How can I grow a beard like this? I'm 20 and I still can't get past a peach fuzz
How can I grow a beard like this? I'm 20 and I still can't get past a peach fuzz
>have proper beard with long 'stache
>shaving is required to get a job on the best paying company in my country
>be a neet
I'm not going to trash away years of beard growing just for a job.
by now if you just have hair only on your chin and lip its probably not going to happen. my brother could grow a full beard at 16 but i can barely grow anything. i have a decent jaw so it doesn't matter that much to me
Genetics, you dont have enought hair cuantity or
thickness, you just cant.
It is just like genenic baldness.
Wait a few years.
I hear some folks use minoxodil on their face ti help make the hair follicles mature. Its worth a google if yohr interested .
my stubble is like steel wool and is unbearable growing out more than 7 days longest ive ever made it. the itching is unbearable.
however im handsome so i don't mind just having 5 oclock shadow.
You probably can’t.
Enjoy your full head of hair into your 90s, though.
my beard is like that but it looks like shit its not even full its patchy dude you have low standards
i wish I could grow a beard like that gigachad guy
work on increasing your test levels, which in turn will increase dht
why is gooseman such a meme? I don't get it. He doesn't look good at all and I just can't take him seriously as an actor.
You really showed them user. I bet you've brought that company to its knees with your defiance. You're so brave let me just suck your cock.
Shave more you tit. As in shave as soon as there is site of hair, will grow back thicker every time. I started to shave at 15 when I got to 17 I could sport a proper beard.
Never come here but its funny as fuck to see no helpful advice. Same exact shape this place was in 5 years ago.
>Minoxidil - this will suppress DHT levels and promote vellus hair growth
>Biotin - makes hair and nails grow faster/stronger
>folic acid - helps
>b12 - helps
then you'll need a moisturizer that doesn't have dht blocking ingredients. Johnsons pink baby lotion is what I use.
You will do minoxidil twice a day for 6 months or until the 6 bottles run out. You will then stop or you will risk dependence. You will then go 6 months without minoxidil. After 6 months you can start again if you think it will help. Personally it took two minoxidil regiments because I had a completely full beard. I had what you want in the Goose picture after one regiment. On my second I got filled in cheeks and all chin area.
Take vitamin d, biotin and zink. Also try castor oil
>>Minoxidil - this will suppress DHT levels and promote vellus hair growth
This is not how it works.
nice momscience, lad
hair follicles increase blood flow, which in turn cause more hair follicles to grow. letting your hair grow out is the best way to get denser hair. if you're scared of being unseemly, get an electric trimmer and trim to a presentable length.
you can also increase blood flow by massaging your skin and keeping it well hydrated.
adequate rest and nutrition are also important.
im 19 and im having troubles with hair growing on the sides. it grows like a strap along my jaw, but with a few hairs popping out more towards the cheeks.
hoping this is just a time thing, my '''beard''' (lip+chin) has gotten a lot better over the course of this year.
Normies thinks he looks dreamy, while most anons like to project themselves into Gooseman.
DHT makes your beard grow
Creatine increases your DHT
> that trip
If you're under 25 and complaining about your facial hair looking like a scraggly teenager's, fucking shut up. You ARE a scraggly teenager, or close enough that you haven't hit full beard yet. Give it time, you impatient young retards.
is that true ?
Haha I have the opposite problem. My beard grows right up to l to the bags of my eyes. I have to shave around my eyes, eyebrows, and sideburns on the daily. I've only gone full caveman once, and it was disgusting and strangely intriguing at the same time. When I get bigger I might do it again and try out some caveman game.
be 30
I'm 23 and it's still improving, you might make it
No not really. Lot of confirmation bias.
t.balding beardless faggot
I'm 25 and my beard just started actually growing without patches and shit. it might take time.
That's like another 10 years
>t.balding beardless faggot
the worst thing combo ever
beard growth up to the cheekbones looks fucking savage i would rock that shit god i wish genetics didnt fuck me over
My beard is getting longer and filling in after using black castor oil, I might end up shaving because my beard because I want it to me fuller and more symmetrical
That's not a fucking beard.
OP is a faggot.
Dunno man but I could grow a full beard at 17 lol
No one mentioned minox yet?
23 and started using it here
it stunts growth, and you become a twisted beta midget.
A lot of guys go through this phase of 'a beard looks awesome' around that age and just about all of them do not trim their beards or take care of them which results in their bears looking like some pubic hair pasted on their face. Don't be that guy OP. If you really want it then groom your shit.