>Hi guys, this is Jeff Cavaliere, AthleanX.com. One of the biggest problems i have faced while training athletes, mostly pro baseball players, is that they train with progress not designed for their body, today I’m going to teach you one simple trick to determine which typo of exercise is good for you. I want you to stand on the frame of a doorway, just like this. Now, fix your posture and lift yourself with your tiptoes, lift yourself as much as you can. See, doorways are a standard height, so if your head touches the frame, it means you are a tall guy, at least 6 feet 1. If you can do this, stand on your tip toes and touch the frame, it means you are perfect for heavy lifting, deadlifts, squats, whatever. Now, what happens if you can’t reach the frame, if you are short guy, well, I’ll teach you a trick to fix that. Get one resistance elastic band and hang it from the door frame, since you can’t reach it, stand on a chair or a box. At this moment, place the elastic band around your neck and hang yourself until you die, there you go, an easy fix for your manlet problem, that way no one will ever say you are compensating.
Hi guys, this is Jeff Cavaliere, AthleanX.com. One of the biggest problems i have faced while training athletes...
Jeff, quick question my diet has to be on point for this to work??
>Under 6 foot 5
>Not doing bodyweight neck pulls
Its like he doesnt want us to make it
Nice try cocksucker. Jeff would never advocate suicide
>Scott Herman heeyuh. Wanted to let you guyz know, if you head over to Jeff Cavaliers channel here on YouTube, AthleneX, he's got a great video to help out you shorter more stocky liftas.
Read it in his voice kmao
That Jesse shit is gayyyy
Excuse me? Jesse represents average Veeky Forumsizen who tries to achieve some shit. 100% hetero.
>no homo
lmfao i hope they paid him enough for that shit
Suck a dick Cavaliere, I'm doing behind-the-neck presses and you or your skeleton buddy can't do shit about it.
>which typo of exercise
What if Im 5'8 but 6'1 in womans heels? Should I just squat in heels? Im a guy by the way
>Tfw 6.1'
I find it so cute when incels on Veeky Forums worry their little heads over the well-being of someone who's good looking enough to model for Calvin Klein.
Rippetoe thinks behind the neck press is retarded too.
Jesse is used to make Jeff look more alpha
Jeff's a manlet himself.
He made it though, He has a decked out gym in which he trains athletes, a banging wife to fugg and he plays the piano like a mad motherfucker.
Okay Veeky Forums big(xD) question now
who would win in a match?
Athlean-x vs Alpha Destiny
>implying Alex would stoop so low
Jeff the kind of guy
>implying he isn't at the very bottom with his beta behaviour
ma boi athlean-x
Exhale as you push yourself up
Your petty SCOOBY is SPITTING anything that tastes GOOD while my boy ATHLEAN is gobbling PASTA like there's no TOMORROW.
scooby is gay ergo doesn't know how to fight
WHAT authority does rippletits have? Someone name ONE lifter who's gotten to a high level on his training methods
Name one lifter who snapped his shit up on rippletit's training
Dude, just look at the rotator cuff muscles, you might as well do deadlifts arched backwards
Me! Twinkletoes told me to squat 1000x/day for eternity, but I didn't have time to swallow all thick GONAD do I had to pistol squat 300lbs and use my free hand to squirt GONAD juice in my mouth. Next thing ya know my knees snapped right at the colonial arteries!@!