the opportunity is over.

Will do. Movie, drinks, anything at least.
I really hope I see her again.