Didn't someone on here suggest DNP as a cure for certain kinds of cancer on here? He even said he was gonna start doing trials on lab rats. What ever happened to that guy?
Didn't someone on here suggest DNP as a cure for certain kinds of cancer on here...
Other urls found in this thread:
DNP doesn't seem to be too bad?
Uh he prob died from touching it too much
There was also talk of DNP curing type 2 diabetes
Going to take the DNP pill
Anyone have a list of rules to not snap my shit up?
Drink water
Don't eat carbs before bed
Take electrolytes
Don't do strenuous cardio (you won't be able to anyway)
Take vitamin C
Good luck, get shredded
>DUDE it can't be harmful, they use it to cure KANSUR
No, no one can tell you how not to fuck up, because no one perfectly knows. We have a pretty good idea, but DNP is extremely dangerous, so Don't do it. It's not miraculous, the fat loss is subtle, just big compared to other weightloss nonsense... just count your calories. You won't lose weight anyway if you can't count your calories, so it doesn't matter.
Don't take DNP. Count your calories.
This is stupid half-baked broscience, and like half of what you need to do
I'm not going to give you a dnp protocol though. Don't take it.
What's the worst that could realistically happen? And don't say death, only a handful people died from it.
Yeah, if you have an allergic reactions say good by to your nerve endings for the next year. Happened to me, felt like little needles were being poked all around my body randomly.
Also hospitalized me for a week, I think my caps were over packed. I can't even remember what dose I did it was so long ago. It also gave me alopecia for a year.
Pro tip, don't fucking do it
Death. I spray DNP on my lawn to kill weeds. That should tell you everything you need to know.
>whats the worst
>dont say death it only happened to a handfull of people
retard alert
Have Valtrex on hand if you get cold sores.
> take 250 mg DNP, get cold sore in 12 hours like clockwork. Never get them any other time
Shit is a serious oxidative stressor.
Brain damage.
Organ death.
Skin lesions.
That's how many people reportedly died from using DNP.
>Whats the worst that could realistically happen? And don't say death
>DNP literally belongs to class of compounds which starve cells of energy - One of the members being Cyanide
Lmao nigga what. Just don't do that shit, pic related.
You will feel like literal hell. You will have no energy and you will count the minutes until your cycle ends. You can't talk without getting winded, you smell like shit, your clothes get drenched, all you want to do is sleep. I couldn't even play video games on it
I've done 3 21 day cycles my life, one of which was cruising at around 800mg powder, and I'll tell you right now that I rather do 700 calories of cardio a day on a 500 deficit than do another cycle
It's ultimately up to you, but that doesn't get into the allergic reaction, potential nerve damage, or unknown long term effects of it
>drink plenty of water
>250 is plenty to cut on and keeps the sides manageable
>walk for 30 minutes every day
>drink water
>if you feel pins and needles drop immediately and blast NAC
>what's the worst that could happen?
>don't say the worst that could happen, it doesn't count cuz i said so
Jesus Christ, anyone retarded enough to take a substance known to induce neuropathy deserves the 5 year life expectancy.
I'm serious you faggots, this is the life expectancy of someone experiencing autonomic neuropathy for the first time. And anything that fries your peripheral nerves, probably fucks with your autonomic system as well, because that shit isn't exactly selective. DNP is basically a metabolic poison acting on the most fundamental cell processes, I'd be surprised if it had anything resembling a selective mode of action.
Seriously, I've seen some retarded fucking fads over the years, but this one takes the Darwin Award mongoloid retard cake.
/fast/ing does everything DNP does
It's free
It doesn't kill you
why do Veeky Forumsizens pay to have their body parts rot off?
I tried dnp quite a few times. I took a gram of it one day out of pure masochism and a) it made me vomit and b) I couldn't get out of bed for 24 hours. The most I could tolerate was for a few days at a time because it really does make you feel like death.
Also, unless you're on gear it will burn off muscle as well. You can barely lift weights on it and cardio will make you collapse from heat exhaustion.
Is it worth it? It's probably not necessary unless you need to get ripped in like 2 weeks. It is insanely effective, I wouldn't bother with it without steroids unless you're aiming for Auschwitz mode.
>What ever happened to that guy?
Don't worry about it chico.
>fat loss is subtle
are u retarded? dnp kills fat like its nothing.
>dnp kills fat like its nothing.
Are you retarded? NO it doesn't.
Im going to kill you like it's nothing you soyboy faggot
imagine someone cutting for 5 months and losing 35 Ibs.
you could do that in 3 weeks on dnp
>take 800mg a day
>pray you don't die
That's a retarded hypothesis. DNP is an uncoupler, and therefore effects the mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation. A hallmark of cancer is their switch from oxidative phosphorylation of fatty acids to glycolysis as a primary energy generating mechanism. This means that DNP is considerably less damaging to Cancer cells than healthy cells.
There seems to be a lot of misinformation here tonight with bro-science kiddies.
OP in answer to your question, I remember seeing a study that noted it may kill cancer cells. I can't find it, but it is true it is AMES negative and the EPA has found no long term cancer risks associated with it.
>EPA has found no long term cancer risks associated with it
Because they haven't looked you fucking mong.
>I remember seeing a study that noted it may kill cancer cells
No you didn't
Don't do it faggot. I did it for 500mg for 9 days and it damaged the nerves in one of my nipples. Very painful stinging sensation. Pain ranged between a 3 to an 8 out of 10 during that last day.
carb addiction
I referred him to a laboratory supply company because he needed a source of cancerous lab rats but he never emailed me back. It's been about two and a half years since then, maybe more. There's no way any research or experiments he needed to do should have taken this long.
If I recall correctly he was looking for volunteers for a human trial too.
My best guess is either he was doxxed and arrested, or big pharma caught wind of it and he was paid off or killed.
shut the fuck up nigger. not everyone gets it. i've done 3 dnp cycles and i was fine on each one. the worst thing i would get is sweating, and some lethargy. thats literally fucking it.
read the pastebin
make sure to take ALL the supplements listed, just to be sure.
>300 mg over 6 weeks
Jesus H. Christ
I took ALL the supps. Still got damaged nerves. Goodluck on your death wish phampai.
Did DNP about 7 years ago for 3-4 days...one night I got really hot and my temperature reached 106°F, really thought I might have fucked myself up. Had my a/c on high and two fans blowing on me.
Stupidest shit I ever did. Honestly isn't worth it unless you are a seasoned /cheater/ doing contest prep to go from 7% bf to 5-6%.