>tfw the gym clown makes a joke at your expense
>everyone including the gym cheerleader you were crushing on laughs
Gym nemesis enters the locker room
>tfw my gym nemesis is Chad who got mad at me for shoulder pressing 1 pl8
>Oh and by the way if you ever fucking look at her again I will knock your little balls back up inside you you weak bitch. You think any amount of lifting will get you these guns? Fat chance. Virgins like you should learn their place.
This isn't Chad behavior at all.
>gym chad compliments your progress then helps a skele with his bench
How can one man be so pure?
>unemployed college graduate
>decide to cut out most unnecessary expenses because no job
>this includes gym membership
get any type of cancer of your choice and die
>be me
>at gym earlier this week
>using power rack
>put my bag next to the rack to mark territory
>finish warming up, set up working set weight
>go take a shit before I start
>some jack-ass has already de-racked most of the weight
>there's a squat rack free, and either way I have to set up all of the weight, so I don't say anything and move on
>this fucking cunt does one set of half-assed shrugs, then shrug motions without the bar
>then leaves
>goes to elsewhere, does another single set
>I assume he is supersetting
>he continues to go from place to place doing single sets of shit weight and then leaves the gym
I was fucking fuming... The fucking chink was ripped as well. How?
I think he is my gym nemesis now.
>When the gym clown starts posting on Veeky Forums
Oh, and worst of all, I couldn't even get full sets of my curls, since he out me off my rhythm.