how you holding up Veeky Forums?
>crying over her right now
how you holding up Veeky Forums?
>crying over her right now
do some cardio instead of crying. problem solved
I am in love with her user. She is the woman of my life, if it's not her, then it should be no one else. But I am too fucked in the head to express my true feelings towards her. I feel like I do not deserve to be with her.
How do I get a goth gf?
how old are you?
I’m scheming
> get girls number
> she has boyfriend
> we connect anyway
> set up time to hang out
> she agrees
> going to cuck a man and get my alpha card
I feel like I'm too old to change my life around. Everyone I know who has a good/decent life managed to get their shit together very early. So I'm fucked.
it's okay
life is shit right now. Been shit since early 2016 come to think of it. I'm lonely as fuck but at least i lost 60pound since spring so I got that going at least.
the girl I've been talking to and am interested in got in a big fight and i got a chance to patch it up with her today I dont think it's gonna work i "cheated" on her even though we weren't together. I really like her and enjoy her I just got really drunk at a party and essentially got taken advantage of. She likes me still and admits that she still finds me super attractive but lost alot of trust and respect for me. She's also been trying to get back at me by flirting with dudes on social media im having trouble deciding if she is worth the effort
Started no fap today
Started water fast today but just eaten meal before work
Off to work now for 7 hours in a factory
Fuckin' hate the job, hate the managers but 5 more weeks and I can more to a diffrent department.
Want to more onto fork lift trucks.
I can't bare doing 7 hours walking around pushin up to 150kg cage and putting shit in the cage all night, then going lifting.
When I get a flt job, I'll be hitting the gym and the test e or c.
In 24/7 pain for the last 9 years due to injury
Will it help the pain? Becoming stronger?
My main problem is back pain, nerve damage.
Yes I know it aint the best job I could be doing.
Must’ve been first heartbreak or it’s been on for a long time.
Wake up man she doesn’t care for you there’s billions of women. I know you can’t comprehend this but you will later on and realize you’re wasting your time suffering. Get off your computer and work out. You can make it
Lost 30lbs in a year from uni and depression i guess. How do I even salvage this guys?
>got date today
>we’re hanging out at this art event downtown for a few hours
>tfw super nervous
I go to pick her up in a 3 hours. I really like this girl and don’t want to fuck it up. Although the girl I’m going with apparently is notorious for curving people so maybe it won’t matter what I do.
Tired, headaches even though got enough sleep.
Gotta do a big project I barely started that's due monday and it's looming over me all the time
About to leave girlfriend, been deployed for 5 months and coming back soon. We do not hold conversations at all anymore and everyone I work with is telling me to dump her. We've been together 6+ years and played vidya often but we both changed game genres, both work different shifts, and she has no interest in kids. She is also against strict healthy eating and thinks cheat days should be 3 days a week. Her "attempt" at cardio was walking 2 miles in almost 40 minutes.
It sucks too because we've grown up a lot together. I am 25 now and she supported me every step of the way and helped me pay bills I fucked up on. She helped me man up and enlist, and backed me up when I got a job as a corrections officer. Unironically her dad did the same job as me in the same branch, and is also a corrections officer.
Am I an asshole? I want to feel sad but I don't have much emotional attachment anymore.
>create check list
>title: steps to making it
>one of the items named
>steal someone’s women using physic
>girl dumps boyfriend for you
>”Thanks ho wouldn’t have made it without you”
>ultimate pump n dump
>keep to myself, don't go out much
>not a lot of friends
>use okcupid for dating
>girl actually agrees to go see a movie with me
>spend 45 minutes driving in traffic yesterday
>arrive too late for the movie, next one is 3 hours later
>go eat dinner in the meantime and then talk
>sigh there goes more money
>she's super awkward and shy, even compared to my quiet standards
>not as cute as pics, but not a hambeast like the usual deception
>she's a weird fucking midget goblin, no way I'd have mega-manlet children with her
>why can't all girls just be 5'4 to 5'6
>finally movie time
>I enjoy it but she keeps talking to herself the whole time
what the fuck Veeky Forums
>About to leave girlfriend
Bruh, from everything you just said...she's already got a new boyfriend or...something...on the side.
Dump her. She's already dumped you.
What’s the worst that can happen? You ruin her clothes by dumping appetizers all over her
oh for fucks sake
it's like you could be "her" making these threads to bait me
Don't dump her from afar if you're already going home soon. Go back, spend some time together, see if it's still fucked.
Never listen to .
You think so? I know she talks a good amount with her online friends for hours almost every night.
You might be right though. There is no way I can tell what is going on since I barely get to talk to her as it is.
26 and the love of your life?
