
What do?

just keep going to the gym? none of those numbers are very impressive (yet)


>ohp 135lbs
>bench sub 2pl8
>squat 150kg
>deadlift 31.5 stone


OHP: 95
Bench: 135
Squat: 205
Dead: 295

I struggled a lot on bench just to get up to a pl8, more volume worked for me.

Rate me, all 3x5, latest done
OHP 105
Bench 170
Squat 195
DL 205

>OHP 100
>Bench 50

>441 lbs

DL seems low

ohp 135
bench 185
squat 95
deadlift 225

Everything I do is limited to 105lbs because that's as heavy as my dumbbells go

OHP 125
Bench 225
Squat 115
DL 295

wat do

Don't skip leg day

>squat 95
>deadlift 225

you squat less than one plate but your deadlift is 2 plate; what do your legs look like...

>been lifting 3 years
>your number are still better than mine except bench

OHP 235
Squat 495
Deadlift 595
Bench 35

what do?

OHP 175
Squat 315 x 6
Bench 245 x 6
Dead 405 x 2
Haven’t maxed on squat bench and dead in a while, only advice I can give is have an even mix of volume and tempo in your routine

Yea both that and my squat are low because I've been skipping leg day, and don't really feel like testing my limits with the DL because I like my lower back. Won't be going up in more than 10/5lb intervals.

It feels good though. Never had this much upper body strength. Will probably start a cut after I start benching two plate and pressing one plate for reps.

Also I did 3x5 pullups with a 20lb dumbbell between my feet. I weigh 170lb.

>Bench 225
>Squat 115
>DL 295

yeah i know im working on it but some gois cant into legs

>Also I did 3x5 pullups with a 20lb dumbbell between my feet. I weigh 170lb.

i understand with the deadlifts, ive fucked my back more than once. good form, just too much weight.

I've got weak legs too, shit sucks

Its time to get heavier ones then retard

good idea, I'll get right on that

OHP: 175
Bench: 280
Squat: -20
Deadlift: 425
wat do?

>line up in squat rack
>get bar on back
>back up
>float off into space

Squat 360
Deadlift 400
Bench 215
Ohp 110

ohp 130
skwat 240
dl 415
db bench 95

keep working out. everyone starts somewhere

>OHP 82lbs
>stuck there for years
such is life as a weaklet

not my current lifts, but at one point in i think 2013 i had

205 bench
365 squat
500 deadlift
155 ohp

Ohp 135
Bench 195
Deadlift 225
Sumo 185

The back injury I have is fucking with my dead lift gains so I switch to sumo

>OHP 135
>Bench 215
>Squat 250
>Deadlift Lol

Ohp 150
Bench 210
Squat 255x2
Deadlift 340

6'0 160, why is my squat low? I feel like I found my lower back and good morning out of the hole.

More volume? Atg? Pauses? Help please.


Do you count the bar?

OHP 90
Squat 220
Bench 140
Deads 300 1 rep max

I do 5x5 for everything but deadlift is that too much? Should I try 3x5 and add more weight?

Squat 225
Dl 320
Bench 155
OHP 125
All 3x5 I think i really need to train arms and chest

My dl 1rm is 370

OHP 175x5
Squat N/A
Deadlift N/A
Bench 300x1
Eat, sleep, good form, and consistency

OHP 135
Bench 265
Squat 315
Diddly 315

lbs or kg you pussy

Bench 85kg
Squat 105kg
Deadlift 125kg
OHP :^)

ohp 90
squat 170
diddly 230
bench 120
kill me

Why are you deadlifting 31 stones instead of using barbells like everybody else?


Christ. No wonder their birth rate is declining so hard.

functional strength nigga