Fucking fluid druids preventing me from going to my own gym
Fucking fluid druids preventing me from going to my own gym
Go anyway.
What the fuck are they gonna do about it?
>Easy mode:
Lift after 6.
>Hard mode:
Become transgender for a couple of hours, and no one can say otherwise or they’re oppressing you.
Stop by the day of and drop off a box of whey bars, vegan protein bars, etc with a note from 'The Men' that women are always welcome to participate in strength training.
It's just one day, and if you take a more open/welcoming approach, it may skew the perspective so that this bullshit doesn't happen.
Slap on a wig and a bra and call yourself a woman. Problamo solved famalam
>3:50-6:00 p.m.
190 minutes to do what?
this but cum on every individual bar and then reseal it carefully
nice Rambo fantasy but what kind of question is this lol
raise a stink about it being sexist and bring in the conservatives and wannabee future lawyers
Or you can just take the weights, take them outside and lift in the parking lot like every multicultural prison in america.
Put up a "No holes" allowed sign as well, don't let the obvious fags in. It just makes everything awful.
Why can't they just go in and lift weights when men are there? You think they're going to bite you or something? Male dyels are just as nervous walking into a gym for the first time as women.
Have you never been in a gym before? Staring dyel dumbasses are everywhere and there's always the idiot taking hidden pictures of women when for whatever reason they bent.
It's more notorious from a DYEL pajeet though, but they also reek of BO and cologne.
>not identifying as a woman on Nov 24
I don't really see an issue with this. If girls need an extra bit of confidence and feeling of security to start doing some powerlifting, let them do it. I'm all for having more girls involved in powerlifting.
There's an entire website devoted to women taking "manspreading" pictures.
Oh it's purely to talk about the pure evil that is men sitting in a way that is physiologically needed and comfortable for us. Not starring at our legs and bulges.
>3:50-6:00 p..m.
>190 minutes
Come on user.
There's a website for everything nowadays, it's crazy I tell ya, especially a korean ticklebox image board such as this one.
Who gives a fuck, go at 6. If this gets just one lazy fat tumblrette into a better lifestyle, it's worth it.
>Not going to Bath or Exeter
Deserved it
What the fuck is wrong with you? I bet you're a vegan.
OP, claim you're trans. Be dead serious.
>Who gives a fuck, go at 6. If this gets just one lazy fat tumblrette into a better lifestyle, it's worth it.
It won't.
They literally use "men are there so they won't go" as an excuse so they won't have to get fit.
That's a fact.
They won't lift, don't want to lift, and making men into the villian in this scenario does nothing but drive a wedge between men and women.
This will for damned sure make any and all fitness endeavors by women who aren't fat lazy lying retards who're starting this shit less fun and less likely.
I'm a UoB alum and it's getting so fucking cucked, they email and send letters to me asking for dosh all the time but they can fuck off.
It doesn't look like it'd be a regular thing so just forget about it.
Likewise, show up as soon as everyone is leaving but be cracked-out on pre-workout and intimidate the girls and perpetuate the stereotype for teh lelz
the fuck are you talking about
dismiss and outright ignore the ugly bitches and lezzies who'd show up
that'd be far more effective
or just don't go to that gym anymore
>say you identify as a female
>go pick up heavy things
>scare away all the roasties forever
will only work if you're not a weak dyel, but luckily normies don't know shit and a 4pl8 pull seems world record tier to them
so the weight room is closed off to men to appease anonymous complainants? how does this encourage men to create a more welcoming atmosphere? how does an annual three hour events motivate women to get into physical fitness? western culture was a mistake
dont fool yourself, they post those to masturbate to
What do mean?
You’re paying for a membership it’s not like you can be banned for the day
Just don’t slam the weight like an autist and you’ll be fine
My post boils down
>it doesn't matter
>troll them anyways
They are going to do that so infrequently that you might as well have fun when it happens.
I would say go and try to get kicked out so you can sue for discrimination, but you're in the UK so you're fucked. Sorry. Watch out for the trucks of peace.
>boils down *to
Sheit I'm catching brainletism.
Go anyway if they ask say that you identify as a female and that they are transphobic if they dont let you in
women need training wheels weight room time for women only!
also, women are so strong!
How is that in anyway fun?
It seems like something that you'd do to give the loser cunts ammo to use against the gym rather then being fun.
I think they would rather have actual fun with the female regulars then the losers who kick them out of their own gym.
Keep your faggot bullshit on /lgbt/.
This nigger gets it.
You pay for the facility. Same goes for sport team meets, it might suck having to wait longer for certain equipment, but they won't kick you out.
