Is Elgin /ourguy/?

Is Elgin /ourguy/?

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hes a fat dyel with overused jokes

nice bait

Fuck off, burnt rice. We have enough shilling of shitty youtube channels on Veeky Forums

One of the only genuinely entertaining fuckers in whole fitness industry. I loved his beef with Vince G and Kali Muscle, that was some a-grade funny shit. Smaller by the day will never be the same without Rich tho.

Absolutely not. Guy is pathetic.

Stale jokes but I still like his condescending attitude.
I have to resist the urge to let out slow "ZEROOOOO"s as I pass the pathetic display at my LA Shitness' squat area.

grandpa jokes and weight lifting puns delivered in asian monotone. why he isn't pewdiepie popular is beyond me

He's just a shit talking dyel.

He's prefect for Veeky Forums. He's practically the embodiment of it.

He has acerbic humor. I generally enjoy his content.

The problem is that he seems like I wouldn't be friends with him, so that reduces my capacity to enjoy his content. I also get the vibe that he finds his viewers and purchasers pathetic.

It's lonely at the top, I guess

Trips of truth, check 'em

>dyel hapa that does nothing but criticize others
I'd say yes

ugly autist


Post a video of you lifting something impressive Elgin


Let's see what you look like big boy ;) oh wait I forgot you're the dyel here and won't post shit

I love Elgin. You haters are fgts.

Sincerly, Not elgin

>he hasn't seen elgins stats/workout videos

he's a buthurt edgelord so kinda.

Oh you mean some weak benching from 2 years ago? Such stats, much credibility

Juicer detected.

Seems like an annoying bitter nerd. I don't think I'd be able to talk to him irl for more than 5 minutes.

Asshole who's too far up his own ass and sells shitty cringe tier t-shirts

He's bitter because he's a lawyer AND hapa.

Those two idemtities individually tend to be some of the most upset and bitter archetypes out there, and any time I've seen someone be both they do not have any bros and will deride anything they can.

It could have something to do with how asian/oriental culture and lawyer culture serve a centralized system with a nearly religious zeal and leave little room for interpersonal relationships.

My friend slept with him. Apparently he's "pretty thick but pretty short" where it counts. and He let's out a mono tone roar when he cums. So I guess he's a cuck or whatever

He's a retard

I bet you asked for the details you fucking cucklord

>makes videos responding to "haters" in comments
>unironically talks about memes in his videos
>makes fun of people clearly new to the gym with incorrect form
>rarely even makes exercises in futility videos anymore, the only worthwhile thing on his channel

Hell ya I did hahahahahahahaaaa

How fucking insecure do you have to be to make these types of videos

I really enjoyed his older content, when he was shitting on crossfitters and Mike Chang. That video with Mike Chang's friend "squatting" lmao4pl8 had me dying "hips below the knee or youre a faggot......faggot....faggot....faggot". I have checked some of his newer stuff and desu some of it is still funny but I also feel like some of the people he shit on is a stretch and he's only doing it for the sole purpose of putting out content. I don't really like his characters. All I really enjoy from him now are his comment response videos.

he's a brainlet who thinks he's a genius

never was funny

pretty funny, wish that he made more lifting videos -- his last pr videos were like 2 years ago

cool it elgin

pure cringe

This is also me.

He is a bitter asian manlet