Hello dear Veeky Forumsizens I don't get why you are forcing people to waste their time in the gym...

Hello dear Veeky Forumsizens I don't get why you are forcing people to waste their time in the gym. Look at this poor dude for example. Just by his facial expression you can tell that he is in agony, he does not belong in the gym. Please Veeky Forums not everyone is like you, not everyone wants to have to slave in gym, drink protein shakes, swallow pills and starve themselves to have a 'perfect body'. So please stop pushing the Veeky Forums agenda.


>forcing people


No I'm not jelly, I'm perfectly happy with my below average slightly chubby body. I prefer to read a book, watch a movie, go to a bar and socialise instead of doing useless repetitions on a machine in the gym half of you guys are probably hurting yourselfs and will die of a heart attack or injure yourself.

Yes you are forcing people to be like you because you don't respect people that are not like you. You laugh and scold at them

Obvious bait, but still if you workout well enough, you won't have to starve yourself to get a good body. Also what pills are you talking about? Fish oil and Vitamin d or supps like it? That's good for people whether they work out or not unless they get from actual food or outside. And also if people don't enjoy it, it's because they are in the wrong mindset and act like it's a chore. It's their fault for not making it fun.

>Comes to Veeky Forums
>Complains about people wanting to be Veeky Forums

If you want to be an unhealthy landwhale, thats on you. We don't have to approve of your shit lifestyle

I am talking about pre workout pills, creatine, fat loss pills etc.

> Might be bait but fuck it

Assuming the average guy does a push pull legs split routine , which lasts 90 minutes per session, 5 days a week, that means working out "takes away" 9 hours of your week, with maybe an extra one and a half hour for the gym commute, so 10.5 hours of your week maximum.
That averages to 1.5 hours a day. That's not that much. I bet you spend more time watching TV or playing Vidya.
And y have my rest days , either Friday or on weekends to hang out with friends.


I feel you man. I'm only here because some big bodybuilder meathead broke into my house and made me type Veeky Forums.org/fit into my browser.

It's powders for the most parts and that shit is optional. People recommend it, they don't say you have to. For the average lifter, pre workout is unnecessary and actually a good amount of people on here will argue pre is unnecessary for even harder lifters, at least outside of just caffeine. If you don't want to take caffeine, don't it's a suggestion. Same for creatine.

You sleep for 8 hours
You work for 9 hours
That’s 7 hours of free time
You work out for 1 hour
That’s it

GET OFF Veeky Forums U CUNT.


Calling someone a 'Landwhale' is not an argument. You are attacking me because I am stating the facts, being fit is useless in modern society, there is no need to bench press 100 kg there is no need to deadlift 180 kg. You are wasting time and valuable recourses to achieve a goal of perfection that is never achievable.

Don't lie to me, you don't work out for just 1 hour. I see people going to the gym across my street and spending a good 3 hours in there.

Wasn't supposed to be an argument. If you want to be a fat lard, by all means be a fat lard. Don't expect the rest of the world to hold your shitty world view, and don't come to a literal fitness forum seeking validation for said shit lifestyle.

Lol I bet your goal in life is to get fit and that's it.

Yeah cause they’re either
A. Normies doing bad routines ( CrossFit)
B. Experienced lifters who have a high level routine
You don’t have to be huge on Veeky Forums. Some people here just run outside

Until you have to move house or push a stalled car; then bench and dead become very useful.

Besides, think of long term health. There is s direct correlation between barbell strength exercises and prevention of hip injuries in old age.

People who work out 1 hour or less are roiders.

An effective hypertrophy routine doesn't have to be over 45 mins. Have you ever considered that theyre having fun?

Nope lol, my friend works for a moving company and doesn't go to the gym. It's totally useless.

Dude have you never seen a beginner routine

They are wasting time and stroking their egos.

I have seen that 5x5 programme is that a beginner routine?

Yeah those are like an hour

Wait is this serious? Just because someone lifts or workouts doesn't mean they are trying to or have to be big and bulky. The average person who just wants to be active and fit can easily do well with workouts that only last 40-60 mins like 3 times a week. Actually I'm pretty sure that is a majority of gym goers. Look up full body workouts online or something similar. Shit you can all of the exercises on machines and make it easier if you don't want to deal with strenuous barbells and dumbbells.

It's not like if you get fit and get some muscle, people on the street are going to randomly challenge you to squat or deadlift competitions to prove you are as strong as you look.

Get that lil' guy back to Hobbiton.

I don't give a fuck if someone else doesn't want to go to the gym. Its less competition for you. I

>mfw all these trips are long gone

Veeky Forums was a different place back then. i kinda miss tiny