>you'll never be white
What's the point of lifting?
You'll never be white
You can still cuck white numale liberals and beat up white antifa pussies and they won't be able to react.
You are a honorary white man now. Rejoice!
what's the point of self-defeating threads like this? Are you just a master troll white dude and you're trying to b8 a bunch of niggers into talking shit like the chimps they are, or are you really some kind of self-hating white supremacist nigger who defeats himself before he even tries? People should be banned for posting shit like this. A thread had to die so you can post a cliche b8 thread. Whoever you are, you're a fucking loser. We're all gonna make it, brah.
Is this mentality normal among non-whites?
1st answer
>A thread had to die so you can post a cliche b8 thread
Aw yeah, didn't think about that
Just know, if your shit looks like my complexion you need to go to the hospital. And man the fuck up I have a huge fucking nog nose am I going cry about it? No
>mfw reading your thread
Yeah who would want to look like Michael B Jordan.
>tfw white but short so it doesn't even count
Go shave that pubestache, dude.
How short are we talking?
Would you rather gain 3" and be a shitskin or stay as you are?
do you even lift?
Really? Eh, actually sorry for you bro. Try to be the best manlet and be outgoing
If I went to Asia I wouldn't even stand out because they'd expect a foreigner to be tall. Probably wouldn't even get green card marriage proposals WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIVING
I did shave it , you mean shave it all off?
You can't even see my body. Im cutting
>135 ohp
>195 bench
>225 conv dead
>185 sumo dead
Lifting for not too long like 8 months, 3 months serious
>195 bench
>225 diddly
fucking what lol
>beat up white antifa pussies and they won't be able to react.
He tells the truth.
>mfw i see a white girl with a filfthy non white
T. 25yroldkhhv arab in america
I have a lower back injury.
you can be a race realist without people being mad at you about it, it's even easier if you are fit as fuck
Don't let the retard autists on here make you think all white people are racist mate most whites including me don't hate black people, Indians etc and judge people on an Individual basis.
Can't you ask for an arranged marriage?
>not india
Besides even if i could i want a white girl
I been on here for a while. I know its bantz outside of /pol/
>Besides even if i could i want a white girl
you will make your mom sad
Maybe I just take bantz too seriously then.
lol im not white and mog white guys all fucking day, its all about genetics and they can't compete with my FACE, HEIGHT, and FRAME
/pol/ leaks onto other boards so some people are serious but you shouldn't care about Veeky Forums anyways. After the fappening most boards are terrible
Move to a country where no one is white.
Then no one will care that you're brown AND you'll be more jacked than all the other brown people.