Girls: what would you consider a welcoming environment for a gym?
Isn't there a less segregating way to tell women to not be fat?
while i can understand the need for this and don't actually think its a terrible idea, it just goes to show the faulty logic these people possess.
This whole thing is a part of the "This girl can" week. A week where empowered females show how empowered they are and how they can be just as good as men and do all the things men can do and that they're not afraid of doing it. Yet, you have a bunch of females as a part of female empowerment week removing men from the gym because the females are too intimidated by the men. How brave.
I can understand being a 5ft6 110lb female in the gym for the first time not knowing what youre doing and being surrounded by 6ft 200lb university rugby players and shit can be intimidating. Almost all of us have had the experience of being the new idiot in the gym and walking around like an aimless chicken, racking the baby weights and wishing no one else was there to watch fuck up. which is why i think this actually makes sense.
But the feminist logic doesn't add up. "this girl can because shes a strong and empowered female but no men pls they intimidate me"
One of the universities I applied to have a women-only policy ;-;
>pic rel
this user gets it.
some gyms in East London have "women only" rooms and a "women only" day once a week for the entire gym. it's something that's in place regularly, so once you know this you just accept it. they don't need to then justify it in any way other than "that's how it's been for a long time now, deal with it m8 or go somewhere else"
Tell them you are transitioning, get the lamest wig you can find, lift your weights.
Cause a massive drama if they say no.
Feminists are the worst
Just say you identify as a woman. If they tell you know get mad, film them and act like someone from tumblr
tell them you want 1/7th of your gym fee refunded because thats discrimination.
>11th grade: the post
Why do women hate men so much? We don’t make the environment unfriendly at all. All we do is lift.
The fuck? What kind of cuckhold would do this?
Just politwly inform them that this shit doesnt fly and that you're cancelling your membership op, they'll only virtue signal when they can afford it
This is how someone gets something done. Most people would bitch. Killing with kindness is a good approach. You’re a real thinking man user.
Prioritising non customers over existing customers, what kind of mongoloid runs this gym?
it's his university gym, I don't think you can cancel your membership
No that's how a good slave gets things done
it was a shit gym anyway so i didn't go there more than twice. they didn't even have a squat rack, chances are they had it in the female room.
>he doesn’t go to Edinburgh
Oh dear
When i was a dumb kid in charge of a uni gym a large poll revealed girls wanted this because they were "scared" of doing weights with men. A lot of the higher ups asked me to implement it and i asked around and lots of girls said they would definitely use it. So i thought no harm, we'll get the girls in until they feel comfortable and then end it.
After implementing it literally no girls turned up ever, they all just saw the men doing something and so wanted it for themselves but when it was given to them stopped caring. Then the uni kept blocking me when i tried to end it under the trial agreement and in fact tried to extend the times. I cant even remember now how it was left in the end.
Well you're shit out of luck here user, universities are run by retards with ideas like these. Just go anyway.
don't be so dramatic user
>paying £9000 and the added gym fee of £100-£200 and STILL not being treated like the customer
What the fuck is wrong with our education system, so glad I didn’t go to Bristol, full of fags
>walk in
>declare yourself a woman
>when they ask you to leave yell THIS GIRL CAN WEIGHTS in their face
>when they ask again throw a scene about how you're gender fluid and identify as a woman
>claim oppression
>file a complaint
>cite psychological trauma
If there was a demand for all female gyms they would exist and be packed and raking in cash, but there isnt.
I've never been happier to have a home gym.
it's barely two hours, why are you """alphas""" getting so bent out of shape
But you’re a lefty faggot who has too much estrogen in “his” body. Any right thinking male sees this as yet another attempt at repression via discrimination based on gender.
Why is this okay for women to do overtly yet there is no hard evidence to suggest males ever took part in overtly sexist practices that aimed to exclude women based on their gender.
Other than excluding them for their own good, e.g. soldiering, highly physical jobs etc.
they do exist user, lots of them
But I am user, I wanna see everyone staring at me, it's my fetish.
It all makes sense, but i was a stupid liberal 20 year old who thought it just sounded nice and who would enjoy more girls in the gym. For a second i thought girls weren't just petty and short-sighted and so it would be genuinely filled with all the girls who said they wanted it.
A lot of bad uni policies are in place because they "sound nice" to people too young, stupid or otherwise engaged to really think about them. Not because people agree with the left wing sentiment.
OP please wear your MAGA hat to the gym and ignore them.
Not as many as you think.
Too many geared up dykes assaulting and raping girls.
>that second paragraph
/pol/ needs to fucking leave. I'm not even a liberal but if you seriously think this and are out of high school, you're either an idiot or a liar
but isn't it fun to think about how TRIGGERED everyone would be by it????
