Friendly reminder that strength and size is not the same thing you DYEL faggots.
Your 5 rep jew agenda can go right to hell Veeky Forums.
Friendly reminder that strength and size is not the same thing you DYEL faggots.
Your 5 rep jew agenda can go right to hell Veeky Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
What is that picture even supposed to say
Milk drinkers = racist nazis in disguise
newfag here, what the fuck are you talking about
The Nazi on the right is choosing his label, while the woman on the right knows he's a Nazi regardless of which label he chooses for cover
Nazis can't hide #ItWasHerTurn #ClitForClinton
Thanks. This board is dogmatic and low IQ, so you better repeat it several times a day.
>A ton of factors influence strength beyond muscle size and skill with the movements used to test strength.
>The strength of individual muscle fibers, normalized muscle force, muscle moment arms, and body proportions can all have significant, independent effects on strength.
>Just as there’s massive variability in muscle growth – some people gaining a ton of muscle in response to training, and other people gaining very little – there’s massive variability in strength gains as well.
>Normalized muscle force (how strong a muscle is relative to how large it is) can increase up to 39% for some people and decrease by as much as 5% for others, in response to the exact same training program.
>Early on in training, there’s a very weak relationship between gains in muscle and gains in strength.
>Gains in muscle mass may explain as little as 2% of the variation in strength gains for new lifters.
>For more experienced lifters, gains in muscle mass may explain up to 65%+ of the variability in strength gains, highlighting hypertrophy as a key factor for strength gains in trained lifters.
Training style has a big impact on the ratio of strength you gain relative to size, with heavier training generally producing larger gains in strength.
You don't get stronger without getting bigger.
yeah you do, especially at the beginning. The first few weeks/months gains in strength are due to neural adaptations, not muscular gains you mongrel.
Later on it becomes important, but nobody shilling SS has lifted for more than a few months at best, so the ones spouting bullshit about
>muh 5x5
are the last ones to have a say in any of this. fuck off to plg you dense fatty
The words nazi and fascist have lost almost all meaning and I say that as an unironic jew
>mfw double digit IQ posters think literally anyone cares
>mfw brainlets think anyone but """""powerlifters""""" care about how someone who bodybuilds isn't as strong as they are
>mfw mouthbreathing, lost test numales think "well I'm stronger than Chad, so obviously this matters"
>mfw this thread
Why the fuck are all these /pol faggots infesting this board all of a sudden? There are more and more of them every fucking day. Shoo!
It is the logical progression
some are trolls, some feel empowered by a false idol, it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
>it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Will do
>Liberals flood our airwaves and streets with toxic rethoric
>Why do people care lol, John Oliver said it's true so just shut up!
This is the entitlement of the average libshit. No wonder America hates you.
Stop spreading missinformation. You can and you will get stronger without getting bigger if you don't have enough training volume....
Strength is more about nervous system adaptations and effectiveness in motorskills in how to perform the movements.
Thats why strength sport athletes in lower weight classes exist you dumbfuck.
>member of NSDAP
Don't make me laugh
I legitimately do not believe that people talk like this unironically.
These posts should come with a laughtrack.
5 reps is fine. It's 3-5 sets that's the problem.
Basically, "anyone who disagrees with me is Hitler." Pretty much the single most retarded political "argument" anyone can make.
last months flavor was leddit
this board needs more vegans
>Libs are dumb for calling everyone who doesn't agree with them nazi
>/pol/ is somehow right when calling everyone who doesn't agree with them a libcuck
Is that a breeze of oxymoron I smell there?
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On no the shill bot got broken again
thread purge inbound
Thing is, modern politics is dominated by liberalism even if its just under the surface. No one is "right-wing" in the traditional sense unless their beliefs are something outlandish like monarchism or fascism.
It is the logical progression
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:16:19 No.43419165▶
File: 23114940_1015597103011585(...).png (467 KB, 960x730)
467 KB
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:19:42 No.43419210▶ some are trolls, some feel empowered by a false idol, it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:22:44 No.43419244▶
>it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Will do
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:28 No.43419322▶File: IMG_0763.jpg (175 KB, 1024x635)
175 KB
>Liberals flood our airwaves and streets with toxic rethoric
>Why do people care lol, John Oliver said it's true so just shut up!
This is the entitlement of the average libshit. No wonder America hates you.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:33 No.43419323▶
Stop spreading missinformation. You can and you will get stronger without getting bigger if you don't have enough training volume....
Strength is more about nervous system adaptations and effectiveness in motorskills in how to perform the movements.
Thats why strength sport athletes in l
It is the logical progression
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:16:19 No.43419165▶
File: 23114940_1015597103011585(...).png (467 KB, 960x730)
467 KB
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:19:42 No.43419210▶ some are trolls, some feel empowered by a false idol, it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:22:44 No.43419244▶
>it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Will do
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:28 No.43419322pg (175 KB, 1024x635)
175 KB
>Liberals flood our airwaves and streets with toxic rethoric
>Why do people care lol, John Oliver said it's
Stop spreading missinformation. You can and
>it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Will do
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:28 No.43419322▶File: IMG_0763.jpg (175 KB, 1024x635)
175 KB
>Liberals flood our airwaves and streets with toxic rethoric
>Why do people care lol, John Oliver said it's true so just shut up!
