DYEL lanklord

When am I going to achieve a semi- human body? I'm 6'8" and just over 200 pds. Around what kind of weight am I going to have to gun for to look like a real human bean?

You won't without chemical assistance. After 2 years you may look big from certain angles, but skinny overall.

B-b-but Zyzz said I was gonna make it

6'9" here, it's doable without cheating, nevah giv up on yah dreams

8'1 reporting in.

Damn I wish I was your height so I could dunk better

my hopes are up a bit, what do you focus on to get an overall thicker physique ?



I cant dunk

>6'5 is average
Maybe in thailand with all those fembois, manlet cutoff is 6'10, youre not tall until 7'3

In actual measurement how would that translate?
Google says average height in the west is 1.80m, but that would translate to 5 rocks and 9 coconuts

In cm I'm around 205 'ish. That is just over 6'8" in freedom units

this is a joke right? No woman wants a circus freak 7f.t+ boyfriend

Well good thing I'm not 7 ft yet.

I still wish this was a joke. I hit 6'7 at 18yrs and thought I was done. Then two days ago I hit my head on my doorway, which has never happened before so i went and checked my height. Grew just over an inch in the 7 months since my 18th birthday. I can only pray I'm done.

Still cant grow a beard tho.

user, I'm 6'7" and 185.

If I can hit 200 lbs of lean muscle, I'd look so much better than now. Post body.

No-flex + shit mirror edition

oh i look like shit, just wanted to boost ur confidence

Arms for reference

Just lol if you're not 7' might as well end it right now manlets.

I appreciate it.

Worry less about how much weight you have to lift.
Worry about eating enough and calisthenics and lifting with enough resistance/weight and volume together.

You have a hell of a row to hoe bro.
So...good luck

you look pretty good, but eat moar

>You have a hell of a row to hoe bro.

my bar rows are only 140 pds tho
(is joke)

Eat burger


6'8 is fucking tall bro
gun for around lets say 285
>your best be eating as we speak son

I am eating, yes