I swear to god, this board sometimes.
>If there was a demand for all female gyms they would exist
There is and they do
>left wing sentiment
>not cynical and capitalist driven
You naive faggot
Men are being excluded because of womens feelings, they have not been wronged.
They should get over themselves and learn to co-exist with men.
If anyone does anything inappropriate then obviously that needs to be dealt with, but face it most people are just there to workout and go home.
give em a break, AP calc is tough this year.
Are women unaware of how pathetic this makes them look
Why do you need handheld in a fucking gym
and yes, wearing baggy clothes will stop the stares 90% of the time
>Peak hours.
>Women only.
Wigs on Bois.
Mine was a free gym that every member of the uni was de facto a member of. There was no capitalist motivation, just a highly left wing board that saw a goal in pushing women into any and every position and room in existence.
You'll not convince a single straight man to do that.
They'd rather go to another gym entirely.
So what? Either it helps girls lift or the planners see how big of a failure it was. Either outcome is positive.
You just want to feel triggered and larp being "oppressed"
>go to all women gym to avoid aggressive meatheads
>make friends with really strong lesbian
>get fisted in the locker room
>give up on the gym
And thats why so many women are fat
It’s the principle more than anything user. OP is paying money to use these facilities, so he should have free access to them at all times (provided the gym is open of course). These ‘This Girl Can’ sessions were presumably not in his gym contract and therefore he shouldn’t be deprived of his money’s-worth. Imagine paying for insurance cover but suddenly it’s cut off for a day to make women feel better about themselves, you’d be rightfully annoyed - same principle.
I enacted it once and i massively regret it, i just followed orders like a moron and would go in and send home any guy who had come to work out (because the gym was always dead empty during the hours). I wouldnt even think about how shitty it would be to walk to the gym and be sent home mid workout. I was such a useful idiot.
Universities want as many dumbass women who'll fall for feminist bullshit and become stupid as fuck career students as humanly possible.
Meaning that they'll do whatever it takes to make it a "safe space".
Your'e a fucking moron if you don't see it
>pay to use gym
>excluded for being male
Is this not oppression/unfair discrimination
no I agree with you user, these kids just go half mast just thinking about going through all this effort to try to circumvent not being in the gym for two hours because it would be super ebic funny
Alright calm down cunt, fuckin fun police
No, this is faggot agenda bullshit and an attempt to talk men into cross dressing for the "privileged" of using something that they have every right to use and paid for.
Fuck that and fuck you for continuously pushing it.
>no men allowed because women need the gym to themselves, even paying members
Can anyone think of a scenario where the reverse is true?
I used to work in a university gym that had this policy.
Never kicked anyone out, and when complaints and ere issued I simply said it was unnaceptable to make arbitrary decisions based on what gender identity I think someone is.
After a bit of back and forth over it, the issue was dropped.
I'm proud to say that while I was there not a single dude was kicked out of the gym during women's only hours.
Yes that's what happens.
Best part is that it's hushed up with "women don't do that kind of thing!" and pushing it as "hot" and anyone who's upset about it is a homophobe or prude!
I shit you not.
It's like you don't even understand the inherent irony of hoisting someone by their own petard.
I get that, it's kinda bullshit that you can't work out but the way I see it he can either get absolutely assblasted about it and rage moar or he can adjust his schedule and roll with the punches.
Life ain't fair anons, we all know this, if a two hours window of not being able to lift some weights is the toughest thing you'll deal with this week you're living pretty good. The principle sucks, but the reality of the situation is a very minor inconvenience at most.
Fuck off with that shit.
girls are in the fucking Boy Scouts in 2017
>white people attitudes
A couple of compromises like this a day, over the course of 60 odd years has done us a world of good.
Shut the fuck up faggot or I'll glass ya
I think that's a mature way to handle it, I don't necessarily agree with the hours of restriction or whatever but this posturing about "well I'd just put on a thong and a sports bra and tell them I'm a woman" is making my eyes roll so hard I'm catching glimpses of the back of my head because that's how a 15 year old would handle the situation in their teenaged power fantasy
Yeah, being secondhand mad about a guy on the internet who can't workout for two hours, your life sounds rough
No one showed up in a bra or anything like that, but during the first week there was a group of YUGE Maoris showing up in wigs.
Cunts didn't even go to the uningym, just wanted a laugh.
I'm pretty sure we're on the same side user
Turning the other cheek evertine something is taken from you is not a good strategy longterm user
Don't listen to the idiots calling this idea cucked. It's the only good idea ITT. You might even see more it's in the free weights area.