Weight loss surgery doesn't wor-
BRB removing part of my stomach so i dont get hungy hungy and need nom noms for my tum tum
He still can’t see his non functioning dick
>only lost 100 pounds in 3 months despite weighing 540 lbs
At that weight he should have shed at least 200 lbs if he didn't stuff his face full of food every day
jesus 74.1 bmi. how do you even get yourself into that position?
Oh man 63.8
He was 540 lbs?
MFW 32 inch waist
MFW his waist is more than 2x of mine
How does he only lose 7.5 inches off his waist? I went from 210 to 172 and I went from 40 to 34ish.
fuck surgery, eat, walk, run, and then burpee your way out of fatness
He has a lot more fat in other areas. He prob lost 7.5 on his legs and arms too.
By having deep issues and using food to feel good.
Don't they remove like 40 to 50 pounds of stomach fat with the surgery itself?
>starting BMI: 74.1
>current BMI: 63.8
fucking wew
...bmi ≠ waistline
it doesn't work until he's in the healthy BMI range
He could have made more progress with exercise and diet, oh, and it would be way more comfortable and he wouldn't have to risk his life
No one said it wouldn't work it's just the fact that he had to get surgery to lose weight.
Boogie is a lying fat sack of shit. Here he is claiming to be 497 months before the surgery, yet in OP he claims to be 540. Completely unreliable in both instances.
Veeky Forums isn't your blog boogie.
It's not that it doesn't achieve result, it's that the cost and risk and permanent mutilation that goes with it can easily be achieved with discipline.
I mean what DOES it do when you think about it
? It just forces you to eat less. You could force yourself to eat less if only you can put up with the hunger pangs for a few days...
My supervisor recently went for that surgery (working in IT, guy was fat), i bet he's losing weight since he can barely eat two boiled eggs without puking half of one, but since he actually removed a part of his stomach he will always be in that situation, for the rest of his life. No thanks ma'boy...
> Bragging about something others achieved for you
I think this is a real insight into the fatty mindset
> Breakfast
> Lunch
> Dinner
> Dinner 2
All fat people lie about their food intake, it's tacit knowledge (wonder if fat people know we know tho)
Can we trade Boogie for Scooby? I miss Scooby.
>540 to 430
Wow he's still disgusting.
Surgery doesn't fix the fundamental issue of his constant overeating. RIght now he's eating less than maintenance, but he's still eating more than his stomach can hold so as long as he keeps doing that his stomach will grow. Once his stomach goes back to its regular size he will balloon up again.
>literally has the BMI to be obese more than twice over
>still has a gf
What the fuck is your excuse?
more like
>Breakfast 2
>Lunch 2
>Lunch 3
>Lunch 4
>Dinner 2
>Dinner 3
>Breakfast 3
>Lunch 5
And when they will return his stomach to normal, what will happen?
He can't diet or eat healthy. He will balloon up again.
they're too fat to have sex so she's really more of a roommate than a gf desu
>Dinner 2
he said he platue'd at 400 lbs.
now its 430 lbs for whatever reason.
in a years time hes still gonna be 400 lbs.
Loose skin from rapid weigh loss
Is this actually true?
How long until he puts the weight back on?
Why would I want a filthy 3DPD?
Yes, the man said so himself.
2 years
Yes, he went to Veeky Forums once even and said, not to mention his wife porked up too
shes not a girlfriend, shes a glorified babysitter that has to care for him every minute of her life
Boogles my mind how the personification of /r9k/mommy tendies neet is an inspiration to some
20% of people gain weight back after bariatric surgery.
It works like a shock collar would work, everytime they eat more than a tiny bit, they get punished by dumping syndrome.
The hope is the fattys will be conditioned before the stomach stretches back.
Boogie has enough issues that I bet he's gonna be in that 20%
540 lb fuck thats like a small car.
>Implying losing weight at that point isn't just actually getting out of your bed to shit and not chugging 4L of soda a day. Wow boogie what an inspiration.
nigga be bulking like a hobbit