Christ get your shit together dude, the way you’re behaving is only acceptable in your teens
Hold on a fucking minute
>love of your life is gone
Are you, in a literal sense, me?
t. never been in love , really, in love
you just act like a teenager no matter the age
Dickhead. Atleast tell him
are you by chance, female?
Don’t know him
>> going to cuck a man and get my alpha card
you will too be cucked that is for sure...
There's this gal in one of my classes who I think might be into me but she's way outta my league and I honestly can't tell if she keeps talking to me to be polite or if she's dropping hints or whatever.
Fuck Veeky Forums I know I should just go for it but I just can't bring myself to do it
im a dyel autist whos being browsing Veeky Forums for weeks now and cant make up his mind where to start. people laugh at my posts if i say im gonna lift solely with dumbbells, but there's no chance in hell im going to a gym, so what are my options really?
T. Beta male who has gotten attention from a female for the first time ever
I remember my first break up too. Grow the fuck up
GO OUT FOR A RUN, READ A BOOK, DRAW, just pls don't cry and eat some steel fagot
i should say that at least im eating better. i feel full all the time and now have a hueg breakfast (oats, eggs, yogurt, glass o' milk), I used to have a single rice crispy cereal bar lol.
jesus christ lad, you have some problems
I went out with a girl last sunday and i think it went pretty well, im going out with her again next week but im not used to this relationship shit.
I doubt shes my gf yet but im hoping for that.
How often should i text her, right now i only text her like once or twice a week when we're setting up plans etc
stop eating like a fat fuck and shake yourself out of it, no one is going to baby you out of your sorrows
OP, why ?
act cool but interested
>But I am too fucked in the head to express my true feelings towards her.
So express them?
user please
I feel you man
It gets better and it does eventually get to the point that even if she wants you back or whatever the circumstance, you'd laugh at that notion when you come out of it
I promise
So text like every other dya?
No please denied
Take this to it's proper board this is completely unrelated to fitness
>some 26 year old autist crying to himself over a girl
>says other people have issues
I've started to seriously consider going to a prostitute to take my virginity and show me the ropes. 29 khv here.
>bad training session over a bad training session
>both elbows injured
>can't make friends at my new school
>crying in the bathroom for no reason
>failed NoFap
>starting to dream about her after a fucking year
I can't take it anymore. Not even kidding.
user please
never said i was 26 m8
Please denied
Reported this thread and this thread
Both belong on Get off my board you whiny /b/tards
"Waaaah, girl problems!"
Take that shit elsewhere
Don't be a sad cunt bruh, cmon
you're a party pooper
This is a party to you?
No wonder you've got fucking girl problems you loser.
Get outside.
mental health is part of Veeky Forums you fucking cuck
>you got girl problems
M8 you should talk to a doctor...
>Eating some chinese food after a nice workout with my gymbro
>Randomly meet my oneitis there
>She hits on my gymbro and constantly asks him out about fitness stuff while completely ignoring me
It hurts. It's not even like I'm introverted, I tried to talk woth her but she just ignored me.
have you tried killing him and wearing his skin?
also do hard drugs until you cant think properly for days, it reboots your brain and takes away the "oneitis" queer stuff
>click on thread
>comfy halloween overlay is now gone
not for me it isnt
>didnt clear cache
This has nothing to do with mental health
It's just faggot OP making a blog post about his "feels"
for trolling
for feels threads
Masculine as fuck. You guys sure are tough boys eh?
Veeky Forums - HEALTH and Fitness
>bad mental health is affecting his lifting
>not Veeky Forums related
hurr durr kill yourself
fuck a hoe, breeh no care, a thousand million bitches in the world and you gonna cry over one
just texted you...reply maybe?
I cry over my current gf in between sets because I miss her
OP what did she do to you
Lmao fuck off you soyboy cuck you literally let another man go for your crush
Spotted the faggots; if she is determined to cuck her beta bf, she is going to do it, if not with user, with someone else. As long as user doesn't catch any feelings for her (once a cheater, always a cheater) it's all good.
Uhm bro, i told him that he will get cucked too...
Your making shit up now
All OP said was
>me crying over HER right now
>how you holding up
He made it a question to get more replies to his blog post
Nothing to do with health or fitness
Just a complaint and a question to make it seem like he cares about you
Really he just wants more (you)s
the time you're spending here user... you could've invested in reading a book, learning a new skill...
But he will not get cucked.
(Unless he goes full retard and keeps her as more than a pump&dump/fuckbuddy)
user, she decided to cuck her then BF with that user, user will be in the exact same position once he's with her. I bet you a thousan bucks on it
stop drinking soy milk