So can girls actually voluntarily tighten their vaginas?
Let's say my girth is kinda small. Can she just tighten up and make it feel better/more like sweet teen pussy that it hopefully is?
So can girls actually voluntarily tighten their vaginas?
Let's say my girth is kinda small. Can she just tighten up and make it feel better/more like sweet teen pussy that it hopefully is?
No, if the vagina is not accommodating you should find another.
>Let's say my girth is kinda small
Hypothetically, right?
Is the only way to find tight teen pussy to fuck 14-16yo?
I can't do that anymore I'm 21. I thin I missed the best part about life. Teens fucking like rabbits and exploring their sexuality. Meanwhile I have never even kissed a girl...
Some woman can, some can't.
boo fucking hoo
80% of us here have the same experience, that train has passed, too fucking bad deal with it
Yeah, they can tighten.
Some can even ripple when they tighten. It literally feels like you're getting succ.
I gotta warn you though, any girl that learned how to do this outside of your relationship with her is not worth being with.
No, although they can "tense" the inside with kegels.
A girl used to do that and it weirded my out so much, like some alien life form grappling my dick.
I don't have a vagina but I can voluntarily tighten my ass when there's a dick inside me.
t small girth
This is the non virgin answer
I have the opposite issue. Too tight cum fast
had a gf that constantly did kegels girls vagina had kung fu grip
Prove it.
Wear a skirt too.
>his gf wasn't a virgin prior to being with him
Disgusting, basically you're an indirect cuck.
Ok come over.
Isn't there that Asian egg thing? Doesn't that work? I think you shove it up there once a day or something.
Some girl told me to lay still while she was on top me. I don't know what she was doing with her vagina but it felt really fucking good. Like it was massaging the tip of my head.
Guess how she learned that?
>tfw last girl I fucked had to try hard to relax her vag and I was still almost too thick
feels good man
I looked it up for a friend, but yes, women can and should practice kegels. In addition to preventing prolapse later in life and other unpleasantness, kegels really helps if your dick is small. Not that mine is or anything. H-Haha, my dick is very massive.
nah bro you still can, it might be creepy, but you still can
Get you a girl who coughs/sneezes a lot during sex.
Or one whos fucking external os you can hit.
You deserve it champ.
My girl runs 30+mi a week and works out every day. She can grip my dick with noticeable strength with her vagina!
Get her on that there keggels
Also look up kama sutra.
The former will give her a snatch that's tighter then a 12 year olds(just a saying I've never fucked a 12 year old as an adult. And most adult women are too tight, my dick is fucking massive) and make her cum so hard and so intense that she'll think she's seen nirvana(the band and the religious experience)
The latter has positions and teachings that will help you deal with your current genital mismatch.
If she's constantly getting railed that shit will be loose. After my girlfriend's period is over that shit tightens right back up like new
Focus on kissing a girl. Any age. Then upgrade to pussy. Then upgrade to good pussy
No shit the "loosest" vagina I ever got was in 9th grade. Every woman's body is different and age doesn't play any kind of a part except for older women being more likely to be able to relax or of they've had kids. Do you guys not know how this shit works?
>i fucked a nigger or a whore in 9th grade, that makes loosened up vaginas normal
not familiar with anatomy eh?
gib boipucci
Jeff pls
It actually hurts when girls squeeze their vagina once your dick is inside
Both men and women should do keggels
Yeah, this, but Veeky Forums keeps living in their dream - or rather nightmare, I guess - where the quality of a girl and her pussy solely depends on her age, an age that Veeky Forums missed and now loves to wine and circle jerk around it.
Best and thightest pussy I ever had was some 40+yo turboslut, whereas teens often where rather boring.
>I have never touched a girl
>if she's loose; she's a whore
>my dick ain't tiny I swear
>Let's say my girth is small
>Let us say
Let us just assume the obvious OP
whisper another girls name in her ear when your balls deep, feel the tightening
welcome to the club faggot
Most girls that aren't professionals can't do it at will.
Usually they tense up more the bigger your dick is because they subconsciously brace for pain, but that only adds to the problem. In your case probably the opposite happens and they'll be completely relaxed and wide when they see your pencil dick. On the upside for you they'll probably be dry as hell too and that might help give you some friction.
Find a girl with a light form of vaginism.
>pic related
There is a product called the vagenie that can train female Kegel muscles. Check it out, I'm in product design.... its legit.
>can girls actually voluntarily tighten their vaginas
My gf sure can. She's got such a death grip that it can literally injure the head of my penis. She's Veeky Forums tho so maybe that has to do something with it.
>like some alien life form grappling my dick
Hahhaha I laughed too much at this
You gotta do the kegels, anonina!
The pelvic floor is a muscle, what do you think?