

Squat - 245lb - 3x5
DL - 235 - stalled - 1x5

W-w-we're all gonna make it

2 months lifting without stalling

>making it

>that pic

how the fuck is this even a thread, its a shit excuse to post an ugly fatass

How is your deadlift less than your squat?

245* they the same

How come all these duels squat so much in so little time while I feel like dying doing 3x5 250 lbs squats even though I hit 1pl8 OHP and 2pl8 bench months ago

Thats still not right, you should be able to deadlift like 90lbs more than your squat
That is unless you’re not squatting to depth

I am, but I'm so early into it that my noob gains are still kicking in. Eventually, it will work itself out.

You're not eating enough + not getting enough rest + not dynamically stretching

If I wasn't eating/resting enough, I wouldn't have hit 2pl8 bench

You are genetically inferior. Sorry :(

Squatlet detected

>post landwhale on a fitness board


the obvious answer, OP is not hitting depth

But I am

This. If OP is really new then 2 plates at depth, while 5'10, while being a fat piece of shit, should feel pretty close to suicide.

> But he got his (You)

The squats do feel deadly

nah brah

Ok, if I'm not, to what weight do I reset?

pop down to 135 and record/view. Increase weight, record/view, repeat. If you're good you can bump up weight pretty quickly. If not, manage increases at a linear pace as you can.

Not gonna lie I'm pretty annoyed right now that if what Veeky Forums saying is true, my progress has been shit. I'm weaker than I thought. All of this is frustrating. Everyone at my gym thinks I'm doing shit right when I ask for form pointers, but obviously I'm not.

I stalled today and it was the worst feeling ever. I'm tired of being fat, I'm tired of being weak.

Hopefully I can come back on this, OHP and Bench are looking proper though.

>also 5'10"
>deficit dl 277 3x3
>Squat 202 5x7
>141 lb bw
Work harder comrade

Sauce me, maybe?