The Barbell Curl with Mark Rippetoe

How the mighty have fallen

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What did you mean by this? Barbell curl is taught in the book and an accessory. DYERTB?

why do people take advice from this guy? literally fat old man mode

He's a good strength coach and knows how to teach form. Why wouldn't you listen to someone like that? Is he wrong about the functions of the bicep? Does the bicep not supinate the forearm or flex the shoulder? I'm trying to see your argument and I don't think you have one.

holy fuck, i couldn't watch more than 10 seconds.
do people really talk like this retard?
i thought southern accents were just exaggerated, i had no idea there were literal mongoloids that spoke this way. lmao, fucking 'ell.

>He's a good strength coach
With how long Mark Rippetoe has been around, how much he writes, ho well looked up to his is, etc etc, I still don’t know of a single lifter he has trained. I feel like the law of averages would dictate at least ONE guy would come out of the wood work.

Your wife's son is crying user, go comfort him

t. hick

Sweeet escape


tension (in Newtons): 0

>I still don’t know of a single lifter he has trained.

This is basically like discounting Jordan Peterson’s thoughts about human psychology because you don’t know about a single one of his clinical patients.

Rip has seminars that OTHER COACHES show up to.



>I can't in analogies

why the fuck is he swaying so much ad pointing his elbows so far inwards

Rip trained him? Any proofs?

Jordan is a member of SS and you can see him in half of the podcasts.

>Mark trained some mediocre nonames

He literally explains it in the video

I dunno who the first guy is but calling that mediocre makes you totally full of shit tbqhwym8

Can't even do a barbell curl without trying to make it into a compound movement can he?
Goddamnit ripp. Every lift isn't a "more bang for your buck" movement.
You're going to have to focus on one part for a while.
Natties have to focus intently on one single part of their bodies to overcome hurdles.

This. Mark has always said he does and likes barbell curls.

>Natties have to focus intently on one single part of their bodies to overcome hurdles.
I don’t doubt this but why

One of the most important factors in muscle growth is the nervous system. All of that movement there in the barbell curl is to showcase stimulating that bicep. The nervous system stimulates that.

>but only when he's alone in the gym, because curls are for faggots :^)

>Barbell curl is taught in the book
So what? They are not programmed.

Because it's easy to compensate for individual weaknesses when using a barbell.
It's why advanced guys drop the weight and go moderate weight high rep.
That will make a man into a mouse and will show you how weak you really are.
They also go ham on isolation and lifting with one side or the other to build up any weaknesses in their muscle or body.
The last LAST thing you want is for that one weak link that you've been compensating for to give out while mindlessly lifting something heavy.

The most important factor in muscle growth is volume. Not just strength, but actual time under bar. Tapping mostly just the CNS will not lead to especially great muscle gains for naturals who're out of the new adaptations phase.

This is a guy who thinks you can go from a squating position to a standing position with your hamstring having notable activation just because muh lowbar. The hamstrings get as much work in a squat as the biceps do in a bench, Rip! (non signifigant levels).

Rip's books are championed for "giving the basic mechanics of lifts even when it gets diet and periodization wrong" but he can't even get mechanics right. He's worse than a hack--he's a fraud.

If you want strong elbows and tendons for snatch, gymnastics, atlas stone, holding a football tight etc, you need to do a shit ton of curl volume with various angles of attack.

90% of times people hold things in their arms so acting like curls are some forgettable accessory is just the stupidest shit ever.

>The hamstrings get as much work in a squat as the biceps do in a bench
Yes, Yuri Belkin says the same

Nice try Satan

Britfag here. His accent is far easier on the ears than your nasally midwestern faggotry.

>muh volume

Yeah that’s why marathon runners have the biggest legs

you're retarded and I'm not even the guy who posted that

Ring infograph of the barbell curl being used as a compound

>using reason against brosplitters

They didn’t reason their way into their routine, they won’t reason their way out of it.

Lmao this, totally this. Bro splitters are the only ones who will shit on Mark.

