Powerlifting General! -/PLG/

>Powerlifting (generally)(sometimes)Everyone is a normie editionGoogle docsObligatory gay song

If you hold on I'll get you a cool powerlifting picture too

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first for ree get out normies

nice normie thread

Is latex hot or no? Can't make up my mind



what kindof latex are you talking about

coming off ph3, might try jacked and tan 2.0. Was really trying to have a hypertrophy block because I feel like i need one to give my body rest because ph3 has broken me down. I kinda also want to continue running ph3 because i hear everyone say program hopping is the worst you can do and ph3 at least seems to be working but its so fucking hard and some of the workouts take upwards of 3.5 hours. I was also considering doing coan phillipi deadlift but dont know how to program my other lifts during this program. Can I just do 5x5 on my bench and squat with hypertrophy work while running coan/phillipi and expect to make good returns? please halp

Thanks for all the answers, lads.

t. tendinitis-bro.

Not doctor's gloves

what are you talking about
are you about to drink a hot cup of latex

They're all wrong, the only method is rest. By all means, try everything else, but a year from now, let me know I told you so. I do enjoy it.

>all wrong
>I recommended rest and nsaids
Why you do this isley?

I did volume squats and now I can barley walk edition

hello brother

He nebr lrns.

What did you do?

c6w week 2, 10 rep squats + 10 set of 3, then dl variation, then front squats for a pump 3x8

What is a 2 or 3 day bench program i can do? No cuckols

Literally this , except I also recommended doing movements that could work muscles used in squats if they didn't aggravate it.

I am on c6w and had my w3d1 of squatteroos yesterday. It was so fucking hard, I was so tired after last weeks squatting. Is that the intention, or am I not recovering well enough do you think?

weeks 3-5 are the easiest desu, eat more

maybe you are used to cardio squats from week 2 and now you feel weird doing juts 3x4-6

when I start a new cycle 4x6 is feels harder than ever even with light weight, because i get used to doing low volume high intensity

Adding volume to those days is an interesting choice
Why is your dl so shit?

I'm having fun with my training and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>feeling emotions

I don't know, it just stopped improving and my squat didn't

Same :)

>go to gym half an hour after waking up, forgot to have breakfast
>try to max deads
It did not go well.


This is why I make flapjacks, can just scran them as soon as you wake up and get to the gym

Jesus your deadlift is shit

Where is the cool powerlifting picture?

>learning difficults
>I look normal so everyone expect me to be
>have a hard time learning and processing information
>tfw people mock me constantly for it
>tfw I try really hard not to keep making mistakes

PH3 is overkill and a written testament to why Layne has his shit permanently snapped. It'll work to an extent because you put in ridiculous work and you'll get some results, but there's easier ways to see progress.


Weirdly enough I did something similar today
>wake up feeling like shit
>get on my clothes and drive to the store on the way to the gym
>buy a can of sips(tm) and a pack of cigarettes
>hit a deadlift PR I had no business getting

What’s the best way to overhead press ?

1. Wide grip so the bars on your chest?

2. Close grip so yhe bars by your face?

I like close grip since I feel much stronger with it.

Close grip so you can keep your back tight. You should still be able to put it on your chest, as you will push your chest out


might as well change your trip to egg now

rofl at people touting eggs and flapjacks when literally oatmeal exists.

literally mark rippetoe in the bottom left

How and why did Rippetoean training dogma take off?

Guys, please, I need help. I have been doing hepburn. I literally busted my lower back from the deadlift volume, it's in so much discomfort. What should I do. People told me to do sheiko instead, but nothing about my back
What do

Holy shit you're right.
Hilarious considering that he's on heavy amounts of trt.

He was part of the crossfit thing.
When he realized that he could sucker in stupid kids on the net he stole some of their net marketers and built himself a little cult.

mean, but nice dubs

What about stretch reflex?


man fuck crosshit

I do combination of both stretch and strict e.g currently doing Hepburn so my working set with 70kg 8x2 is with stretch meanwhile the pump sets after are strict .

So I shouldn’t get ss certified ? How do I become a strength coach at a xfitgym?

Rest your back plus take ibuprofen 5 days and then go see how you do in gym .

Why are you asking here? Anyway even rippletitsq says don't get ss certified if you're working in non ss environment since it's not well recognized

Simple method that works with biomechanical knowledge

Don't make us make fun of you.

be positive and push people towards the possibility of great injury while cheering them on horrendous form

srs though, they are really like a cult. You go through this level one exam which costs around one grand, and then there are higher levels for whatever purposes

With a close grip? Are you using it as an acessory?

you got this lad, heads up chest out

is that optimal?

>wanting to be SS certified
that would entail paying Rippetoe a whole bunch of money to go to seminars where he tells you how the world is and how you should low bar squat and conventional deadlift only and your presses don't matter

it's a certification that has presently minimal value in terms of actual job prospects

>become a strength coach at a crossfit gym
1. why would you want to? you'd still have to play by their rules and deal with clientele that want quick workouts because they're time constrained by what gym time their membership allows. unless you somehow manage to find the unicorn of a CF gym that isn't fucking $100+/month and regulating what times are open hours.

