I think I'm borderline diabetic. Last time I checked my blood sugar wasn't quite there yet though. What can I do to stop or reverse this process? Admittedly I've been consuming too much sugar. But what steps can I take to help myself now? What foods and lifestyle changes do you recommend?
I think I'm borderline diabetic. Last time I checked my blood sugar wasn't quite there yet though...
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Any advice or suggestions, anons? I want to be among the fit.
>Admittedly I've been consuming too much sugar
wow i wonder what the solution is
eliminate refined sugar, obviously. How is this even a question?
Had diabetes myself bro, I know that is sucks. I was eating to much unhealthy shit with tons of fat and processed sugar.
Here you go. I'm not diabetic anymore btw.
Do a water fast for like a week or two, then resume eating but a healthy diet without excess sugar.
carbs ARE sugar
sweeti, carbs are not the cause.. simply the symptom of fat in muscles cell. If you drop fat from body and muscles, you won't be diabetic anymore.
Keto will never be able to heal anyone from diabetes, it simply makes it worse in the long run.
hey guys is this related to diabetes?
every time i try to go to sleep i have like restless leg syndrome except it's in my liver or something.
like in that area in between your chest and stomach
i toss and turn because it feels twitchy.
Go see a doctor
fasting user here.
I've helped a bunch of people with type 2 diabetes lose weight with fasting and all but 1 of them reversed their diabetes within 3 months (average ~2mos) through the use of extended fasting periods to resolve their metabolic syndrome symptoms.
In every case their diabetes reversed well before they had achieved any semblance of a normal body fat percentage.
Type 2 diabetes is just the result of having too much glucose in the body for too god damn long. you're trying to shove more and more glucose from the blood into the cells and you need more and more insulin to do that. The more sugar you take in the more fat your liver produces which goes first to the visceral and intramuscular regions. In the end, your body just becomes resistant to all the insulin floating around and your pancreas just can't produce enough to get your blood sugar under control.
The use of fasting is incredibly powerful in this regard due to the fact that the first fat taken for energy use is typically intramuscular and visceral fats. This then starts to reverse the insulin resistance that stems from that. As insulin sensitivity increases your blood sugar levels begin to achieve normal levels as the body can take up that available glucose. As the blood sugar stabilizes insulin load goes down which in turn decreases the pressure on cells to resist it's effects. this in turn further lowers resistance.
In the fatfucks I use fasting for weight loss I encourage those with metabolic syndrome to fast for periods of up to 2 weeks, with an equal length re-feed period. We monitor a1C on a monthly basis once it falls into the normal range we'll take a look at fasting insulin levels until it enters a normal range, at which point we'll stop doing the extended fasts and switch them over to IF16:8, with optional one or two fasting days a week for faster weight loss if desired.
Can't too poor.
I just want to know what it might be. I don't really care enough to do anything about it I was just curious what it was.
Sugar doesn't cause diabetes. Fat does. Research the Kempner Rice diet.
Fuck off ketard
It's probably normal and just your digestive tract doing its thing at night.
>fat does
Explain how the frutarian movement is plagued by diabetes then
Extra credit:
Explain all the rail thin single digit body fat twigs with type 2 diabetes.
So don't drink of eat anything besides water for an entire week? Is that healthy?
Cole, notice me!
Anyone telling you that greatly reducing carbs and sugars from your diet wont reverse type 2 diabetes is an idiot or lying
So basically you let your body use the excess inside and from there you eat better/with greater moderation?
I've been slim all my life, though I've recently gotten skinny fat. Started a 1200-1400 calorie daily diet to get myself back in shape. Cutting out sugar and fast food. I'm 6'2 btw. Is this a good diet?
If youve got fat to spare then theres absolutely nothing wrong with depriving yourself of food for a length of time. Especially if you're over ~15% body fat. Youve got plenty of energy reserves to sustain you.
Below that around 10% body fat you'll start seeing some adverse effects. But at that body fat level you're either an elite body builder who has no business fasting for longer than 24hours. Or you're anorexic and have no business faating period.
Fasting for extended durations can help reset and reverse t2d. IF16:8 can help improve it and mitigate risk factors by giving your body plenty of time during the day to use up energy and move it where it belongs.
