What does Veeky Forums say to people who claim that calisthenics and "functional sports" are superior to weight training?
What does Veeky Forums say to people who claim that calisthenics and "functional sports" are superior to weight...
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I would ask them to define what they mean by "superior" in the context of their statement, and extrapolate from whatever answer they provided.
They claim that calisthenics elicit the same response and benefits as weight training and that someone who does sports and calisthenics is going to end up being able to physically perform a wider range of tasks than a weight lifter.
They claimed that people in their bouldering gym are stronger than most weight lifters
They're probably right
This really comes down to semantic definition, because it's true that somebody doing a lot of running, climbing, and jumping is going to be good at those things due to muscle memory and flexibility, but wouldn't be capable of doing other things that say, a powerlifter, finds very simple, like moving a piano.
There's too many specific stipulations in the argument for anybody to really come out on top without deciding many factors beforehand. Both types of athletes would have their advantages and disadvantages in say, a post-apocalyptic scenario, where these things might actually matter. In a fight between the two, it would come down to training, discipline, and pain tolerance, which I would attribute more to a lifter than a sports junky.
Ask a boulderer to do pullups and he's probably going to be way better than the weight lifter
But ask the boulderer to do squats or a bench press and he's gonna be worse
Why are indians like this?
I just wish life wasn't so easy...
I mean life is tough but in the most retarded ways. I just want the body of an early homo sapien that had to work to live. Lean, resilient. They were more robust than we were but also had more endurance. Come on.
But then there would be no Veeky Forums
Ask that same boulderer to do heavy weighted pullups. The weight lifter would probably be better.
>someone who does sports is going to end up being able to physically perform a wider range of tasks than a weight lifter
This is true
yo Durgesh u play cricket bro?
>What does Veeky Forums say to people who claim that calisthenics and "functional sports" are superior to weight training?
Don't drop the soap.
strength is specific
if you train to climb you'll be better at climbing than someone who trains for powerlifting
that said, combining disciplines is the best approach if you're not training for a sport
Definitely. I just found it questionable because I went rock climbing once and blew past most of the courses. I attributed that to pullups being my favorite exercise and being able to do tons of variations on them. Though when I went to look for proof that compound movements translate to movements such as climbing and sprinting, I wasn't able to find anything concrete
Is it true that you get the same injury resistance from calisthenics?
Small price
>What does Veeky Forums say to people who claim that calisthenics and "functional sports" are superior to weight training?
Completely correct, in my experience.
They should make a comedy about the daily life of an average indian man. They all seem so bizarre and accidentally hilarious.
Post the rest of the story where he fights Durgesh and gets beaten
Lost my shit.
I'm a former calisthenics only lad. Anyone educated on calisthenics doesn't believe they're superior or "functional". I personally do calisthenics because I enjoy it more than weight training although I've come around and added weight to my pull ups dips and pistols.
Kek, this has to be staged
what is durgesh endgame?
>i want to believe.
Neither are superior to the other.
They both have their place in the fitness world. I personally enjoy calisthenics more than weight lifting.
>tfw Indian (Sikh) but born in Canada and raised here
>see OPs pic
I swear Indians born in India have no fucking self awareness, especially when it comes to creeping white girls in the gym.
its probably real. indian dudes are fucking weird
It's obviously fake.
>F*CKING Durgesh has done it again
>implying being born somewhere else doesnt make you a street shitter
>you will never be civilized
>keep away from white girls u filfthy fuck
Inb4 hur dur i have a qt christian green eyed virgin white gf
>strength is specific
That's not strength.
That's skill.
Strength as a skill has nothing to do with powerlifting.
Powerlifting is about teaching people to lift a large amount of weight in ways that are oft times not healthy and your physical strength as can be applied to anything else in the real world and other fitness factors mean absolutely nothing.
Same thing for modern weightlifting and strength training and bodybuilding.
General weightlifting in America is completely divorced from health and real world application.
