Veeky Forums, how big is your ribcage so far...

Veeky Forums, how big is your ribcage so far? Do an underbust measurement as it's fairer to us who have massive pecs or gyno

For how long have you been taking estrogen?

nice gyno fag

are you an ugly girl or ugly trap?

Are those pierced

Ugly man

there's no way that's male without hormones

48", lul

What's going on here?

Yea it's obvious what's going on here I don't know what kind of response from Veeky Forums you were expecting

t. fellow tranny but without the exhibition ist streak

nice tits buzzfeed

I'm 6'3" lol

Sorry, I'm actually VICELAND

Breathe in
Breathe out

Supposed to be normal breathing, like somewhere in the middle.
Also you're doing under your nipples, yeah?

>mfw 31"
I have a verry narrow upper body...

Just under 30" when breathe out

36 inches exhaled, 6’1 173 lbs 14% bodyfat currently cutting.

38" at just under 6'1 pulled tight.. whatever that means

n-no homo

37 inches


Do traps post her because they have fantasies of getting fucked by us?

Post feminine penis


Yea, under the nips. 6'0, 150lbs for reference

kek 35.5' at 5'11 reporting in is our onyl hope growing lats/serratus?

I'm jelly af thique anons

please be in london


they might be fat


(Not fat)

Oh yeah prob, but I hate my narrow rib cage and smol bone structure

114cm, haven't lifted in like 2 years

having a barrel chest sucks

Can i lick them? Nohomo.

What's your bra size?


116 cm~~ depends breathe and if i flex lats honestly

also op looks like klinefelter syndrome galore

38 inches at 5'6, a bit over 15%bf


5'9" 41" lol

42 inch breathed in ribcage circumference, 31 inch pelvic/waist circumference at 6'2, are these stats acceptable?

no, just give up