In terms of diet. Thats easy. Eliminating processed and refined foods is the first step to an overall healthier body.
A general rule I live by is that if the package has an "ingredients list" I try to avoid it. Unless its an oil or fat, vinegar, seasoning, or generally unprocessed like rice or frozen veggies. If >90% of your diet follows these simple guidelines you're practically in the clear as long as your calorie control is maintained and you dont go absolutely insane on fruit 24/7
How often should you eat fast food? Like go out for a burger and fries? And is the nutritional value in sugar enough to justify the amount of sugar it has? I'm thinking Blueberry Mini Wheats. If not, then is oatmeal a good substitute?
>calorie restriction
I know it goes against gospel but I don't suggest counting calories.
In the fat fucks I help I strictly forbid them from counting calories. I want them to eat healthy whole unprocessed foods to the point of satiety. By restricting the feeding window and eliminating processed easily digestible foods and sugary drinks you end up with pretty decent calorie restriction as it is. If the fat isnt going anywhere we get rid of it by fasting one or two days a week.
If you're leading an active lifestyle you should be hitting a TDEE of nearly 3,000/day. A single day of fasting a week therefore averages out to ~425cal/day net loss.
Eating to satiety will control hunger and getting all your daily calorie needs will keep your energy levels high. And that single day of fasting isnt enough to fuck with your energy levels.
Anyone trying to eat healthy has no fucking business eating this bullshit sugar laidened processed food sludge.
Do you want diabetes?
Because this shit is how you fucking get diabetes.
If you for some reason think you need breakfast cereals instead of eggs, and meat and fat and some awesome fresh veggies, or if youre too fucking lazy in the morning, then eat whole oatmeal with some actual blueberries or fruit.
Whole oatmeal. Not the instant shit.
>instant shit
Is instant oatmeal good whatsoever? And I can replace the cereal with chicken or egg wraps.
How many grams of fat should you have in a day? What amount should you not exceed?
If true, metformin.
FWIW I've been a type 1 diabetic for 12 years and I never started eating instant oatmeal until this year. It's really not that bad for you unless you're getting the shit thats filled with sugar and/or throwing brown sugar and cream on it. I usually have two packs for breakfast, one apple cinnamon (26 g carbs, 9g sugar) and one regular (27 g carbs, 6g sugar). Keeps my blood sugar mad level.
>Explain how the frutarian movement is plagued by diabetes then
...it isn't? I haven't seen a single fruitarian with diabetes.
>Explain all the rail thin single digit body fat twigs with type 2 diabetes.
Where? Perhaps their diet is rich in saturated fat and cholesterol and not enough plants.
Stop consuming sugar?
Sugar doesn't cause diabetes. Research Dr. Kempner. He cured diabetes with a strict white rice and fruit diet.
In the fasts that these people do. Do they eat at all or is this strict no food fast? If they do eat then what?
That many carbs as a diabetic is idiotic
Why did i never see this parroted around here until after What the Health?
You missed the part where he cured type 2 diabetes in his patients using that diet.
I normally eat this
Op everyone in this thread so far is an idiot, I'm going to lay out a 3 step process
Step 1: minimize insulinogenic food, fat has no insulin responce, crabs a high insulin response and protein about half that of carbs if you do eat carbs make sure that they have a low glycemic index to slow absorption.
Step 2: lose fucking weight, being fat ruins your bodys insulin sensitivity causing your body to compensate by producing more when your pancreas is already at its limit.
Step 3: exercise improves insulin response, weight lifting and cardio both are great for this.
So if you're on a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, 400 to 700 calories can come from dietary fat, which translates to between 44 and 78 fat grams a day. The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends keeping saturated fat to less than 10 percent of calories a day.
Get the protein oatmeal or weight control it's way better, extra fiber and protein and vitamins and shit and less sugar. Plus protein oatmeal packet is like 240 cal instead of 160.
Instant oatmeal has the glycemic index of literal table sugar you tard, you might as well have a soda fir breakfast.
Yeah, because having less body fat will do that, does make it a good diet for a diabetic. The only part it gets right is caloric restriction.
>cutting of my leg prevents the spread of gangrene just as well as antibiotics!
Shutup stupid vegan. The ketogenic diet helps people with diabetes better than HCLF diets.