It's that thing that athletes occasionally use to get better at their sport, and that thing that gym monkies do to get better at lifting weights or get better at looking like they lift weights.
No one lifts for general health and looks.
There is no one talking to people about this.
Fucking kek euthenize all indians please
Are indian broads as weird as indian dudes?
Cause I saw a sweet looking indian girl the other day and I want to root the fuck out of her.
Wrestle them on the spot
My sides
ooh, and cast a famous indian comedian to play the lead. Like Aziz Ansari or something. That guy is really sympathetic. And let him explain how relationships work to us. And also show us how the life of a comedian REALLY is. That would be great. We could call it "Master of None" because he isn't really good at anything. I'm sure netflix would jump right on the idea.
>moving a piano
>very simple
yeah just deadlift for a few years and you'll be chucking piano's around like it's nothing breh
I would say I'm glad they found something that makes them happy and they should keep at it and I'm proud of them
good stuff
The Sanjayy Virgin vs the Durgesh Chad
A weight lifter is going to be stronger (can move more weight) than a person training via calisthenics. Obviously thats not the only measurement of fitness, but that is literally what weight training is designed to emphasize. Moving heavy weight.
All the strongest men in history have gotten strong through weight lifting.
A rock climber will not be "stronger" (able to move heavier objects) than a weight lifter. They might be have higher endurance, they are are of course going to be better at rock climbing, but to claim they are stronger is moronic.
How much ya bench?
god damn it Durgesh
>that one creepy indian lez at the bottom
Nevermind, I got my answer.
Stay away from indian girls.
If you don't have a gym buddy to feed off or if you don't seduce whores everywhere you go then yes calisthenics at home are pretty great. I guess I could do calisthenics at a park and treat it like a gym if I wanted to. Eh no thanks.
It's like a race of sex offender Mr Beans
All this has to be fake
if you care about your health and developing strength you do calisthetics and cardio. Hell, do some manual labor every once in a while.
if you care about size and feeling funny in the pants, you lift like a madman.
I do both so what do I care.
no Indians are actually like that
parts of them will definitely be stronger
second, he said people at “his rock climbing gym” are stronger than “most” weightlifters which might be true, most people are shit
this is just op being salty
They also had very little fine muscle control.
This sort of strength comes at a price. Or rather, our larger craniums and more complex motor cortex came at a price. Its a myth that the modern man is somehow physically inferior to our ancestors. We just utilise resources in a different way.
>do milk
my fucking sides
>No one lifts for general health and looks
Speak about yourself retard. Compounds are what make your whole body stronger => stronger muscles, bones and joints. If this is not health then what is? Running marathons during your whole life till your joints are fucked?
>Inb4 hur dur i have a qt christian green eyed virgin white gf
*blue eyed, stay mad witeboi
Alright no need for the snark mate. I meant an average dude in India, so we get to see the Indians idea of a a normal, party, gym, music festival etc, trip to the ganghees, rape etc, using Facebook etc. It would be abit like flight of the concords
Go shill your faggot power lifting bullshit to the fucking noobs on plg idiot.
Show me a long time power lifter/strength trainer who doesn't have absolutely fucked joints and ligaments.
I'll wait.
Who talked about pl? For health all you have to do is hit 1/2/3/4 and maintain.
>For health all you have to do is hit 1/2/3/4 and maintain.
Functional training isn't a sport, otherwise it wouldn't be training. Strength training has just worked better for me, and that's all that matters to me, really. That's what I say to them, if anything at all.
Alright, lets hear what your definition of lifting for health is.
>This is the GTA
Thank god I actually live in canada.
What the fuck is his problem.
Based Durgesh
>Both have disgusting detached earlobes.
sucks to be them
>being this fucking gullible over a fucking image on the internet
>let's make a generalized statement about x ethnicity based on what i've seen
these images were taking from some dude's facebook, they're of his dad who has brain cancer and was visiting him in each photo.
why not do both ? there is a thing called periodization you know...
reminder that Chad Durgesh beat the shit out of Virgin Sanjayy.