When did you realize that cigarettes are the ultimate drug for bodybuilders? Keeps your head clear unlike weed, doesn't wreck your gains like alcohol, legal, and if you quit before you're 30 you'll be fine. Smoking a cig when you wake up, after work, after a meal, after a workout, driving somewhere, etc. is pure bliss. Not to mention our ancestors for thousands of years have been growing and smoking tobacco because it's enjoyable and gives a buzz. It can also get you laid. Smoking cigs boosts your test and is the most alpha thing you can do.
When did you realize that cigarettes are the ultimate drug for bodybuilders? Keeps your head clear unlike weed...
Fucking addict lmao
The ultimate drug is roids
oh wait you already are
hahaha what a fucking faggot
I smoke and, I think smoking is retarted
Enjoy not being able to breath
Nice bait skelletor
your heart is a muscle and roids will make it grow until there's no room for it in your chest cavitiy, you'll then die.
>It can also get you laid.
[citation needed]
What a great campaign idea, Mr. Draper. We'd like to move forward.
t. Marlboro
it won't get you laid if youre ugly, sorry faggot
don't forget that the golden ages of cigarettes are over and most girls find smoking unattractive
oh and it butt fucks your lungs.
Roids are bad for you though, man made and recently made. Cigs are natural, timeless, tradition.
I occasionally smoke some tobacco, but let's be real about this.
1. most American and Japanese cigarretes are filled with urea and chemicals
2. unless you are an Amerindian, your ancestors haven't been partaking in tobacco for thousands of years, unlike alcohol, marijuana, shrooms, and caffeine
3. This seems highly suspicious.
>ruining lung function
>good for working out
You’ve clearly never gone clubbing and gone out and talked to qts while smoking.
It’s the ultimate icebreaker.
There is also the age old saying
>if she smokes she pokes
a shitton of girls smoke. probably more than men
does smoking actually boost your test?
I don't smoke, I just carry a lighter
works just as well
plus, lighters make for fine bottle openers
just remember lads
the road to heaven is asphalted
It doesn’t deminish it either.
Any study you see involving test doesn’t see significant long term increase or decrease.
If you see a study of higher test men smoking. Typically it’s because the men in the study innately had more test (risky behavior) not because of the smoking itself.
Diet and intensive exercise that engage the central nervous system on the other hand can play a big part. Zinc, Magnesium, Healthy fats and cholesterol are a start.
>can't quit my degeneracy
>therefore i accept it
>"he-heyy look guys, smoking is sooo cool xDDD"
Fuck off gains goblin.
neat gotta take muh vitamins
t. Smokerfag
lel you can get cancer from smoking 30 years after you quit.
>willfully getting addicted to a drug
>ruining your lung capacity
>decreasing possible oxygen intake
>greatly increasing your risk of cancer
>wasting tons money
>being irritated if you go a few hours without your drug
>restricting yourself to constantly need access to the outdoors or risk severe uncomforatbleness
>being a fucking drug addict
>sacrificing your well-being for ego
>being. a. drug. addict.
Smoking is for low iq and weak willed people. There is no possible way to defend or justify it.
you can vape (which i do) and get rid of those side affects, so suck my cock
>still willfully getting addicted to a drug
>caring so much about your ego but end up being a vaping turbo faggot
yeah you sure showed me "my dude"
started smoking because im bored at my job no ragrets
been smoking since i was in school uk tho, graduated to raw joints (raw tobacco and weed) 29 now lungs are absolutely destroyed, quitting everything when am 30. smokers is for jokers, literally.
>having a boring job
seriously why? you're into self-improvement, you're browsing Veeky Forums after all. start where you can make the most difference. you spend such a huge fraction of your life working, why settle for boring?
There may be some truth to this thread.
Low test numales hate smoking
My alpha friend from military (special forces) smokes.
I myself hated smoking but since I started going to the gym I already smoked 2 cigs from years without smoking and hating it
listen smoking and smoking unfiltered are two different things, then do both.
