So I quit ciggies lads, it's been 2 months. I can see myself never smoking regularly again, but would still want one from time to time like when drinking.
Is it possible to go from hardcore addicted, to fully quit, to social smoker?
So I quit ciggies lads, it's been 2 months. I can see myself never smoking regularly again, but would still want one from time to time like when drinking.
Is it possible to go from hardcore addicted, to fully quit, to social smoker?
Dumbest shit I've read all day. Thanks.
social smoker = smoke while drinking?
i think that works. but once u smoke and u dont have a drink mate u are doomed. its impossible.
i was a social smoker (when i was drinking ONLY) i went to italy this summer and started smoking again when i was at the cafées and shit and DAMN was it nice boy
but now im fullblown addicted again, smoke daily. bought this allen carr book, hopefully it will work.
>smoking is cool
kill yourself
Just vape it my man
If it's the one I'm thinking of, you could have gotten the pdf for free. But if it's the one I'm thinking of, its also a pretty good read so do enjoy
possibly but it will be very hard to stop yourself from smoking even while sober "just this once"
cigs is the drug of the gods
Yeah by social smoker I mean like 1 or 2 when drinking, and I only drink properly like once a month. I know that feel though.. on holiday cigarette with a coffee on the patio such a nice feeling.
nope. i had quit for 2 weeks and those social smokes became a morning smoke became a morning and a night became a morning night and lunch and now im back to about half pack a day.
No dude.
Used to smoke 1 pack a day, wrecked both my health and my wallet. Quit for 4 to 5 months, been a social smoker since. Sometimes I smoke 2 packs/ a month, sometimes 0, sometimes 5. To be honest, cigs taste gross solo for me now, it feels good only when drinking.
I'm talking more about someone whose brain has rewired totally say 3-4 months fully quit. At 2 weeks you're in a really fragile state and can easily fall back in.
2 months here as well, only smoke now when the chicks I'm banging also smoke ... anyway, you can smoke but make sure it isn't like the previous habit (or even better don't make it a habbit) ...
I'm doing shrooms this weekend and defs gonna have a pack or 2 of Djarum Black ready for the trip ... theres something magical about looking at a burning cig when on psychedelics ... but when that pack is finished its finished
just vape
You'll start chain vaping, and become a vape faggot buying all the mods, RDA, coils, fucking juice ... just dont go there
It is also way less healthy than normal smoking when chain vaping.
Actually yeah i think it is. I spent literally years exactly this way. Would go out on the weekends, smoke about 10 cigarettes, wake up Sunday and not think even think about a cigarette till the next Friday or Saturday.
Nowadays I've stopped nearly altogether, but it is possible to be someone who only smokes occasionally.
take tobacco pill and only smoke high quality cigars and pipe tobacco
>I quit smoking
>but this weekend I am going to smoke drugs and then two packs of cigarets
This or dipping, sure you might get gum cancer after a can a day for 20 years but at least you can still run and such
That's the kind of anecdote I was looking for. My idea is that since all the brain changes reverse by that time and you have the brain of a non-smoker you can smoke occasionally like people who've never been addicted do.
Or you could just not smoke at all???
lol wtf why would I buy a vape and "vape socially". It's not like there's some harm reduction going on when I'd only be smoking very infrequently.
Have you ever smoked before?
What does it matter? Keep not smoking and get over your addiction, that's it.
What's the issue? You are already 2 months in and are telling me you still crave it??
Well since you haven't smoked before you don't get that cigarettes on certain occasions are really nice. From this thread for example: smoking after sex, smoking on drugs, smoking with a coffee, smoking when drinking. In a perfect world I don't have to completely give these experiences up and can have them from time to time despite not being addicted to nicotine anymore.
There is literally nothing nice about it, at all, in no way.
UNLESS you are still addicted.
Cigs taste disgusting, give you a disgusting breath and have absolutely no positive factor unless you are actually addicted to them.
It's much like saying that I enjoy stabbing my leg with a knife at some occasions and I would also like to pay money for it.
I have done social smoking when I was absolutely hammered and it was always shit and useless so I just stopped doing it. And i didn't even have to buy the cigs myself.
you fucking idiot
Um, nicotine has many effects that people view as positive or pleasureable even without any addiction/previous exposure.
Yeah? Have a non smoker suck on some cigs, you're telling me he enjoys it?
No he doesn't and you know it. And if you actually quit smoking you shouldn't either.
But if OPs question is actually: "I am addicted to smoking and can't resist it, is it possible that i at least reduce the amount as much as possible?" Then to smoke only occasionally is an acceptable answer.
This is this sort of Allen Carr type thinking which I think has some merit, but is far from the whole truth. If you have to convince yourself of this to stay quit go for it.. whatever works for you.
No, it just doesn't make any sense to be smoking.
Out of all the addictions you can have, this is the most retarded one.
Almost every addiction makes sense, for almost all of them I would say it's perfectly acceptable to live them in moderation, but smoking is a true exception. It's just stupid and you should pity those that are caught in it because they started smoking as a teenager to be cool.
Just don't smoke you idiot.
While you're at it, stop drinking too.
The last 30 years of your life is going to thank you.
>possible to stay social smoker? (whatever that means)
Short answer: No!
Long answer: A few select people can stubbornly limit themselves to only smoke on certain occasions and no more than X ciggies per evening and week (with additional rules as needed to define the occasion).
Usually the same people that in a group insists everyone should see the movie of their choice while everyone else agree on some other movie. Ends up going alone to the one they want to see and meet up afterwards. If you're that person - you can do it!
> It's just stupid and you should pity those that are caught in it because they started smoking as a teenager to be cool.
