What's the correct way to do this shit? What am I supposed to feel when I do it?
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brah just breathe through your nose
I'm not sharing my secrets.
id let him fuck my wife for the sake of my kid's jawlines
Push the back of your tongue to the roof of your mouth (palate), have your mouth closed and breathe through your nose.
I usually end up clenching my teeth a little bit, is that okay? It's hard to relax into it after having bad mouth breathing habits
Anyone done mouth taping during sleep? I go to sleep nose breathing but I always wake up mouth breathing.
>local man found dead due to what appears to be autoerotic asphyxiation
How do I stop snoring? My tongue is on the roof of my mouth when I sleep and I breathe through my nose but I still snore. wtf.
How to clear nose:
1. Take a few deep, long breaths (through your mouth if necessary)
2. After a good exhale, close your mouth and block your nose with your fingers
3. Gently nod your head back and forth until you need to breath
4. Resume breathing through your nose, if it's still blocked, repeat the process.
firm suction on a dick 3x per day
Watch some of his videos if you haven't already. Swallowing and general posture have a lot to do with Mewing as well as tongue posture. He recommends trying to get the back of your tongue flat on the roof of your mouth.
Also another way I've found seems to accelerate the intended effects of Mewing is "tongue chewing" (not exactly what is sounds like).
Basically you just get a piece of regular gum and repeatedly ball it up then flatten it against your palate with your tongue. Doing this for a few weeks even made my maxillary area a bit sore/inflamed which is a good sign towards good facial results. The good thing about tongue chewing too is that since it's more active/less abstract than regular Mewing, you're more likely to follow through with it effectively.
i hope he hasnt tried to copyright this or anything
this is the normal way to breathe
Mewing anecdote here, copied from another thread I posted in
Only been mewing for a few weeks, so no real gains yet. However I definitely look better when holding proper posture. When I relax my tongue you can see it create a sort of double chin and it goes away when I mew.
Also I think you should all try this experiment: next time you go to bed, lay on your back and practice applying and releasing proper rongue posture. In my experience I could literally feel my nasal airway expand and narrow again when I relaxed my tongue. Moreover I could feel my cheekbones and midface area (maxilla??) rise and fall about a mm with every application of tongue posture. Anyone have similar experiences?
Should also note its becoming much easier to do this automatically.
It isn't. He purposefully calls it orthotropics to distance himself from the myofunctional therapy people. Those people are trying to make it like an exclusive program while Mew is just giving away all the knowledge for free.
Dr Mike Mew has that concave gigachad jaw
wtf is mewing
>changing where my tongue sits is going to make me handsome!
Uh no sweetie you need orthodontic and plastic surgery
Teeth and lips put together. Tongue on the roof of the mouth.
It's basically facially posture. It mainly involves the tongue, the palette, the maxilla and the jaw. Mewing is supposed to strengthen facial muscles and correct facial growth.
Good Schlomo, keep shilling. Mordecai's bar mitzvah isn't going to pay for itself.
Is this not what normal people do constantly?
wait are the teeth together i thought the jaw was at a resting position?
>However I definitely look better when holding proper posture. When I relax my tongue you can see it create a sort of double chin and it goes away when I mew
Best way to explain it. When your tongue is right you can literally see a part of your throat tighten upwards.
"Teeth touching or close to touching" is what he usually says.
Yes it is. It's just that Veeky Forums is filled with mouth breathing incels which are underdeveloped from never going outside.
ah okay, because i thought you meant clenching was involved.
how can the british orthodontic society even compete?
how can the british orthodontic society even compete?
>putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth is going to magically change your bone shape
Even if his theory is correct, it's useless for you unless you're a 10 year old child whose bones are still growing. This "mewing" and other lookist faggotry should be fucking banned from this board.
There is literally proof and pictures all over the internet of it working on adults.
