>Just workout and get strong af they said
>Just be yourself and talk to girls after you built a lot of muscle they said
>Just workout for females they said
>Just workout and get strong af they said
>Just be yourself and talk to girls after you built a lot of muscle they said
>Just workout for females they said
Nigga if that's you, you deserve that shit. No chick wants that shit.
women lower my test
what did this guy do wrong? it looks like he was trying to wife up a complete slut and lacked the self awareness to realize it
Are you kidding me? His problem was that he couldn't take a fucking hint.
Telling her she’s the women of your dreams. What are you fucken gay
He wasn't attractive enough to be judged worthy by her
that dudes face lmao
men are the lovers, women are pychopaths
I don't get it, is she taking the picture on a fuckin mirror?
Is someone else taking the picture while she's texking him??
Is she using a timer?
He doesn't know what major she's studying, but she's the girl of his dreams? No, he's just a pathetic virgin begging for attention from a hot girl.
Which brings me to the next question, how do I be the guy in the picture fuckin' the sloot?
This is clearly fake.
Bro, he asked what her major. So he doesn’t even know her that well. And proceeds to say that line. Jesus fuck I thought I was socially retarded
Be attractive
Trying to convince some chick that you don't know to like you even when she's clearly uninterested is pretty psychotic my friend.
If you’re trying to sweet talk a girl into sex, that’s a horrible line. Say “ you’re breath taking” “ or my life would be complete if i got to see your body naked”. Jesus the fags here are really sad
I have no idea what that dude is like, that could be her longtime boyfriend or a guy she met that night. If it's the first, find a girl you're attracted to, but actually have a connection with. Start slowly, and don't act like you're obsessed with her after a first date. If it's the second, be very attractive, be very wealthy, or be very funny and great at knowing what women want to hear.
Are you joking or retarded?
it's b8 you tards
I dunno mang, I've got a FWB that did that to a guy with me in the background a few months back. She's fucking savage though. She showed me another recently where a guy asked her if she would date a guy an inch or 2 shorter than her, and her reply was "lmao no."
Comparing those shitty lines to you’re the girl of my dreams. Yes. Those lines have worked. Faggot
Reply back, "Thanks for the fap, roastie."
There is no way in any hell that " my life would be complete if i got to see your body naked" has ever worked for anyone who's not a 10/10 Chad, in which case he could say literally anything so it doesn't count.
> workout for the females
> not working out for to be prepared for a race war
You’re never gonna make it.
It's faaaake. How would she take that picture? In a mirror by the bed, at that phone angle?
This is fake, but the point is that you need to treat all women like shit.
She's ugly as fuck, why would she be the girl of anyone's dreams? Also, this picture is old as fuck and fake as well. Good job on outing all the newfaggots ITT, OP
Saved in his phone as "girl of dreams erica" how is anyone retarded enough to buy this shit
Yes it's a mirror... Why is that so difficult to grasp?
This is bait but you can see the phone
Act stupid around girls
or just flex a 'cep and say something like 'how about this for a start'
Fake or not there's apparently at least a few users here who think he's being reasonable, which is concerning.
I just tell them that they're like a unicorn, or if they're high test, a great white buffalo.
>If texting her bs with a complete lack of dignitity and self respect does not work, the other extreme is the way to go!
How about viewing women (not dumb sluts, but normal women) as normal human being? Talk normally to them, if you interested flirt with them, but if you get rejected get the fucking hint. Don't try treating girls like your gf when they are not. It won't make them magically fall in love but rather turn them off.
You're a faggot and deserved that.
What was it?