>Powerlifting (generally)(sometimes)(occasionally)Google docsObligatory gay song
/plg/ - powerlifting general
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SS is objectively the best beginner lifter program ever created
>he hasn't ran norsefats novice program
The only people that bitch about the shittiness of starting strength are the genetic dead ends that spend way too long on a beginner program.
b-b-benis and b-bagina
Women with big balls
Men with vaginas
I want to anally dominate a qt trap into submission.
Would you rather replace conv diddies with RDLs or SLDLs if you lift as a hobby and still want something good? Not sure which to choose desu
ether sumo or snatch grip
just curious why snatch? isn’t it severely limited by upper back so you can’t hit hamstrings well or am I wrong?
Nice bleg
Just pick one for your weakness, if you have weak upper back: snatch grip, if you have weak hams: SLDL
why do you wanna replace conv didl
Just boredom and want to change things around, also switched to exclusively cgbp and front squats for a while
both areas are pretty weak, maybe snatch grip sldls are an option, more upper back work would go nicely with fronts
SS is good for teaching you the basics but it will not make you look good.
No powerlifting routine without vanity muscle workouts will make you look good.
>look good
do you know where youre posting kiddo?
Beginners won't look good anyways, genius.
reminder that the're is nothing wrong with sumo but conventional is the harder lift if sumo is done correctly
This is what SS achieves in 2 months youtube.com
Who is the strongest plg trip roideroo or no roideroo, btw strongest absolute I don't care about muh relative strength?
Is it Isley or one of the older ones?
I said strongest, not most deluded and gay.
so much projection here i bet you dont even live in a mansion and make 10k from stock lel
pls formcheck my diddilys
eat more twink
mean tbf
it's wrong, your feet are suppost to be inside your arms.
the set up is basically conventional just with a wider grip
idk it feels really good, like i am actually getting some hypertrophy done too
it's also very hard to round your lower back while doing it, especially if your stance is wide too
p good desu
So progress has all but halted on my current program, especially for deadlifts. Now I need to figure out how to time out max attempts/mock meet to take advantage of the supercompensation I could get from peaking up to these heavy singles.
What I'm wondering is if I should try to max at the end of next week, giving me one more heavy bench session on Saturday and then light next week and max at the end.
Or if I should try to eek out another week of singles with squat and bench cause I think I have one more week in me on those and do a moderate deadlift session then take the following week to go light and then max.
What do you guys think?
what to do if i can eat way more than i have to? i need 3.4k to maintain and i aim to eat 3.6k
i am progressing well in the gym, but damn, i feel like i can eat more than 4k, i am always hungry and i got a lot of fat because of it
for a moment i thought his spine was gonna snap
iirc my back was actually pretty sore after that
Only happens when I bench max or supramax loads
The mad mans done it again.
You should find another thread to post in buddy
am I going mad here but weren't you doing like lmao 2.5pl8 squats and asking for form advice and now you're binching 180?
Those squats were 390lbs/177.5kg and that bench is with a Super Ram on
oh shit i have misread your squat lifts sorry lad, is that a a type of slingshot?
>0 motivation again, already another week of no lifting
I just want to sit at home and play risen for the last 2-3 hours in the day after work
Yeah it's Titan's version. Comparable to about the yellow slingshot from what I've read.
Lotta fun to use.
Mental GDE.
Accept it, and play vidya. Not everyone gets to be big and strong.
Is Risen good ? i've been a vidya slump recently after PoE last league was a literal turd and after finishing cuphead
/blog end
Have you noticed it helping your main i'm always kinda jelly when I see my friend slam on 10-20 kgs over his max and doing it for rep with slingshot but then again i'm kinda cynical if it does work much less for a 135kg bencher.
Your feet are WAAAAY to outward.
Fix that.
Do you?
Kek, I ripped my second char in PoE to fucking racecourse map bosses (was drunk, didn't flask, double damage mod on map and they all hit me) - then dumped it for this league.
Risen 1 and 2 are good if you like(d) gothic 1 and 2.
I dont play video games anymore.
You play video games in real life now - to what avail though?
that's a shame man, I think I ruined PoE for myself harbringer was first league I went to scrubcore because I wanted to experience all of endgame and it was fun and all but not dying made it boring and ended up with like 90 ex and HH, i hope new patch is good.
I like gothic 1 never played 2 might go for that first and then go for risen 1 and 2. have you played ELEX ? heard a couple of good things about it on /v/.
It's been nearly a year since I used it in a program consistently.
I think the only way it helps is mentally personally. Which is not to discredit it. It really helps to get that supramax weight in your hands and feel it through the whole movement, even if it doesn't feel exactly like it would raw.
desu though I bought the thing to have fun with and that's pretty much how I've treated it. It's great for that. But then some people swear by it so it might do me good if I put more stock in its effectiveness. iunno.
pl is the same desu
Yeah, it is. Cyclone slayer was incredible fun when drunk, went through maps in 2 min, etc. But yeah.
Sure, go ahead and play gothic 2 - just keep in mind it's old as fuck.
Only read some magazines trash talking it, especially the combat system.
But apparently as long as you don't play melee it's cool.
I will have to do some research again though, it might be that the magazines that I read were not familiar with PB's work and compared it to something like witcher - which is also a great game but just a different thing.
Physical and mental health, and for setting a positive example to others.
No. It's not.
grinding, getting more exp, slowly progressing to harder quests, getting new equipment...its an rpg
>physical health
What? Heavy weight training isn't healthy in any way. Quite the opposite.