I'm sure you can also find "proof" and pictures of magic pills enlarging your micropenis, but it doesn't make it true.
this one is shopped by the way (unless mewing also changes your eye and ear shape)
i just started.. bretty gud
How much of a skeptical faggot can you be? Mewing changes the eye area because your tongue literally pushes the up the top of your skull. I think you're underestimating the amount of pressure you have to maintain in order to see results.
>if you have bad posture, changing your posture will "magically" change your bone shape
>even if it's correct, it's useless unless you're a 10 year old child whose bones are still growing. This "good posture" and other lookist faggotry should be fucking banned from this board.
Holy shit thanks user
You just keep mouth breating boy, this doesn't concern you.
>pushing your head forward
bones are support by muscle and tendon
you change those muscles and tendons, you change where the bone sits
you aren't changing the bone itself
Is this not how most normal people walk around
>tfw still have round Asian babbycheeks
>my kid's
Is Dr. Mew, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>Neck and ears are in the same position.
Facial posture is important, just like spinal posture. And you can develop muscles in your face that change your appearance.
Here are two tests that show the immediate effects of mewing:
Firstly, assume the correct posture: lips closed, teeth touching touching and tongue pushing against the roof of the mouth, including the back of the tongue. This can be difficult depending on your regular posture. Try saying "nnnnn" but with your entire tongue, as if it were "ng". That's the tongue position that you need to hold.
Now, feel underneath your jaw with your fingers, just a few centimetres from your chin, near your neck. After holding the posture, release by letting your tongue fall down. Relax your mouth. With your fingers you can feel the fat literally droop down, like a double chin. I can feel a difference just by changing my tongue posture. This is quite visible.
Another test is to feel the far sides of your jaw. The part that protrudes outwards when you clench your teeth. By simply having your mouth closed and pushing your entire tongue upon the ceiling of your mouth, you can feel your jaw protrude outwards without having to clench your teeth.
Once you grasp the "flexing" of your tongue by pushing it entirely onto the roof of your mouth, you can quite easily see and feel the effects that this posture has on your jaw.
This is fucking magic
It did not change my bones. But it did greatly change my masseter muscles and helped push my lower jaw forward. didn't really take any "before" pictures since i though it was bullshit, so all i had for the first pic is a "before-pic" when i started a new skinroutine (which worked wonders).
You have every right to be skeptical, but it takes no effort at all and you can do it without even thinking about i. My pics are like 3 months apart and im in my early 20's.
Bravo user
are you over 200 lbs? there's your problem.
you look like hitler's wet dream
>in just 3 months I tilted my head backwards
looking thick sloid tight
>my kid
You mean your wife's kid?
No. Teeth are meant to be gently touching but not clenched
HARD diet is the most important part.
Think of something like rye bread and nuts.
looks like quagmire lmao
jesus start training your neck, looks like a swift breeze would snap it
had 3 dreams tonight about fapping and cumming, felt terrible after id done the act
and woke up 3 times, very happy that i didnt cum 4 real lmao
almost day 11 now, this shit is wild!!!
One step at a time, and try taking a pic of your neck in profile, it's impossible to not look dyel. I have an average/above average neck.
Im not trying to convince anyone, just sharing my anecdotal results. It didn't change my bone structure like some people seem to claim but i got good results and wanted to share, it's up to you if you want to try it as well.
Like i said it has no time investment since all you have to do is change they way you rest your tongue and not breathe through your mouth.
So what did you do specifically? Other than lips closed, teeth touching, tongue pressed onto the roof of the mouth
wrong thred mate but keep it up
how can i keep my mouth closed during sleep?
Literally tape. Not duct tape though
no they're not.
How do I get the back of my tongue to the tip of my mouth? I physically cannot do it
Saying "swing" and as you get to the "ng" part of the Word, focus on sticking your toungue to the roof of your mouth, and try to keep it there, the goal is to have it on this position for all time, that helped me
Are the front teeth on the top and bottom supposed to touch each other?
what was your skin routine boyo?