I think you may have made a mistake, user.

How is Rippetoe an instructor on fitness while his own gut is fucking massive

That isn't even a strong southern accent. He also sounds like a fucking man.




>I still don’t know of a single lifter he has trained

Literally every single lifter who's ever read SS, and I doubt you can find a single record holding powerlifter in the U.S. who hasn't used, praised, or recommended Rip's program to novice lifters. And for those who haven't used it, they certainly used a program which is essentially just a variation off of SS, whether they admit it or not. Use your brain.

>good strength coach
This shit again. He's very dogmatic. He's never coached an elite lifter. His programming prioritizes lifting heavy weights in the short term over all the other long-term drivers of success in the weight room and on the athletic field (conditioning/work capacity being one of the most important that he misses). He has this idea that every novice who can do power cleans must do power cleans, even though this almost invariably results in a weak beginner doing muscle cleans with garbage form, and virtually everyone else agrees that jumps, throws, and sprints are better than power cleans for developing explosiveness.
He doesn't believe that machines and isolation movements have any purpose in the programs of serious lifters, even though virtually every elite lifter does these exercises. He has a decent physiological analysis of the lifts, but he thinks that there's only one good way to perform the lifts, when the reality of lifting is that form differs greatly among good lifters.
He has this idea that because beginners are able to add weight to the bar every session, they must do so, and if they don't do so then beginner gains are "wasted". In reality, because beginners progress well on any program, it doesn't particularly matter what program they do. The best program for beginning lifters is one that develops the full range of athletic qualities (strength, explosiveness, proprioception, conditioning, etc.), which is what lifters did before the Starting Strength craze took off. 5/3/1 for Beginners is a good program that does this. Coincidentally, this is also what the Russians do, and they dominate the U.S. in powerlifting at every level.
If I tried I could probably think of more problems I have with him, but that's probably enough for now. I did run Starting Strength, a long time ago. Thankfully, some lifters who were much stronger than I was set me right.

I'm the guy who posted that and they're right. You are stupid.

t. cuck

I laughed because it's true.

CNS adaptation will give you strenght gains, not size gains
it's why you can have a twink outsquatting a bear

>I doubt you can find a single record holding powerlifter in the U.S. who hasn't used, praised, or recommended Rip's program to novice lifters
Proofs pls. Nobody programs novices like Rippetoe, Chad Wesley Smith recommends abolutely different program for example, so does Sheiko.

>The Biceps is a flexor of the shoulder
>Shoulder flexor

Holy fucking kek. Should have expected it from a guy who advocates leg work for a juicy upper body.

Has rip ever addressed his fandom on this site?

It is a shoulder flexor, you biomechanical ignoramus. However, he should have mentioned that it is also, and more importantly, an elbow flexor

He says in the book you can add them to the end of your lift day if you have enough energy left over. Work on those brain gains, man.

>Rippetoe says it's okay to cheat the rep a bit
Wtf why is he doing that????
>Arnold says it's okay to cheat the rep a bit
Genius. Dude knew his shit.

>tfw been doing them wrong

my elbows don't touch my ribcage

>how is a big strong guy an instructor on getting big and strong?

Nobody that shits on Rip/SS has actually read the book.

Tbqh I think theyre both retarded to some extent.

>taking advice from a communist
>taking advice from a ugly man baby genetic abnormality

barbel curls hurt my left wrist

try keeping it flexed, not extended

I have, even bought the fucking book. People who go on about SS have not lifted for more than a few months

I've been lifting for 6 years, and I think SS is great. There you go.

>lifting for 4 years total
>8 months of SS until linear progression failed
>also did Texas Method, 5/3/1, bro splits, etc

There is no better strength program for novices than SS. If you complain about SS, you most likely don't understand it.

Fucking lol, also 3 threads for rip?

This is why every rejoinder to the program is a deflection. It is widely considered the best beginner strength program, so they switch the criteria on which it is judged and post here bitching about T-Rex mode or how it doesn't give you abs.

