>forgot to clean bar before benching yesterday
>woke up with this
Wtf do I do Veeky Forums pls help me it itches like hell
Forgot to clean bar before benching yesterday
Rookie mistake
Buy some aloe, should clear up in 2 or 3 weeks
that image truly makes me feel uncomfortable
Happened to me too. Did you get your tetanus shots?
hair taken from chest for transplant if any1 wonderin
any afterphoto of the chest?
>inb4 watermark
I don't give a fuck familia
>have aids
>cut hand trying to open those fucking plastic sealed containers
>finish work out on bench and notice the bandaid came off and I was bleeding again
>don't clean bar and move onto next station.
meanwhile I'm paying thousands of dollars for laser hair removal. Why the fuck would you want chest hair
Rookie mistake? People.clean the bar before lifting? What about dimbells?
enjoy looking like a 12 year old fuccboi
>mfw I've never cleaned the bar before using it
Thanks for the reminding me to keep my workout at home.
>never cleaned the bar
Found the faggot who OHPs in hte squat rack
Its a hair transplant, not chest hair transplant
they take it from the your chest to put in your head
clean any equipment that touches your body thoroughly if you don't want this to happen
I looked it up people call this gym rot apparently
they took hair away from the chest
>t. DYEL
>hes so low test he needs a chest hair transplant
>"the hairs are extracted FROM the chest"
kekaroo I just read the text between the images.
Wait, does chest hair magically grow longer when it's moved elsewhere?
They're gonna have to cut your chest skin, sorry man
Dont know, but it is definitely longer than no hair
Do you think there's a limit on how long chest hair will get while it's still on your chest?
>transplanting hair from the chest
body hair has a completely different texture than your actual hair
>forgot to bring my shower socks to the gym
>woke up to this
Wtf do I do Veeky Forums pls help me it itches like hell
I want to run a cheesegrater through that
lmao you contracted hpv. It will go away eventually.
Anthony Cumia? :D
got any proof?
yes? do you know how hair works?
>calls others DYEL
>needs to remove bodyhair so muscles are even visible
really activates your almonds
Plantar warts it looks like. Freeze them. Buy canned air, turn it upside down, and spray the fuck out of it til you absolutely cant handle the pain anymore. And it will fucking hurt. Do it twice a day and it shouldnt last for more than 5 days.
Follicles act like the subcutaneous layers tell them to. On the scalp they get the instructions to form longer, thinner hair.
It was actually something called pitted keratolysis (don't google image that), caused by walking a lot and my feet getting really sweaty. My doctor gave me a cream and it cleared up in about a week.
Dark nipples
What in the flying fuck
Looks like a mild case of trench foot
>needs body hair to look like a man
>Wanting another repeat of user having his foot rot off
How do you get rid of warts other than freezing them off?
hair transplant surgery like said
If you think that looks bad you haven't seen what recently transplanted hair looks like
Really fires my trypophobia neurons
You are now imagining your tongue running over it
I dunno if I'd go for laser on the chest, def on the back. I guess it's POSSIBLE that chest hair might be a fad some day.
But yeah pretty much all body hair is useless. I don't shave my legs or anything but would just as soon every other hair below the neck fell out.
>brown nipples
Is this shit actually real? Surely if the follicles have been removed then no hair will grow back?
>being that much of a woman
My wife combs through it while laying on my chest at night.
>needing ape hair on your chest in order to look like a man
LMAOing at ur shit frame boi
at least change the file name idoit
were you lifting shirtless? where the fuck are you lifting that has this bad of a problem where you need to clean the bar or you get Folliculitis
>Trypophobic people around
Check your smoothskin privilege
for me it was hot bath, pumice stone till they bleed, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide then half hour soak in vinegar after the bath, then wrapped my feet in duct tape as tight as possible while i slept
bought a can of freeze stuff and it did nothing, bazuka cream just ate the healthy skin around the wart, ate through all the layers of skin on my feet, still didn't do anything but my routine worked in less than month on both feet
1 like = 1 prayer
You're dead dude. So this is how the zombie apocalypse starts huh
>touching the bar on the chest ....
I had a few clusters of warts when I was like 16, got the hpv vaccine and they disappeared with no other actions taken.
I had that a long time ago
My dad gave me the advice to wash my feet when possible (e.g. after coming home from work/school/whatever). It is mainly caused by damp, unsanitary and cold conditions.
Do you have sweaty feet? I know I do, and it was a main contributor.
Nigga those aren't warts. They're more like craters
>pitted keratolysis (don't google image that)
hmm weird there are some really minor cases that look exactly like what I get on my foot.
Hannaford has athletes foot spray, try to keep your feet dry too and you'll be good. Change socks more and put on socks before underwear so there's no chance it can get to your junk(not sure if that can even get to your junk.
time to play connect the dots
put electrical tape over them AT ALL TIMES and suffocate them off
Fucking hairlets lol
>I'm paying thousands of dollars for laser hair removal
Lol wtf
Nigga that’s AIDS
>t. people who don't even trim or shave their pits during the summer
>shaving with a razor that takes you off by 20$ a year
>going into thousands for laser removal
how can someone be such a humongous faggot like that
Wow that’s an amazing story user, thanks for sharing.
Not him, but some people such as myself are stuck with an awkward strip of hair in the middle of their chest, hairy nips, and a hairy belly. I actually plan on getting laser hair removal because I'd rather not spend the time every couple days shaving my abdomen to not look gross.
Effeminate shit
>t. nigger
If HIV was that easy to get there'd be nobody on earth now.
If you get teh AIDS there's only a couple of things you were doing.
One of many kinds of athletes foot, i battled with a few clades for years as a barefoot martial arts instructor using many different halls.
Ended up just wearing shoes. Students didn't get it as much or at all because their feet weren't as heavily calloused.
Those fungal species adapted to humans fuckin love callous skin, it's like soft wood to hungry termites.
Creams and hygeine, done.
what's his name?
Why wouldn't you? faggot?
looks like you have some kind of auto immune disease of hair follicle
lol at anons never knowing this bliss
fuck i want this to be me someday so bad
i think gays love manly men.
women that dont like chesthair are likely to be racemixers, prefering the hairless phenotype