Why bother exercising when I can just get surgery to lose weight?

Why bother exercising when I can just get surgery to lose weight?

To build muscle so you won't look like a skinnyfat manlet once you finally lose weight

Boogie should never be an example

This is such a fucking troll post. How could you do this to boogie you fag

lost too much lean mass.. what the fuck ever.

fuck him, I got the sleeve when he weighed less than me and I weigh less than he does now. maybe if this faggot lifted a few weights he wouldn't lose any muscle mass, it doesn't take much.

I've lost nearly all fat and very little muscle, I work fucking hard to make sure my nutrition is on point... this asshole has figured out a way to get his food fix and is just coasting, the numbers don't lie.

Because you’ll still look like hope solos vagina with all that lose skin

why bother pursuing women when I can just jack off into my hand for a fraction of the effort.





Doesn't surgery remove fat all at once? What kind shitty surgery is he doing? Looks like excercise

>102 grams a day
What da fuq

>impossible haha

What the actual god damn fuck, man. I thought he was taking protein shakes. Is he literally just chugging melted butter all day?

>Is he literally just chugging melted butter all day?
Unironically, yes.

Seriously, he's not following the surgeon orders, that or he went to a shitty bariatric clinic that pushes most carb based shakes

They tried pushing bs shakes to me but I went with Syntrax Nectar instead, it's pure protein, 100kcal and 23g protein per 8oz shake

How the fuck do you not get 100g ?!

wtf does he eat? I'm genuinely curious.


Yeah, but...doesn't he eat meat? A huge guy like him can probably slurp down a pound of ground beef with no problem, and that will almost take you to 100g protons.

Why isn't there a surgery for skellies to gain weight? I'm tired of the hypocrisy. Where is my lazy weight gain surgery? Stop thin shaming me. Weight loss surgery is offensive to thin people, we can't get a surgery to easily change our body weight. Fat privilege needs to stop.

What the fuck is this un ironically bullshit

102g protein impossible when he probably eats 6k calories a day


>102 grams of protein a day
>Impossible haha

bmi over twice that of a healthy person

he needs suicide

Hi boogie

102 grams is impossible? What the fuck does he eat?

Why didn't boogie just /fast/, Veeky Forums?

Only 102? I eat 250g of protein per day.

The constrained his stomach to decrease his size, it's pretty much an appetite decreasing surgery

Because he has zero willpower

Because if he actually made it he would lose all the attention he's getting.

Because you need discipline, a lazy fat fuck will never do fasting

Because by the time you get fat enough for surgery, you'll be an obese disgusting man child who got cucked

He had a gastric bypass so he barely eats anything now you god damn fucking retards


It's called steroids.

Hello rèddit

How much actual lean mass is there even in this kind of a fat fuck?

>i dont know how steroids work
Nigga if you eat nothing and still pin you dont just magically gain weight

i don't think the surgery would go very well for an average individual. they only suck off or burn some exess fat and if you dont have that much you wont see very big results

Isn't it just supposed to shrink his stomach to a normal persons size? That's an easy number, I get more than that eating 1500kcal everyday.