Then when you ask what a better resource is, they'll tell you to watch 700 hours of some obnoxious dipshit on youtube.

This post deserves a reply. It's also way too reasonable for Veeky Forums, you should probably move on.

he's probably some fucking spic, mate. most "real" americans are well aware of regional accents and don't mock them unless it's deserved.

good post

>barely dl 4 plate after 50 years of training

5/3/1 is garbage, mate. And Russia wins because Russia dopes. Watch the news much?


Everyone dopes, don't kid yourself. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

>is programming prioritizes lifting heavy weights in the short term
Right, leaving volume and work capaicty for later stages of training where and when its needed.

>He doesn't believe that machines and isolation movements have any purpose in the programs of serious lifters,
That is wrong. He clearly says they do.

>and virtually everyone else agrees that jumps, throws, and sprints are better than power cleans for developing explosiveness.
Give us some sources on this.

>The best program for beginning lifters is one that develops the full range of athletic qualities
That depends of the purpose of the training.

Its an old copypasta... With a bunch of wrongfull assumptions.

show body

haha curling this shits going on youtube

he is right about what he says, "visualize" is the part most people dont get

to not have your elbows go wide as fuck as they usually do when you just push your shit, you force them closer to your ribbcage, meaning the movement will be harder and weight used must be lower, as so often doing movements correctly require

its easy to have elbows close to your ribbcage at the first part of your movement, the harder part is once you come to about half way position and from there on up.

Great, then you write an in-depth book about barbell exercise and come back to us when you're done.

>when its needed
Its always needed, Greg Nuckols wrote about this many times.
>Give us some sources on this.
Joe DeFranco sayd it million times.
>That is wrong. He clearly says they do.
LMAO, Mark shits on everyone who throws in SS some curls or machine exercises, but somehow "they are in the program" and "he is not against it".

show benis

>Being a football coach means you're better at every position than everyone on the team playing

>texan accent


you yuropoors are so precious

His power clean technique is pretty bad, in all honesty

Midwest still talks like normal Americans, it's the wets-coast, in particular California, that have the nasal droooOOONEEE(?) and talk really annoyINGLYYYYY(?).


>Joe DeFranco sayd it million times.
If he said it a million times it probably wouldn't be hard to give us at least a couple of examples right?

We're waiting.

Is that an Indonesian flag or a Polish flag?

>What is google?
lmao at you retard

Nah mate, I’ve hung out with all kinds of Americans. Midwesteners might not sound as ridiculous as Californians but there’s basically nothing attractive about that accent.

> (You)
>>What is google?
>lmao at you retard

Here he is just talking about other ways of getting explosive. You were suppose to find a source for the claim that other exercises were definitively better (not just on par).


Here he claims that any other weighted jump variation will make you just as good at the olympic lifts. Alright, so not better.


Sorry I don't have 45 minutes to listen to this. Does he say anything to support the claim that that weighted jump variations are better than power cleans?


Again, just as good.

Strange, my experience has been the opposite. Ah well, must just've met different types of people.

>Here he is just talking about other ways of getting explosive
Pls learn to read:
>Another benefit of my « economical » exercises is that they’re much less stressful on the wrists, elbows and shoulders compared to the Olympic lifts.
>Another reason I feel the Olympic lifts are overrated is that they take a long time to teach and most athletes are horrible at them.

He still doesn't say that his weighted jump variations are better at developing explosiveness, which was the claim.


almost all of the olympians are on gear

>Not sure.
>Fat and always drunk

I don't know how can people trust anything this guy says. Not to mention that he said people should get big and fat and not focus on abs at all since most of the time apparently we all wear clothes and your abs can't be seen anyways.

Sounds like a proper imbecile to me...


he roids right?

no, but he's like 5'3

You sound informed, user. What would good resources be for someone who's not interested in competing and just wants strength development and looking a bit better? SS just lets me make progress at the cost of getting fat and invariably running into injuries.