U laf u lose

ylyl thread because we all need cheering up after being left uninvited to any halloween parties

i b-brought some OC for you user.. hope you like it


Other urls found in this thread:



i laffed user....

You need to post the video of the dance that goes with it


kek'd hard. Upvoted +1 xD


the screenshot isn't the OC, the vocaroo is jesus christ

That vocaroo was funny af

>happy 21st birthday

This guy really just needs to be himself

and then cried?

Wow this actually made me feel.

i was crackin up recording that shit
fucking dom mazzetti

that recording is solid gold! thanks

god fucking bless you I LAWST!


das raycis


>Immediately thought of velma & scooby BLACKED.
I need to stop watching degenerate porn.

Theres nothing wrong with being an outsider

>haha look how he cuts the cake

why did you have to turn this into a feels thread

Back to with your banana threads


saying reported is against the rules




>sit down on the couch with your favorite aniMAY

Veeky Forums in a nutshell


He’s honestly right in some cases. Why waste time with girls you might like because of their appearance, when in reality you hate the self egotistical shit stain tinder is when you can save your strength with 2d sluts. Tinder sluts is not what you need in life brehs.

... What the hell is going on?

lmao read this right when he said it


How do I complete the circuit?

God op amps are so gay. Hated that shit

thumbs up my man!! xD


10/10 sound effects


Light weight babbbyyyy

>ywn be this autistic
Feels good

knew it was gonna happen as soon as he locked his legs

My policy: never watch leg press videos.

Best case, it’s some guy microrepping, zzzzzzzz.
Worst case, knees bend backwards

It’s worst in this case



One gigafahrad? This is far too big, doesn't even exist

>tinder tots


actually did something like that too
>be 20 or something
>forced to go out, shitfaced drunk
>everyone around me dancing so I don't wanna stand out
>do the 7 elbow strike techniques while doing half squats and turning around
must have looked ridiculous as fuck

where is the video that goes along with that pic?

I'll never have to do this exercise if I do squats right? Videos like these are the reason I'm too scared to try

I hope sir sees this shit

holy shit ahahaha

its a useless exercise, look at how much weight hes pushing, its not that hard to just max it and sit there all day doing reps

What is this newfag shit literally I see this shit in every thread, only fucking redditors enjoy this shit, so what if its "ironically enjoying it"

Top fucking kljasd

u mad bro

yeah, keep telling yourself that buddy

That was a great thread

This is me in 2 years if I don't get my shit together. I should print it out and tape it to my wall for a constant reminder.

I have the exact opposite problem. Circumstances forced me to become incredibly adept at social situations and merging into random crowds charismatically.

When all I really wanna do is Benoit myself at the gym after sucking down a bottle of Jack.

>leg press video

Jesús Cristo.....

Not gonna watch it, bro.

Someone post flex a cep

only the best

go back

This is cancer

I like this and I've been on Veeky Forums since '09. Cookie posting was the peak. I bet you all newfags don't even remember asian apple girl.

I win?





anyone has the webm for this?
i think it was made on steams program

Nice I'm dying. That's great

never doing these ever again holy shit


people keep requesting the video - is there actually a video?

yes, ive seen it, didnt save it though, i regret it now

You mean this?


it is not that one, but its till funny lol

it was made in steams smf

weak thread

the vocaroo is one of the better pieces of oc in a while you jsut didnt listen

[spoiler]i did[/spoiler]

cherry on top


Signed up for weights my senior year of HS. Somehow they let me in even though I was a skinnyfat DYEL who didn’t play a sport. Anyway, my best friend I made in that class was named Tom. I found this video about halfway through the school year, and showed it to him. From that point on, whenever we did leg press, I would come up behind him, and whisper “hey Tom, don’t think about the guy in the video.” He’d immediately rack the weight and do something else

jeff pls go




>you cry you lose


Veeky Forums invented ragecomics, for all you know this is the oldest of oldfags

>being left uninvited to any halloween parties
This aint /r9k/, everyone get invited to parties here

jesus christ, I didn't know it was this bad
