>day 1 of NOFAP November
Day 1 of NOFAP November
Day 11 here, today I fucking dreamed with breaking the streak and watching porn. Even had the thought of actually doing so after waking up. Thankfully, I resisted.
I'm ready to begin the challenge. Let's go boys.
fucked up on monday after day 29
Day 2.
He will guide me.
Can't you imagine how good it feels to jerk off?
Day 1 here too, thanks for reminding me OP
let's stay motivated, let's control ye old hunger, I already took one cold shower to calm my libido
>Said on my birthday to never jack off again
>getting laid on Sunday
Oh man it's pussy or nothing [spoiler]even boi pussi[/spoiler]
I'm up for this, I've been going a few days a week for the last month.
BUT where do I stand if I'm getting laid on Saturday?
Does this count?
Every time I get the urge to fap I'll eat a carolina reaper. I've already eaten a 6 ounce pod and a 3 ounce so far. This is the single most fucked up thing I've never done. I've never broke a bone or been burned, nothing. This is the most painful experience of my life. I'm currently crippled shaking and shivering and moaning
u ok user?
proverbs 3:5
In the unlikely event that you're not trolling: You are 100% fresh retardo
God speed on the toilet, user. I'm sure you'll never have the urge again.
I'm not trolling, a little while back I got into eating spicy shit. One day I ordered a ghost pepper burger and was ripped off, it was as spicy as bell peppers. So when these things showed up at my local grocery store I said fuck it. I ate a half of a 2 ounce pod and took it pretty well, then ate the other half later that day and it was like the first time eating a whole hab.
Then I ate a whole 3ounce and I was pretty fucked up, but I didn't panic. Eating whole habs is like eating grass, it just tastes like non-spicy shit. This morning, though...
I ate a 6oz pod this morning and I'm having a hard tine explaining the extremity of this pain to myself. The thing was solid placenta, like I couldn't see the actual inside of the pepper's rind after cutting it in half. Chewed it for a good minute and half and started having a hard time, it wasn't too bad. I was slighlty panicking, but got the endorphin rush soon afterwards. But fuck me, that rush came at the wrong time. I should've chewed the fucker for another minute. Because once I stood up, I felt thermite shift around in my stomach, I was fucking floored. It burned like I never knew possible and then resided. Once I felt sufficiently assblasted I stood up again to take a shower... and it came back twice as powerful. I couldn't breathe because doing so would ahift the contents of my stomach around, but I still yelled fuck as loud as my diaphram would allow. That happened for about 20 minutes, but I feel better now.
Let's go boys
It is much better when you don't do it for like 3 weeks than literally cum buckets
I didn't realized that today is the first of November and subconsciously I didn't had my morning fap. I think it's a good signal.
the lord is with thee
Proverbs 1:22-23 KJV "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you."
I'm really going to try this time
>he's not radical mormon
Not gonna make it
I'm already on day 4 anons. Finding it really easy though. Definitely needed to detox it seems.
Day 3 here. Sex doesn't count, right? I need to know because I'm going to be seeing my sister over Thanksgiving
I have faith in all you anons. YOU CAN DO IT!
I might as well join. I'm getting bored of fapping.
for troll threads
This is not Veeky Forums related
In case you're not trolling and you're actually retarded
"Nofap" can cause genital cancer, irreversible erectile dysfunction and other conditions
And NO "nofap" is not going to make you blow a huge bucketload
The porn stars you watch are porn stars because that is their fucking talent they were born with or it's a saline injection
You cannot force your balls to eject more
If you don't masturbate your body will remove old sperm on its own terms
You may cum in your sleep or the proteins will break down and it will turn into feces
Masturbation is good for you ask a real doctor or just Google it
>I want to poop blood: The post
>And NO "nofap" is not going to make you blow a huge bucketload
This is where I stopped reading.
Nevermind, still still feel it. It's not nearly as bad, but hits me in continuous waves, I don't know how I'm going to eat or go to work today
Because you're an idiot.
Here you go little baby:
Google search mens health is masturbation healthy
Answer: yes
> Don't give sex advice virgin.
> Don't take sex advice from virgins.
> Do add lecithin and zinc to your diet.
> Edge to achieve pornstar mode
There is a definite difference between a 2 day load and a 2 week load.
For shits a giggles I "saved up", edging every once in awhile when the urge got too bad.
When I came on my girl two months later I shot enough cum to make a puddle, and every subsequent spurt skipped like a pebble. I literally came leaky buckets for 2 or 3 days.
Day 3
I'm not defending nofap. I'm saying if you go a full week without cumming you'll cum buckets when you do. You said that's not true and I'm just calling you out for being retarded.
Edging causes blockages, erectile dysfunction, and testicular cancer.
This has got to be a troll post.
No, porn stars do not edge to achieve big loads, it is a skill they were born with.
The only thing you can really change is the taste if you eat a lot of pineapple
Anecdotal phallacy.
You used a personal experience instead of real evidence you moron.
Show me a scientific study that proves your point.
You can't because it's not true.
No fap and edging is fucking bad for you
>implying im Jewish
I'm not trying to sell you anything faggot
I'm not out for donations
I'm trying to help you
Jews say not to masturbate so they can sell you expensive surgery
>No, porn stars do not edge to achieve big loads, it is a skill they were born with.
Actually they have a special diet and in the case of ol' pete north he gets a SERIOUS prostate hammering ass fucking before he blasts those loads on camera.
This is a very beautiful painting tbqh ladderinos
more like Proverbs 26:11
good post
Bless you
I agree, I have it as my wallpaper
I always think about all the great JOI videos I watched when I was younger. I then get so horny that I go home and try to look up all those videos.
When will I stop having these dirt thoughts?!
>day 4 of nofap
>every time I'm horny I jerk off but don't cum
>haven't watched porn but have read erotica and thought about qtie girls I know
>never cum though
>my balls are throbbing right now, they feel sore
>horny af to the point where I'm pretty sure I'm creeping out all the girls I know
How do I get to stop touching my dick when I'm horny? why do my balls hurt?
Day one, almost broke.
You don't have to be addicted, user. You can be free, too.
Think that, let jesus into your heart. And wola, you stop fapping.
Because you're literally blue balling yourself. Stop jacking off without cumming.
Alright, no more jacking it, I'll try, it's hard but I'll try
How do I get my balls to stop throbbing?
>And wola
Voila, not wola
Jesus weeps for you
I've just been browsing Veeky Forums too much today.
lets do this boys
I'll be clicking the reddit nofap emergency button
>why do my balls hurt
Google search blue balls
This no fap / edging fad is giving people testicular cancer and erectile dysfunction
day.. something. its been about 3 weeks. The urges have been much weaker since last time i tried nofap.
Stay strong my brother
that one is nice too
you're going to train yourself to be deathly afraid of being horny and fuck your shit up, just do pushups instead nigger
Joining in with no fap for November. SHIT GUYS
I'm so sick of failing, I feel like a shallow husk when I fap, like all my emotion is released with my nut.
Nofap november I welcome the challenge, maybe i'll be able to do it this time. Godspeed
One more time, see you all on the other side.
May Gods grace get me through the month
Do you are get the spicy shits!
Reminds me of when I was 15 and would punch the fuck out of my stomach when I felt jealous about my girlfriend to stop the emotions
Oddly enough it worked, but i'm afraid if I do it with fapping i'll develop a BDSM fetish.