Nofap vs. Yessex

It is said that masturbation "reduces testosterone"

It is also said that sex "raises testosterone"

Why is there a discrepancy here?

If its mechanical then surely a fleshlight should be an essential piece of training equipment?

If its psychological then does masturbating in the presence of a woman raise or lower test? What if the woman is online?

As a further question to the fags here how does the test boost from sex with men compare to the boost from sex with women.

As testosterone is the single deciding factor in how much worth you hold as an individual and how much weight you can lift it will doubtless be a deciding factor in the manlet wars to come the issue must be examined.

Your brain can tell the difference

If your brain is that intelligent, which I have no doubt it is from all the rick and morty, why does it waste its precious life seed to be spilled from masturbation ?

>why does my brain allow me to masturbate if sex is better

Were you always this stupid

yes but your post has really exacerbated the issue.

> literally recreate the mechanical feeling of sex, with a solid half of the visual stimuli

> ejaculate as if you were having sex

> testosterone effect is different

if your brain could tell to that degree wouldn't the experience be markedly different to the point of being displeasurable?

Your brain reacts differently to masturbation and sex because of the hormones involved, not to mention the psychological "win" of having great sex. You can make a sex robot look just like a real girl, but your body isn't going to pick up on any of the hormones that pour out of actual females during sex, which causes a reaction of hormones in your body aswell

Have you ever smelt a girl after piping her into oblivion? It's like crack

This right here. the smell of a girl that wants you or during or after sex is PR crushing fuel

> hormones

so if we isolate the female hormones and find a way to contain them, we can gain the key to infinite gains?

tfw nose is always blocked and gf smells like moisturiser ):

I have never experienced that
Is it extremely subtle or what ?

No because your not getting the confidence boost that comes with the satisfaction that you can, and just have, attracted and fucked a girl.

Sex is great for a number of reasons, and all those reasons help boost testosterone
Sex is a full body work out, and exercise boosts test
You feel confident after sex because you've succeeded in obtaining and performing it. Confidence boosts test
>chemical reactions in the brain
Your body floods itself with hormones, relieving stress. And we all know stress is a test killer
>emotional intimacy
All of these things reduce stress, make you happier and make you feel more masculine and confident

All of which improve test levels

The smell? No
If 2 people have sex in a room, you could walk into that room and hour later and it will smell of sex

How do I get my testosterone checked? I'm scared to death that my test levels might be low

Because it is bullshit pseudoscience

Ask your GP for one

sick placebos my nigs, did ya just read 'the secret'?

No fap is a meme. The only real science I've ever found is that sexual arousal may increase test.

If you let a big bull fuck you in the ass, will your test increase? Would it matter if you enjoy it or not? Asking for a friend.

Clearly the answer is to masturbate in a room where people have recently had sex.

Simply ask yourself how you feel about muscular women

I thought it would just smell like sweat

This. Go work in a whorehouse, smell the beds everyday and you'll be one giant bulk of this the reason why pimps are such alphas?

It's a mix of sweat, genitals and hormones. Couldn't beat it with a big stick

No it cant. Fapping isnt lowering testosterone.

It doesn't lower it no, but it doesn't heighten it either. It's just a temporary, low-quality release

It does actually. It not only lowers your test it makes your body unable to deal with the test you still have and makes you more sensitive to estrogen.


Source? and why wouldn't sex do this too?

Thats bullshit. Give us some source.


yourbrainonporn dot com

4 u

OP, do you really think that fapping and fucking are the same psychologically?

Do you feel the same alone, touching your own dick, as you do with a woman touching your dick?

Because it doesn't feel the same to me at all, and your mother agrees with me.

its different on energetic level that is yet to be discovered by mainstream science (though tribes are aware of this).

Dont get the smell thing...


breathe in*


If we dont fuck, our brain is "forcing" us to mastrubate, because its important for the penis to get erected often. If you never fap and you dont have a girlfriend, you will lose your libido and cant have sex with her. Fapping is like a training for the penis and the muscles of the penis to get use to stimulation. You just shouldnt do it all the time of the day and not to rough to destroy you penis.

Everything in your post is one part 100% bullshit one part fucking insane.

You can't be more wrong. You simply can't.

So having "no fap" is healthy and right and will give you unlimited libido? On what planet do you live?

That's the silliest shit I've heard all day. You do not "lose" your libido if you don't regularly masturbate, neither do you get prostate cancer.

Humans are like most other mammals, conserve your seed/energy for when it matters and use the sexual energy you have for productivity. All fapping serves to do is condition your brain and body to cum from your touch and kill the drive to go out and find a mate and makes you satisfied with not actually reproducing.

Why do you think so many young guys have erection issues with having sex for the first time? They're brain is used to porn stimulation and real sex feels very different.

What in the fuck are you blathering about you fucking lunatic.

overwhelming amounts of conclusive scientific data itt

Is that why I feel like a man after making out?

Yes, but it's also because you're literally 14

The smell of a freshly fucked pussy lingers in the air.

I wish I could redo the last 7 years of my life
>I'm 21

How about you prove that?