Lanklets BTFO
Take your long legs and fuck off
Lanklets BTFO
Take your long legs and fuck off
kek manlet could only get a octocoon to fuck him
Hes doing it for his kids. Smart boy
pls be shopped
How do people live with being manlets?
Like he looks like a 13 year old going to prom for his first time.
Literally looks like a middle school dance
>They;re going to be like 5ft5
I wonder what would happen to Veeky Forums if all lanklet/manlet threads were removed.
Damn that's sad, he's not even as tall as his mom.
look at that fucking mongrel woman jesus christ
I want to fucking rear end her with my dick so hard
That's a large bitch
I bet he climbs her like a tree.
she's a big girl
Handsome woman, mirin those calves
There would be more Veeky Forumsness girl threads and I would leak my testicles through my dickhole
Yea, I think I inherited them.
These two were married for like 50 years, had like 13 kids. All about the tie tuck, swaggits.
>manlet (5'10") dad
>mom 6'
>tfw 6'1"
maybe he's not my real dad
>dad is 5'
>mom is 5'1
>tfw 6'
someone has some 'splaining to do
3x as many bald threads
10x as many face threads
10000x as many dick threads
>dad 5'4
>mom 5'
>tfw 5'9
Im okay with this
>tfw when you never took 10th grade biology
>dad 6'1
>mom 5"2
>I'm 5"9
that is not your real mum.
mom 6'0
dad 5'5
me; 6'2
glad my mom was tall
Mom 5'2
Dad 5'5
Me: 5'8
Not bad.
By the way, if i'm 174 cm, am I 5'8 or 5'9? it's 68.5039 inches, so what do I say I am for casual talk?
me: 6'1
dad: 6'1
mom: 5'8
grandpa: 6'4
could have been better, could have been worse
Round down to the nearest foot, you fucking manlet.
fuck you faggot, can't you see that I did?
>mom 5'6"
>dad 5'8"
>me 5'11"
I'm lucky and yet so unlucky at the same time
Do you know what a foot is?
Never mind, I'm retarded and can't read. Now I'm 5 foot tall as well, might as well kill myself.
To actaully answer your question, round up. Everyone else is, if not adding a whole extra inch
just gotta wear platformers bro. Half a cheated inch here or there isn't harming anyone.
thats the girls family m8
im jamal, ur reel dad
>Dad 5'6"
>Mom 5'7"
>I am 5'10"
Thank fuck I took after my mom's side of the family.
She will give him tall sons. Smart.
dad 6'1
mom 5'5
i am 6'1 ,
dad's brother 6'2,
his wife 5'7,
cousin 6'2
hopefully height genes will continue after the men in the family
dad 6'4
mom 5'8
me 6'4
sister 6'0
thanks dad for the genes
>dad 5'4
>mom 4'8
>tfw 5'4
Dad 1'2
Mum 1'3
Me 7'1. Try again, geneticlets.
>dad 5'4
>mom 5'8
>me 6'1
>lil bro 5'11 and still growing
>all my cousins I grew up with were no taller than 5'6
good shit dad
This is my goal, I'm already 6'kingofmanlets, I wanna get with a taller woman so my kids can be taller than me.
Based tape worm genetics
Dad: 5'8
Mom: 6'0
Me: 6'3
Brother: 5'11
Sister: 5'9
You can, just put "lanket" and "manlets" in the filter
Then she must be adopted, because she looks nothing like them.