>you're into self-improvement
im literally only on this board to give advice in feels threads i dont lift, but for some reason you guys have the most normal fag problems that people usually get over in their teens
if you live in america maybe
My ancestors aren't a bunch of Geronimo peace pipe hitting pieces of shit
Smoking is shit but I admit looks pretty fucking cool.
Damn, Pitt really is the GOAT isn't he?
Smoking is gay
#vapenaysh bruh
Bitches love the strawberry
his jawline is so strong it looks comical
kek what a faggot, you are like the mints guy from that old screencap.
I mean, he is silly for saying "you'll be fine."
Even a person never exposed to any carcinogens but kept alive (theoretically, this is impossible) has a non-negligible chance of getting cancer. But your response shows you really have no idea how cancer works. "You can get cancer from smoking 30 years after you quit," doesn't even make sense if you understand how smoking increases the risk of cancer.
Cigarettes are for bitches and mentally weak numales.
Real men smoke cigars and pipe.
Because putting a big brown log on your mouth is manly right?
>Not chewing
Ruining lung capacity is a meme, been smoking for 5 years and my lung capacity is still the same
Fuckin lol
I actually enjoy dipping yet still I think it's for degens.
>yet still I think it's for degens.
Clint disapproves
>our ancestors have been growing tobacco for thousands of years
did you just blow in from stupid town?
>clint is a degen
>Not to mention our ancestors for thousands of years have been growing and smoking tobacco
Go back to your reservation you fucking savage
Shut the fuck up faggot.
>inhaling arscenic fumes is good because it relaxes you or something
>cancer is not guaranteed either
>it makes you look cool, like the (((TV))) says!
where can i buy these? they sound great!
>you are a degen
>I'm going to live forever
>I believe eveything that the media spoon-feeds me
Cigarettes give me anxiety actually and make me feel unstable mentally, hence why I quit.
>our ancestors for thousands of years have been growing and smoking tobacco
Only if your ancestors are native Americans.
Most people in my city who smoke are either old people who are trying to quit or druggies. Normal well-adjusted people don't smoke.
im not smoking a pack a day tho, nothing beats a cheeky dart after a heavy deadlift day
the greeks and romans smoked pipe tobacco, granted that wasnt thousands of years ago
Did they buy it from the aztecs riding quetzacoatls that sailed the skies worldwide regularly back in ol' 500 b.c. days?
fuckin a. been smokin less since i started liftin. but havin a rollie when i get home from the gym when cooking is the one.
Please try harder, troll
>im mortal, so I might as well speed up the process
>im mortal, I might as well give myself breathing problems
there's no reason to smoke cigs, if you have anxiety problems there are better ways to calm down, if you need to wake up or get stimulated there are better ways.
if you have an oral fixation and need something in your mouth just chew gum.
if you want your breath and clothes to stink just stop being hygienic.
Girls in their 20’s for the most part think smoking is cool, well the ones that put out do
triggering cancer is like russian roulette.
heart and lung disease are the cumulative effects
>sluts think smoking is cool
yep, and they think open-relationships are empowering, cocaine is fun and being childless is liberating.
I enjoy smoking but it smells disgusting and I'm already paranoid about how I smell.
I just have one after I lift before I take a shower.
"Smoking helps you meet people" is a huge meme though, no one smokes in public except surly degenerates.
You’re dumb. You’re going to weird places. You’re in Veeky Forums complaining about degenerate behavior.
>This is what incels actually believe
You’re probably a college kid in his early 20s. Try to finish your frontal cortex development before talking about being an adult.
>that guy who has baccy bongs between sets
They fucking didn't, because they didn't have any tobacco to smoke.
Id rather be wrong than some piece of shit virgin who took notes in history class
Nice meme
>if you're anti-slut you're an incel
I wish I was celibate, unfortunately I fornicate with my gf, although trying to stop until marriage
t. Big tobacco
Is this the Tobacco company rep?
THC is supposed to give you a spike in test depending on the dosage.
It's better than weed and liquor but that doesn't make it good
Don't start unless you are forced to
I got into smoking after dealing with clinical depression after moving to a new country
(19 yo 7 cigs a day smoker)
Is this why you Brit bongs have disgusting yellow teeth?