>be benching
>barely feel activation
>bar path straight
>almost every fibre of muscle dies
>nah not today nigga
>0% power
Help me Veeky Forums
>pic semi related
>be benching
>barely feel activation
>bar path straight
>almost every fibre of muscle dies
>nah not today nigga
>0% power
Help me Veeky Forums
>pic semi related
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Up the frequency/rep range
What’s you’re routine?
Bench bar path isn't straight; you're probably pushing too much through your shoulders. You should really get someone to help you figure out your form and also maybe do some pre-exhaust exercises to learn how to activate those muscles before you get back to serious benching.
Could be worse, you could be me.
>max DL 365
>max squat 245
>max OHP 125
>DL is making good progress but squats are taking a while, and OHP is flat out not going anywhere
>max bench 275 and probably gonna hit 315 by the end of December at this rate
It's not like I'm choosing to be a bench bro but if I can make progress like I'm gonna turn it down.
It's not even a problem with form anymore for the others because I fixed it and do the lifts just fine but I have to wait for them to catch up. I'm just built for bench press I guess.
switch to dumbbells for a short while, truss me nigga
same here, my friends that are the same size than me can bench twice as much as me
Could be worse, you could be benching 125lbs for 3 months and then inexplicably down to 115 every other session
How is your OHP so weak D:
My stats::
>OHP 1 Plate
>Bench 92.5 KG /~205lbs?
>Squat 110KG/~240lbs?
>Deadlift 150KG/330lbs
For real your Bench is so much stronger than your OHP Captialdeecolon
Dunno man, I guess I didn't train shoulders enough previously, plus it's so easy to lose it. Also not like my OHP is that far behind yours, I can do a half rep or two of 1pl8 but I don't count that.
Oh well tomorrow is shoulder day so pray for me desu
use a small arch, switch to a closer grip, and pause on the chest. then build back up from there
this will lead to better strength and hypertrophy due to the longer ROM than using the faggot ego lifter "benching" form with the wide as fuck grip, insane arch, and tiny ROM.
Touching the bar to your chest is a meme, increase time under tension and get the most from your reps by stopping and holding every rep for 1-2 seconds about 1-2 inches off your chest.
>Touching the bar to your chest is a meme, increase time under tension and get the most from your reps by stopping and holding every rep for 1-2 seconds about 1-2 inches off your chest
LOL whatever you do OP, don't listen to this fucking idiot.
You're not eating enough squats or doing enough oats, man.
What is a pre-exhaust exercise?
5x5 so far I mean shit, I try to do flyesand cable work for accessories.
My lifting partner has tried helping but we can’t figure it out. The shoulders part sounds spot on desu. Dropped the weight to like 60kg but still it’s almost like my body naturally locks up & tried to distribute the weight everywhere but the chest.
What you think brah? Just start over basically & hit it 2x week?
What muscle benefits from resting the bar on your chest for that brief moment? It’s why you see football players bouncing the bar off their chests for power, not hypertrophy
I meant your OHP is pretty weak seeing how szrong your bench is desu. May you receive great gains tomorrow
So it's roughly possible to gain 60 lb bench in 2 months? A pound a day? I really want to hit 300 first year.
OP here,
I’m going to take a bit of everyone’s advice & basically start from scratch with a manageable weight, then really work on my technique & movement.
Cheers brahs, I’m still raging from a pussy ass lifting session but will re evaluate my life.
> What muscle benefits from resting the bar on your chest for that brief moment? It’s why you see football players bouncing the bar off their chests for power, not hypertrophy
The chest. It makes you stronger at the bottom of the movement which is the hardest part of the lift and hits the chest extremely well.
We already know that full ROM movements are better for hypertrophy. We're not talking about bouncing the bar, we're talking about pausing and then pressing it back up. There's no way to pause and bounce, that doesn't make sense.
The only way you should ever stop before touching the chest is if you have a physical object to stop the bar, like a box that powerlifters use to do partials.
Stopping 1-2 inches above the chest without a physical object and training in that fashion for long periods of time leads to the muscle getting tighter and shortening it because you're not moving through the whole range of motion.
Then when you inevitably fail a rep and the weight comes down fully to your chest, you tear your pec and fuck your shit up. And then you may never be able to bench again.
So whats the logical choice? \
Do the full ROM and stay injury free while getting BETTER hypertrophy? Or stopping 1-2 inches above the chest to get WORSE hypertrophy, and GET injured?
whatever you do bro, seriously
do NOT listen to this guy training like that will snap your shit up
Don’t worry famalam will always strive for the full ROM
>no advice
Nice input, bitch.
Nigger changing your routine won’t do shit when your form is trash. Get a real coach who knows how to cue tards like you into benching with proper form
This is not how this works lmao.
Your form is probably garbo, easiest cues:
>Top of the rep arms should be straight up and down from the shoulder, but at the bottom the bar should be just under your nipples, the bar path is a fairly straight, angled line
>Pull in those elbows so you can push with your rear delts/upper back, when your arms are in line with the bar you're just fucking your shoulders up and being weaker at the same time
If you're benching properly your upper back will most likely feel the most fucked up for a while.
No duh
It hurts my pride to agree with you, I fear it’s time to sort that shit out.
Flies or DB presses; basically you just want to make sure your chest is activated in such a way that you actually feel it.
You could need some sort of therapy for a messed up joint or you have tight muscles somewhere preventing you from shifting the weight onto the proper muscles. When I bench I think about all of the muscles involved in the movement and make sure they're doing what they should do and that has helped me lately.
>this thread
I feel you OP
>been lifting for just over a month
>on 5x5 from the sticky
>mfw my lifts
I feel so stupid for not realizing this until now, jesus
Well I had been lifting for about 3.5 years before and after taking a few months off and then coming back my bench max was 115. Along with intense training, supplements and existing muscle, I more than doubled it to 275 for one rep in two months. Not lying in the least or exaggerating, that's what happened for me, I had a specific set of circumstances to cause and you can't make this shit up. 275 was really easy too so it wouldn't surprise me at all if I could attempt a 315 1RM provided nothing goes wrong.
_ A T M O R _
T R Y H A R D _ R
Do more bench volume too faggot
You're right. Stopping 1-2 inches above the chest is definitely not the way benching works.
Interesting, I'm doing every other day because it makes a huge difference in lifts. Though I'm thinking it won't be beneficial long term, so I'll cycle it out every week. Really sucks because I wanted to lose weight, but damn does 300 first year sound fucking sick.
Are your scapula retracted? Keep your shoulder blades pulled back and down into the bench. Just as important is to PULL the bar out of the rack, not push it up then pull. Once I did this, I stopped losing tightness in my upper back and felt bench more in chest.
Bench at least twice a week, use a rep range between 6-8. Chest accessories like flys don’t do shit for your bench, if you wanna bench more.. bench more. Skull crushers or overhead extensions can help a little bit, key word little.