ITT: Books that soyboys will never understand

ITT: Books that soyboys will never understand

Great taste, user

Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger, With the Old Breed on Peleliu by Eugene Sledge and Okinawa, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer and Helmet for my Pillow by Robert Leckie

Just my opinion though



>not training for mental gains

A strong mind in a strong body

Mishima was literally a homo

Like 99% of Veeky Forums

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Blood Meridian

a lot of Hemmingway

Crime and Punishment?

>A strong mind in a strong body
That's /fitlit/.
Keep your strong mind in Veeky Forums and your strong body in Veeky Forums

Dude wrote love stories, literally a beta

/fitlit/ is eternal

Man, I've yet to read Sun and Steel. Should get around to it.
Did read another book of his fairly recently though.

I'd also recommend Hesse and Schopenhauer.

>tfw never actually gone to Veeky Forums out of a prejudice that a majority of them might be pretentious elitists

>With the Old Breed on Peleliu by Eugene Sledge
I stumbled on that a high school library sale. Best 50 cents I ever spent. Not as good as the 25 cents, I spent on All Quiet on the Western Front but pretty good.

Soyboys? You mean like you faggots on this board?

I didn't know The old man and the sea was about an old dude who died while trying to fuck a fish.

He literally had zero respect for women, he was alpha as phuark

You are too stupid to read.

Storm of steel is really great.

This desu famalai

I see people keep recommending Yukio Mishima. I've read a couple of his short stories which were like suicide fanfic. IRL he went out in an embarrassingly cringy way, so I'm not sure he's worth admiration if his internal compulsions ultimately led him to such spectacularly dorky failure. What is so great about Sun and Steel?

Being a homo is noble and warrior-like

I thought this was the Fitness board?

>Storm of Steel

Excellent choice

No it's disgusting. Kill thyself

Basically it goes over how he went from weak ill little boy to bodybuilder gay writer dude.



Sun and Steel is about the process of going from a weakling to a strong person, with a sense of melancholy from only discovering the joy of physical self-improvement late in life. One of the parts that sticks with me is Mishima talking about romanticism and its relationship with physical beauty. It's a feeling that numale slobs that have never pumped iron will never understand.


>Implying all boards on Veeky Forums aren't filled with pretentious elitists.



It's the story of a closet case japanese dude who was in the middle of a midlife crisis.


tfw no ebook

>not understanding the unfaltering human spirit
>not refusing to give up, even if it means uncomfort and injury and possible death
>not being so focused on your goal that you are willing to sacrifice everything
mfw you're not gonna make it

based marcus

That book fucking sucks, dude

One of my favorite books

Blood Meridian is probably my favourite book but I still don't know what to get out of it. It gets me so trance-like
The Meditations had a huge impact on me and is probably the easiest book to recommend to someone who wants to improve themselves

Crime and punishment is good bit od a slog to get through though

Why is this such a highly critically acclaimed book? I bought it on a whim a couple years ago and it has been a huge disappointment.

it's a bit of a bore for modern audiences and some of the themes are lost but trust me, it's good
watch apocalypse now, it's essentially a retelling of the book but set during the Vietnam War

Middle school liberal propaganda tier


kill urself anytime


An appropriate response given that you posted a shitty fantasy novel for teenage edgelords



>a superior gentleman guide to cultivating his mind

Yes bro. If you read those books bitches will just come CRAWLING

Confessions of a Mask was a great novel by Yukio, GOAT if someone is trying to understand his other works too.

And reading mien kampf is so sexy

read it, you discover that hitler was a brainlet

soy boys love this shit because they want to die for not getting pussy

Everyone knows this
He invaded Russia in winter

True love can only be experienced between men. Straight men can love and fuck each other. It has nothing to do with being straight or gay.

>not taking pictures of your own copy