2. even if you found such a magical place, they're more concerned with you being crossfit certified which is just as, if not more dumb than SS certification

Yes with close grip. I ohp a much as I bench and trying to advance them both so guess not as an accessory

Dunno I'm just going by my pissed off /slipped disc, the first days of rest will help dull the pain with ibuprofen to remove inflammation then go back to gym to do some low high rep work worked well for me. This is me assuming you truly busted your back but you didn't clarify your symptoms

I mean volume wise btw in case some autist thinks I meant 70kg binch

>falling for fat retards menes
We literally told you that hepburn would injure you you dummy

Hepburn is the ultimate GDE destroyer, I'm sorry anons

Well noted, guess I’ll have to just get strong and build some street cred.

I’m going to play with wife grip and see how it feels.

t. normie

Do I fill out my weight class well ?youtu.be/JtfChvElmA0 I feel like I'm too light

Oh man we're gonna bully the shit out of you in April :^)

become super strong with your retard strength fren

lower back stiffness, discomfort, the sides of the lower back, sitting is a pain, and if I try to bend my back I get sharp pain

Anyone here set up a rack before or have knowledge on DIY?

Help a brother out?

don't get me wrong, there are worthwhile certifications. I'm kind of exaggerating with the SS certification because the general principle around it is fine, but Rippetoe's dogma is stale and inflexible, and it's such a new certification that its value is limited outside of the circles that already know about it.

If I were to try and get certifications, I'd probably go through NSCA and USAW

Matt Wenning on SPF judging: Of course everyone's squat is going up when they're squatting a half inch higer every meet

You've pissed off a disc lad do what I recommended and also do dead hangs with 40kg around your waist for 3-5 minutes. Hopefully it's not too bad and it goes away in 3-5 weeks. Main thing is don't rush it your symptoms will probably get better in 1-2 weeks and you will be tempted to do your normal weights but that will just set you back.

Someone convince me to write
I have 3 short papers to write by tomorrow which count as my midtern and i havent done anything all day. Im looking at some of the other papers i wrote and am wondering how i wrote those.

Anyone here strongman?
How do you even get started?

I don't think it's that bad, senpai. I don't feel pain when walking, and i feel some tightness in my hip abductors. I don't want to lose my squat strength

Find a gym that has strongman equipment. Do normal lifting 3 days a week and 1 day do competition lifts. Find nearby competitions and sign up.

I can't wait to show you the power of friendship.

Also this.

Pretty sure you can't even do a bw squat right now without one side giving you a nice Sharp pain and you won't be able to for a couple of days. Well hopefully it's not too bad but let pain be your guide and don't do stupid shit.

holy shit senpai I'm scared, I tried and ur right. I'm so scared. Should I not deadlift again. Should I do deadlifts to fix back issue? how bad will await drop if I rest for a week from the gym

Convince: do it or else get no pussy for the rest of yoru life

You will have to go and see yourself I couldn't deadlift pain free for 3-4 weeks after my injury however I was able to do high rep squats pain free and rack pulls (had to do belted bar only squats lel) however I know some guys that could do but not squat.

1 week off won't affect you unless you were peaking or something, and muscle memory is real . The main thing is don't rush things, focus on form like not even a slight deterioration, and avoid sitting that shit is the devil. Good luck it's a slow process but there is light in the end of the tunnel and I've just done 192.5kg squat pain free couple of days ago.

Ive never even gotten any

What else

If i want to do zercher deads will i need elbow sleeves?

I did them just bare and had deep bruises on my forearms for a few weeks so yeah

proud of u senpai. How do I avoid sitting if I am a college student who has a shit ton of work to . Is laying down bad

No clue how you can avoid sitting in lectures but if you can get a cushion that sometimes helps. Outside try to stand as much as you can so do work standing I guess. Laying down for me always made me feel fine but it also made me stiff afterwards definitely better than sitting.

Btw Are you getting any symptoms of nerve pain without bending I.e sciatica?

I have pain in my hips and lower back, no nervous symptoms like numbness, no burning sensations, but I does hurt while I sit, but I don't feel muscle weakness , why?

I'm alone. Are you?

Just wondering because once my symptoms settled the sciatica started to fade so hopefully you didn't fuck up your back too badly but then again sciatica for me only showed up 1 day after injury so tomorrow will tell.

Also sleep on your back and with an extra pillow under your knees that shit helps.
Well best of luck dude I'm going to bed now.
Btw garage bro posted some good stretches to do and he had a nasty disc slip night be worthwhile checking it out in archives.

I am alone. Are you?



Nice blog


(thanks GBRO)

lazy bastard

what did i do to deserve this

sat down for a standing lift?
said with love of course