23 more studies that show that:
Look up the glycemic index of instant oatmeal and table sugar, they are nearly the same. Only eat grains that have very little done to them, like steel cut oats. Also eggs, meat and fresh vegetables would be an excellent choice for breakfast.
Your both actually right, low carb minimises insulin repose which is good and losing body fat helps insulin sensitivity. Recommending a diabetic a high carb diet is retarded though.
What causes triglycerides to enter cells? Insulin. Which is triggered by.... carbs... and left alone by.... fat. The best way to "drop fat from the body" is to do a ketogenic diet, because dietary fat induces satiety by stimulating hormones like leptin. Stop listening to What the health they lie so much and say stupid fucking things like "carbs can't turn into fat".
Oh and you know what's hilarious?
This guy got brainwashed by durianrider that sugar and carbs are good for you and turned himself from fit to an obese vegan. He's literally delusional and thinks he's just healing from "metabolic damage" and one day his body will just flip a switch and start shedding all the weight even if he continues smashing in the sugar and "carbing the fuck up".
God I hate vegans.
How bad are Granny Smith Apples?
Same thing happened to this teenage girl named Julia Boer. Do not listen to vegans, they are mentally ill.
Thanks to it's fiber content it's a low glycemic carb that is very filling, it's a good snack. But you should limit carbs to less than 25% of calories.
Ah. I'm replacing sugary and processed snack foods with cashews, apples, bananas, and berries. Sweet tea is getting replaced with warm honey tea. And I'm looking into organic chicken and eating more seafood. Is this a good start or decent diet?
I'm not vegan, idiot.
Keto helps shit against diabeties. It does nothing, literally nothing. You just consume high amouth of fat, which in itself is unhealthy as fuck.
thats not a fucking low fat diet you mongoloid. Study is also clearly biased towards the low carb diet, since the other diet design is simply retarted. Also no mention of what carbs, fat and protein they ate.
23 not controlled groups and the low carb subjects age a calorie deficit. Every single one of them has an incredibly stupid study design for that matter. Fuck you for not even caring to understand how shit works.
Insulin is also triggered by protein, therefore we should not consume protein and carbs right? You are fucking mental dude, stupid as fuck. The best way to drop bodyfat is a high carb low fat diet, which actually has an metabolic advantage, keto does not. de novo lipogenesis look it up and do some good research. If you have seen the movie you would have known that they never said carbs cant turn into fat, they have to me MADE into fat thru de novo lipogenesis. Again, do some research. You will die if you keep on doing a Keto diet.
No one said refined sugar is healthy. You are obv stupid. Carbs are good for you, retard but that doesnt mean you should consume high amouth of calories way above your needs. Also yes, when you muscles cells free themself from fat, you start to storage carbs in muscles which makes is really hard to gain weight. Also not a good example of anything since the dude is mental.
yeah right, durienrider is an retard. Anyone who drinks soda should be killed anyway. The only reason why he has no problem with drinking soda and eating tons of refined sugar is because dude is cycling every hour of the day.
>Look up the glycemic index of instant oatmeal
Anything more recent than this? Looks pretty old.
obesity is the main cause of impaired glucose metabolism. those people reversed diabetic symptoms by losing weight, not fasting in itself. Fasting works for losing weight but it's not the only way
Sounds great but you might as well keep the sugar in your tea, honey is just as bad.
What do you even mean by this? What is old?
>might as well keep the sugar in your tea, honey is just as bad.
I thought honey and cinnamon were both good for the body. Am I mistaken? And what are ways to incorporate cinnamon into a diet?
No seriously, get off our fucking board
Dont play dumb. That shit is basically candy
>Sugar is good for you because it gets turned into fat
Are you literally this fucking retarded?
Guess what kind of fat sugar gets turned into inside your body? Guess.
Saturated fat.
I typically limit it to one serving size (25 biscuits). Didn't think it would be that detrimental as long as I didn't gobble down sugar the rest of the day.
Don't fucking listen to him. Water diets are dangerous. Do your own thorough research before listening to some random online.. That includes me!
Oatmeal is a far better substitute, at least it is whole grain.
That mini-wheats shit is processed carbs covered in highly processed carbs.