This is the entitlement of the average libshit. No wonder America hates you.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:33 No.43419323▶
Stop spreading missinformation. You can and you will get stronger without getting bigger if you don't have enough training volume....
Strength is more about nervous system adaptations and effectiveness in motorskills in how to perform the movements.
Thats why strength sport athletes in lower weight classes exist you dumbfuck.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:37:31 No.43419404▶
>member of NSDAP
Don't make me laugh
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:40:03 No.43419441▶I legitimately do not believe that people talk like this unironically.
These posts should come with a laughtrack.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:44:25 No.43419492▶
5 reps is fine. It's 3-5 sets that's the problem.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:46:26 No.43419514▶
Basically, "anyone who disagrees with me is Hitler." Pretty much the single most retarded political
It is the logical progression
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:16:19 No.43419165▶
File: 23114940_1015597103011585(...).png (467 KB, 960x730)
467 KB
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:19:42 No.43419210▶ some are trolls, some feel empowered by a false idol, it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:22:44 No.43419244▶>it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Will do
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:28 No.43419322▶ File: IMG_0763.jpg (175 KB, 1024x635)
175 KB
>Liberals flood our airwaves and streets with toxic rethoric
>Why do people care lol, John Oliver said it's true so just shut up!
This is the entitlement of the average libshit. No wonder America hates you.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:33 No.43419323▶
Stop spreading missinformation. You can and you will get stronger without getting bigger if you don't have enough training volume....
Strength is more about nervous system adaptations and effectiveness in motorskills in how to perform the movements.
Thats why strength sport athletes in lower weight classes exist you dumbfuck.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:37:31 No.43419404▶
>member of NSDAP
Don't make me laugh
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:40:03 No.43419441▶ I legitimately do not believe that people talk like this unironically.
These posts should come with a laughtrack.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:44:25 No.43419492▶
5 reps is fine. It's 3-5 sets that's the problem.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:46:26 No.43419514▶
>modern politics is dominated by liberalism
No one on earth things modern politics in america is dominated by liberalism.
It's litterally just right and less right.
yeah you do, especially at the beginning. The first few weeks/months gains in strength are due to neural adaptations, not muscular gains you mongrel.
Later on it becomes important, but nobody shilling SS has lifted for more than a few months at best, so the ones spouting bullshit about
>muh 5x5
are the last ones to have a say in any of this. fuck off to plg you dense fatty
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:05:06 No.43419023▶
The words nazi and fascist have lost almost all meaning and I say that as an unironic jew
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:06:44 No.43419040▶
File: 1430865120309.jpg (26 KB, 600x375)
26 KB
>mfw double digit IQ posters think literally anyone cares
>mfw brainlets think anyone but """""powerlifters""""" care about how someone who bodybuilds isn't as strong as they are
>mfw mouthbreathing, lost test numales think "well I'm stronger than Chad, so obviously this matters"
>mfw this thread
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:12:08 No.43419118▶ (OP)
Why the fuck are all these /pol faggots infesting this board all of a sudden? There are more and more of them every fucking day. Shoo!
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:15:15 No.43419148▶
It is the logical progression
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:16:19 No.43419165▶
File: 23114940_1015597103011585(...).png (467 KB, 960x730)
467 KB
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:19:42 No.43419210▶ some are trolls, some feel empowered by a false idol, it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:22:44 No.43419244▶ >it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
Will do
Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:28 No.43419322▶ File: IMG
Is this the power of autism?
>yeah you do, especially at the beginning. The first few weeks/months gains in strength are due to neural adaptations, not muscular gains you mongrel.
>Later on it becomes important, but nobody shilling SS has lifted for more than a few months at best, so the ones spouting bullshit about
>>muh 5x5
>are the last ones to have a say in any of this. fuck off to plg you dense fatty
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:05:06 No.43419023▶
> (OP)
>The words nazi and fascist have lost almost all meaning and I say that as an unironic jew
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:06:44 No.43419040▶
>File: 1430865120309.jpg (26 KB, 600x375)
>>mfw double digit IQ posters think literally anyone cares
>>mfw brainlets think anyone but """""powerlifters""""" care about how someone who bodybuilds isn't as strong as they are
>>mfw mouthbreathing, lost test numales think "well I'm stronger than Chad, so obviously this matters"
>>mfw this thread
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:12:08 No.43419118▶
> (OP)
>Why the fuck are all these /pol faggots infesting this board all of a sudden? There are more and more of them every fucking day. Shoo!
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:15:15 No.43419148▶
>It is the logical progression
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:16:19 No.43419165▶
>File: 23114940_1015597103011585(...).png (467 KB, 960x730)
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:19:42 No.43419210▶
>some are trolls, some feel empowered by a false idol, it's just the flavor of the month user just point and laugh while you can.
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:22:44 No.43
der America hates you.
> Anonymous 11/01/17(Wed)21:29:33
No. Google "Godwin's Law". Unless you're literally talking about systematically murdering millions of innocent civilians, comparing anyone or anything to Nazis/Hitler is fucking retarded.
The only thing in the entirety of US history that even remotely comes close is our treatment of Native Americans, (and even that is highly debateable.)
The shill bot is broken I see.