How do I get rid of these shits so they don't get in the way when I play/cuddle with a girl?

How do I get rid of these shits so they don't get in the way when I play/cuddle with a girl?

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Hand repair cream (don’t masturbate with it)

My gf actually likes them

tell the girl to man the fuck up

Impressive callouses, OP. Mired.

Stop playing/cuddling with girls

I was just supposing she doesn't like them. I'll ask her opinion

I've always had kind of oily skin and as a result of that (I guess) my hands are always soft. I can go balls to the wall, 4-6 days a week doing barbell exercises, get some mild calluses, and then cut back and my hands are baby soft again in no time. They don't callus enough really.

In answer to your question you might try putting some lotion on your hands and wearing some latex gloves while you sleep.

>you will never have swiss army calluses

Not into guys sorry

I stopped lifting for 8 years they reduced but were still there but I started lifting when I was 15 so that could be a factor


Idk I think it's kinda hot when guys have calluses. Usually means they lift or actually do some kind of manual labor.

wear gloves?

how big are your calluses that they get in the way? just embrace the callus and don't let bitches stop you, calluses are part of the lifting rite of passage

calluses are manly af, you should keep them.

Grabbing the bar correctly will reduce them greatly

Youre overtraining. Listen to your body or have fun dying early

Normies call them calluses, we call them trophies.

After a shower, take a clean razor blade and slowely cut them off. If you do correctly you can slide them of without cutting yourself

If you have issues with calluses from lifting you're doing it wrong.
>so they don't get in the way when I play/cuddle with a girl?
What does this even mean? How on earth could a callus "get in the way"?

Unless your a masseuse or a woman I can't imagine why you would desire soft skin anyways. My hands are leather from years of construction and girls love it. It's also much harder to cut my hands.

Wait is this a thing because it sounds dangerous.

>If you have issues with calluses from lifting you're doing it wrong.
I see this regularly and im convinced its from dyel brainlets. As far as i know there is no way to pick things up without frictional forces acting on your hands.

>haha le trap hur xd

How to achieve mad stalion mode?

>muh iron lyfe
You're not a fucking warrior for squatting 3 days a week, you autist.

you are honestly one of the dumbest people I have ever seen. how the ever-loving fuck are calluses a sign of overtraining you daft retard? and yes, while op's are larger than usual, maybe he has a genetic predisposition to it. maybe if you stopped eating glue for five fucking seconds you would be able to figure that out. fucking single-digit-iq-having-ass bitch.

It's from dyels that pull 280 lbs for 1RM and think that if they just hold the bar like Rippetoe says then calluses will never form.

no, that guy is right. if you grip the bar with the callus part first the bar won't have anywhere to slip and pinch, which is what causes the calluses in the first place. it takes some time to get used to and feels weird but you won't end up with anything major

deadlifts always rip them off. try that

what this guy said.

obviously have to have a katana mached with perfect shaped hat

Your soft tissues are plastic and will deform with heavy lifts. Gripping the bar more distally in the palm helps, but does not eradicate callus formation. Any serious lifter will still need to take care of their hands.

Watch the donny shankle hand care video. It's gold.

>t. 585 deadlift at 193 lbs

>As far as i know there is no way to pick things up without frictional forces acting on your hands.
And I never said there was you illiterate pansy. Try reading my post again you fucking fruit. You do not lift frequently enough to justify calluses.

calluses from lifting + calluses from guitar = girls loving your hands

People always say this, then fail to explain what they mean

You cant avoid calluses if youre lifting above baby weight. You can reduce them but they will still form. Quit being a faggot.

I'm honestly enraged right now. Go have another bleach cocktail you brain damaged bitch.

>My hands are leather

I've got more calluses than your mother's cunt.

Girls like that shit idiot. Makes you seem rugged and manly

I am a member of the home gym so I can wear whatever I want while I workout. I wear heavy leather work gloves and it has improve my grip and the amount I can lift and my hands are as soft as the skin on your girlfriend’s black boyfriend’s dick.

Find me an even moderate lifter that doesnt have caluses and doesnt take steps to prevent them from tearing. "Just grab it right bro" isnt a permanent solution


Watch "how to grip the bar" with Rippetoe.

Gloves are the only way.

But seriously, if your relationship depends on something like callouses, she’s not the one.

>being proud of callouses
>thinking you're a warrior because you lift heavy shit up and down as a hobby
i love flipping cunts like you into the pool at parties, your fedora shows as soon as you walk into a room.

Girls like a guy with rough hands. It’s masculine, like having chest hair or a strong jawline.

ITT: retards that never heard of gloves

Also two of the best skills for getting and keeping girlfriends. Unless you are the poster of this comment.


But yes, calluses should be maintained and removed. If they get too big they can rip off and bleed, which hurts like a BITCH when you're deadlifting anything above 3pl8

>retard unironically using gloves

Unless you're a woman or a twink this is unacceptable

Man you guys are a bunch of homos, I need my callouses to work or my day would be shitty as fuck

No, don't do that. Your body's only going to grow them thicker and faster to compensate for the stress you're exerting on that skin. Also, dangerous.

Idk, i normally pick mine off

stop deadlifting

Stop the roidrage i just saw it here:

At first you will have skin blisters. These are temporary and will heal if no more damage is caused. Usually after a day or two you will notice its going back to normal.

However over time your body will turn those spots into calluses, which are irreversible.

The only way to stop blisters turning into calluses if you are going to keep lifting gloves or changing the exercises. Usually its pullups/chinups that causes them, or movements where you let the bar slip in your hands.

Just go with gloves or live with it. Some girls like rough hands and some hate it. Nothing right/wrong about it.

You're such a fucking noob.

>women love rough hands! I would know im a manand i speak for all women
Size of hand > calluses

Go look at whats more important. Guy with big hands is always what they talk about over calluses.

Mine just thicken and shed off, which is annoying because sometimes the skin on my hands sometimes just rips off. Not from lifting weights though. Either squat thrusts or pushups on asphalt.

They only get worse over time if you dont reduce their frequency. I mean I doubt anyone here uses their hands to the point where it becomes a medical issue (unless you have a pre-condition) but otherwise gloves stops it entirely.

Veeky Forums has really gone down if nobody posted this
>inb4 rippletits
Doesn't matter who he is, this video worked every time on Veeky Forums since ages
Just watch this OP and shut the fuck up

The correct form came natural for me, the incorrect technique feels awkward to hold

What if I need dick repair cream for some reason?

>guys on roids have unlimited potential to train
total bullshit

Straps will lessen the damage to the hands since that bar can't roll around as much.

>inb4 someone that does 5 lifts total complains about neglecting muh grip strength

Not true in all cases, my girlfriend always complains

>he doesn't own a hand sander

and you got a girl, how?