were his genetics really that good?
Were his genetics really that good?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know
I don't know
he would look 10x better without that septic haircut
great pec and bicep insertions, abs symmetrical,
Why does his chest look so small? I get that when you raise your arms up it flattens but god damn his chest looks flatter than a piece of card board. Could zyzz even rep 225 more than 10 times?
Yes. Look at his muscles, his abs, biceps, pecs, delts, it's like everything is in its right place. Plus he was tall and handsome.
God tier genetics.
he has good insertions and all but keep in mind steroids use and started as a skinnyfag
reminder natty is big enough
this guy must really be the face of Veeky Forums
even after 6 years after his death people still admire him
what exactly did he do to this board that made him "zyzz?"
he made it
he endorsed it
he was the living meme
he was nice to us and one of us
must have been interesting times
any of those threads he was in get archived somewhere?
he was a beta-virgin that turned into a chad
>Roided up to bulk
>Roided up to cut
>Rinse and repeat
>Had jaw surgery for cosmetic purposes
>Tattooed himself to cover dumbass scars caused by burning himself while cooking shirtless some fried shit
>Died in a sauna from heart failure which was hereditary and supposedly undiagnosed
>He had great genetics guys!!
Get a fucking grip on reality
is the an evolution piece of the virgin vs chad meme?
He didn't get jaw surgery lol keep coping he had god jaw in pics when he was 17-18
Also you have to have good genetics for roiding aka your body responds well to roids and you dont break out in zits all over your body and become bald as fuck, coupled with the godlike insertions and 6'1" non fraud height he is up there with good genetics also dimorphic face. If only he wasnt a retard with the eyebrows and hair he could have looked good but I guess thats what he liked.
In the pic on the left it's massive
his insertions were still god tier
I’d say he was in the top 20% genetically
this is ideal though... huge bulging muscletits are just unaesthetic
wow i was just listening to his favorite song and decided to check out Veeky Forums and this is the first thread on here. Zyzzbrah still watching over me after all that time
Didnt he have a genetic heart disease which caused his death at 22 years of age. So much for good genetics brah.
He'll always be with us user
Perfect insertions, skeletal structure, and height.
Obviously he never would've gotten that big and lean natty, but he was perfect in everything that was strictly genetic and can't be compensated for with illegal drugs.
Obviously his heart was shit but that's another story.
He really doesn’t seem an impressive man here desu
He did coke in Thailand LOL
He's not. He is just a Veeky Forums user with a psich physique.
He was just anouther roided up leb and he did the world a favour by dying in a thai brothel. If only all the other roided up lebs would do the same the world would be a better plavce. He was pathetic and you all make me sick.
kek this came up on my fb feed as posted 5 years ago
>well done past me, well done
Kek so many jelly fags in here
Guy would have gone on to do massive things had his heart not popped
Too bad, RIP sweet prince
Why the fuck is every single one 1.87m? I swear most of the actors ive googled has always been 1.87, are they lying or is it becuase of bodybuilding?
In some parts, he has skinny legs, even if he squatted big weights.
What does roiding have to do with genetics?
im 1.88
>tfw 1 cm away from being a famous actor.