If you want to be healthy do low intensity, long cardio throughout the week.
>mental health
Actively using your brain is never unhealthy, no matter how much your mom told you it is.
>What? Heavy weight training isn't healthy in any way. Quite the opposite.
citation needed
>If you want to be healthy do low intensity, long cardio throughout the week.
Lad... You can argue PL is not healthy since you're risking injuries for some total but resistance training in general shows high correlation with improved health markers.
Did smolov jr 2weeks ago, bench went from 250lbs to 275 1rm, now I dont know what program to do, started bill starr 5x5 (same as madcow) but the first day felt so easy, is it good ? I know my body has to get used to the linear progression, but the volume is so low.. compared to smolov jr.
Garagebro are you here?
he's baiting probably
>constantly raising your blood pressure immensly is healthy for your heart
Yeah ...
If you actually trained for health you would be doing cardio and there isn't a single person in this universe that would disagree with this, not even you.
You don't train for health; you train because you enjoy it, enjoy seeing how strong you can get, the progress, the confidence.
You don't train because you care a lot about your heart.
whenp people do smolov jr for bench they just do the same program they would do on squats, only with bench 1rm entered? pls no bully
yeah and they do bench not squats lmao
thats what i meant ayy
thanks might give it a go dsu
I did bench and deadlift(no hate please)
Deadlift went 320 to 355, I do squat, but didnt try smolov jr with squat yet
You're a nerd child.
Resistance training is healthy. I don't train like a retard. And I do cardio.
id snap if i didded 4 times a week
It wasnt easy, had to make sure my form was perfect, i wouldnt do it again I think, first two weeks were pretty hard on my back, close to snapcity
>You're a nerd child.
epin high school tier insult, you forgot to call me a virgin too
what are you doing now
You're still not backing this up with anything man? You're just making unfounded claims. I'm not saying I primarly lift for health, but lifting isn't unhealthy and it's a nice bonus tbqh.
Thoughts on Stefi Cohen?
>lmao do cardio dude
normie pls
>Stefi Cohen
Is SL good ?
Like I said I started bill starr 5x5, today, it felt so easy.. but the firsts weeks have to be easy, im skeptical, but ppl seem to have make huge gain on it, so... thats where I am now, im skeptical as the volume seems low, but I'll give it a shot I think
>you forgot to call me a virgin too
To elaborate, powerlifting doesn't have to be an extreme training style. You can train for general strength and occasionally enter powerlifting meets for competition and enjoyment.
Cardiovascular training is good for longevity to a degree, but it could be argued that quality of life is much better with resistance training incorporated as well. This benefits bone density, connective tissue health, and leg strength is often correlated with the retention of mental sharpness as a person gets into old age.
do gslp or ss
never did that, so idk man
best of luck
>>To elaborate, powerlifting doesn't have to be an extreme training style. You can train for general strength and occasionally enter powerlifting meets for competition and enjoyment.
>Cardiovascular training is good for longevity to a degree, but it could be argued that quality of life is much better with resistance training incorporated as well. This benefits bone density, connective tissue health, and leg strength is often correlated with the retention of mental sharpness as a person gets into old age.
i never said otherwise maybe you meant to reply to the cardio guy
no they arent
My bad. But if you spend your time playing video games there's probably a good chance that you need a reminder to go outside every once in a while and do some cardio in conjunction with your strength training. You're welcome, virgin.
i dont play vidya desu i just compared pl to them
a-and not a virgin, i had sex with one girl a few times ;^)
Papa Rip and Mama CWS say I should focus on my liftan since cardio is just wasted recovery time
my excuse for not doing cardio is that I run candito,so I can use his second week as cardio sub
Is it normal to barely feel any burn in your hamstrings and glutes after doing a Deadlift? I can feel the burn in my lower back.
Doing SS and currently doing 110lbs on Deadlift.
thats kinda weird
are you even using leg drive? imagine pressing the floor down
>cardio is just wasted recovery time
If you're in a peaking cycle for a meet, sure.
Post video of your form before you wreck yourself lad. DOMs are not end all and be all of doing exercises right but you sound like me when I didn't do diddlys properly.
>110lbs on Deadlift
>I can feel the burn in my lower back.
snap city
post video and use legs to lift not just back
Well I was reading his book and it seems as though cardio allows more for the shitty type of muscle to be built so i'd rather not tyvm
>Doing SS and currently doing 110lbs on Deadlift.
You probably have doms in your back from being in a hospital bed for your entire life. Because there is no other excuse for only deadlifting 110 lb.
>being this rude
either frog or sean
>haha greg nuckols here lads, pulled 4pl8 first day in the gym ;)
Prowler, short sprints, tire flipping, barbell complexes, and hiking are not going to turn you into a slow twitch piece of garbage. Sitting on your ass and not trying hard is going to make you a weak piece of garbage.
He's right tho??? It's in pounds. My grandmother could lift that.
chill the fuck out nigga everyone starts somewhere stop being mean to some poor noob kid.
>chill the fuck out nigga everyone starts somewhere
Lol. Just saving him a few years of frustration and heartache. He needs to try picking up small rocks.
If i train volume on monday, deload on wednesday and intesnity on friday - will i be as strong on friday as i would if i instead did volume on monday and intensity on wednesday? I can only work out 2 days this week so i'm going to have to skip deload day
What kind of belts do you guys have?
I got a 13mm single prong by pioneer