But it is cool, there is nothing more awesome in that moment when walking out of a club where you lighting up a Marlboro red with your zippo lighter in one smooth move and they girls outside give you looks with their fuck me eyes
In those moments it is cool, but chainsmoking like an addict is sad. Sometimes I see people outside hacking a smoke in this desperate way and think they seem so pathetic.
I smoked for 4 years
Then became a social smoker, it's how I quit. It was like "give up full time smoking and have a few when you drink as a cheat day sort of thing"
Worked a charm for me, then after a month or two my drinking smokes turned into like 1 or 2 when I was blind.
Then it became like one every few months and then one day I stopped for ages.
Then I went to a bucks party and I was absolutely fucking smashed off my face, so drunk. And my mate was like want a dart? And drunk me was like yes boiiii and rolled one up.
About 3 drags into it I had this moment of soberness where I looked at the dart and thought "what the fuck am I doing. I don't smoke, I don't enjoy this and it's literally doing nothing for me but slowing me down. Social smoking is the biggest fucking waste of time ever. It's the ultimate lack of decision making and discipline"
Threw away my almost unsmoked dart and Went back in to my super drunk state and never smoked since.
Never understood the appeal of smoking, even in social settings. The money matters to me way more than any potential social progress.
This. It's amazing how many people have no idea how to project themselves into a possible future in their mind basing on their current behaviors and choices.
Yeah, maybe in a movie.
until they say you smell like shit.
The first 50 are going to hate you.
Just don't buy your own cigs OP. When I have cigs, I smoke like 2-3 a day. When I don't, I bum 2-3 during the weekend and that's it. I don't know how addicted you are right now - but generally speaking - anyone who smokes less than 5 a day can probably stop/decrease as he pleases.
You must be a teenager then, lung cancer is a real thing user. You are a faggot
This is accurate. Smoking tastes gross when you reduce your intake. I don't even smoke pipe tobacco anymore.
Social vaping is honestly the GOAT. Not even mememing
i quit 3 months ago and i only smoke while drinking as well, haven't actually bought my own because my roommate doesn't mid when i bum off him
>reading a book to quit the nicotine jew
just vape.
I've been off cigs for 3 years and still have dreams where I accidentally smoke one and am devastated. I don't trust myself near them. pretty sure social smoking is only for those who never got up to, or even close to a pack a day
do vapes even give the same short high that ciggies do? It's my favorite part about them and the few times I tried a vape I didn't notice
It's a replacement for any gratification you didn't get, along with an excuse to take a break from any situation. great for awkward people and unsatisfird people.
If you lung hit a high nic juice you straight up get dizzy
You're a faggot. Grow some balls and quit smoking. You are a cunt for even considering this fuckery.
t. ex-smoker
I quit weed 3 years ago and have the same kind of dreams. All of my friends still smoke it, and often they'll say "ahh come on just do it sometimes man", but I'm stubborn and haven't done it once. If I were to 420 blaze it again I'd feel so ashamed since the old shitty me used to smoke weed, it'd be like regressing. Maybe if I saw smoking cigs this way I wouldn't even want the odd one.
Well it's true you're not very deep into it which is why you can do that. It's been a while for me and I feel I'm pretty free of the addiction, but when I smoked I would smoke pretty heavily. Like 10-15 normal cigs a day, and for rollies about twice that since they're a lot smaller.
It does seem like a lot of people just don't even really enjoy cigs much when they smoke socially after quitting.
>having so many hangups on a nonaddictive and almost entirely harmless substance.
old, shitty you was shitty for reasons other than weed. weed culture just discourages growth and change amd kept you that way. weed isn't the enemy. stoner friends are.
You either stop completely or you don't. I quit dipping for 3 years went back to it at 23. Now I have a dip throughout the day, smoke cigs during my breaks, and smoke pipe at night.
Dipping/smoking "socially" turns into buying packs quickly
>Is it possible to go from hardcore addicted, to fully quit, to social smoker?
Yes it's what i did, but if you have to ask then you probably won't have the willpower to do it.
Don't smoke on consecutive days. It will make it much harder
How heavily were you smoking before, and for how long did you not smoke at all before you started going at it occasionally?
smoking IS cool fuck you man
Probably not. True addictions are usually all or nothing. It could be possible I guess, just not plausible in the long run
I haven't smoked cigs in like a year, and I consider myself a social smoker (only when I drink and go to the club).
Cigarettes are nice under certain circumstances, and I like the effects of nicotine more than the effects of alcohol.
Op. When you do smoke smoke mindfully. That’s why the french and italians are so cool- they enjoy every second of their coffee and cigarettes and don’t shove it down their gobblers like junkies. There’s nothing worse than someone in a hurry puffing a cheap cigarette. Can’t think of a more off-putting slutty way of consuming.
As a side-effect you enjoy your occasional smoke more and are less prone to become fully addicted. Cause let’s face it: smoking more than 3-4 cigs a day is just gross.
Good point. It's a big reason I quit desu, I just wasn't enjoying the vast majority of the cigs I was smoking. I would buy cheap ones to save cash and just smoke em quick to get them over with and stave off the addiction. If I do end up smoking the odd cigarette I'll make sure to appreciate it.
Nicotine gum, buddy. The respiratory issues of inhaling shit greatly, greatly outweigh the good feeling of having a cig. My deadlift has improved dramatically, I no longer have to pause to catch my breath between reps.
You're investing how many hours in improving your gains and you're maintaining a habit that is the literal antithesis of making gains? Quit for good and find alternatives to fulfill the nicotine itch.
Social smoking is called smoking cigars.
yea but be careful, never smoking more than one day in a row. the only time i got addicted again was when i broke the one day rule.
>It's not like there's some harm reduction
lol retard
I quit smoking about 3 years ago. After a few months you never even think about it anymore. You've got nothing to worry about.