What exercises did the ancient Greeks/Spartans/Romans use to get so fukn fit?

What exercises did the ancient Greeks/Spartans/Romans use to get so fukn fit?

Inb4 : run everyday

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Sparring with armor and wrestling with other men, lifting rocks, running everyday, they were trained from birth to fight and then fight more.

Shoving swords in other humans skulls.

Do calisthenics, gyms and machines are a meme, do what your ancestors did. You can also wear a heavy armor while you do.

This, and no access to enormous surplus amounts of food that the modern man has. If you were bored in ancient Sparta you didn't get to walk down to your mother's pantry and eat all of the nutty bars

fight x d
fuck around with armor and 15 kg shield x weeks
weighted weapon sparring x f

Let's say someone wants to get Greek Fit today, what should they do?
Ruck up mountains, Olympic lifts and martial arts?

daily life involved way more physical effort, food was not as rich and easily obtained. Actually being fit from a modern perspective is probably easier if your willpower is good and you know what you're doing.

Rowing massive ships across the Mediterranean

Perpetual anal sex

Be a wrestler. They have that ideal Greek statues body types

lol you think these guys dont lift?

You know that ancient greeks had like, literal gymnasiums right? They knew how to weighlift like we did. Hell, they even knew about progressive overload and training for hypertrophy vs. strength

Look at the Olympics. They did shit like that.

hitting thick wood poles with dull swords all day
just read casca: the eternal mercenary

Being a wrestler obviously includes lifting

Did those mother fuckers load up stone weights? How'd they do it

But...they didn't.
They basically just did calisthenics moved boulders and played sports.

iirc hollow stones on bars they filled with sand or something

>What exercises did the ancient Greeks/Spartans/Romans use to get so fukn fit?

Marching all day in leather sandals carrying giant shield and swords/pikes and fear of decimation if they lose a battle.

>not a meme
Pick one.

>and no access to enormous surplus amounts of food
Not only that, but Spartans made sure to train in fatigued and hungered states.

You'd have to commit your whole life to it, maybe like fasted manual labour or actually joining the army would be close

Someone who understand the classics explain this to me: back in grade school I was told the Greeks insisted on wrestling naked so that no woman could sneak her way in... But as I got older, this seemed less and less realistic - you don't need to be naked to know you're wrestling with a woman. So what was the real reason for the naked wrestling?


they probably didn't give a single fuck about their manhoods being out in the open

It's just a tradition, I went to junior high school in Romania and our coach had us wrestle naked all the time. Only Americans find wrestling naked to be weird

Just because there are a lot of sculptures of idealized men from ancient greece doesn't mean that they actually looked like that. They probably looked slightly better than the average Veeky Forums bodybuilder.

They were a bunch of pussies compared to us now, some of us we push harder than some old fags.

I know WCMS in greco roman wrestler that have never touched a barbell

yeah user you are very tough

Not me but I'm sure some one out there is doing fit proud.

This is historically the correct answer, because nearly all men of any merit were enscripted to the army for nearly life, primarily being designated as rowers for the Empire's boats.

Apart from that, the men of the time placed high value in physical activities for social leisure, aka sports. They really cared about sports and competition.

We are literally the softest pussies in the history of soft, pampered, attention whoring pussies.

Like before three small meals with basic grains and such. Constant manual labor. Do that and you'll be Greek fit in no time


Jesus you guys are retarded.
You talk about lifting weights like it's rocket science.
Yeah ancient greeks could figure out how to build pic related but they couldn't figure out that repetitively picking up heavy stuff makes you stronger. They just farmed olive trees or whatever.

There were groups of men who all shared their male essence with each other.

They all ate each other's cum.

It really is the ultimate test booster.

>delusional gymcels think the routines of ancient people had anything to do with their pussified gym routine
As another user said, try to excel at a contact sport and join the army

>What exercises did the ancient Greeks/Spartans/Romans use to get so fukn fit?
The classic Pentathlon.

We don't know their routines, though. But weight lifting and calisthenics as we use them today is a very modern invention. The barbell and the push up, for example, are just 150 years old.

Run, Jump, throw things and wrestle or box.

Diet: 2 lbs of bread, 1 lbs of meat, some cheeser and olive oil and a few vegetables (which were seen as unhealthy and only used for taste).

Halteres were 11 kg at most, iirc. Very light, in any case. We also don't know what exercises they did with them, since they were seen as very unimportant in training.

>but they couldn't figure out that repetitively picking up heavy stuff makes you stronger
They actually figured out that lifting is useless for real world strength and looked down on it. Only two reasons to train: War and/or health. Anything else is bullshit.


Be prepared to ruin your body very quickly which didn't matter than because the average lifespan was so low.

Enjoy your exploding knees

Post body
Ps: they actually did lift.

Greek athletes consumed a lot of meat and dairy (for the time) to get optimal gains, based on the rudimentary knowledge of the time, and they saw it worked.

>primarily being designated as rowers for the Empire's boats.
What a fucking retard, boat rower was usually a slave's eternal and lowly function.

That must be why they came up with the concept of gymnasion and actual competitive sports (plus the competitive mirin of aesthetics) in the first place. Fucking idiot.

speak for yourself lad

Warship rowers seem to have primarily been citizens rather than slaves, least from what we know of the Athenians and a few other city-states.

You mean a weight vest u fucking autist.

Most of their statues are massively exaggerated to make the people heroic in proportion. They likely were in footballer sort shape at best.

Went to check it and it depended on the manpower demands of a given time.

No clothing to grab. They didn't have skintight wrestling suits back then. Imagine wrestling while wrapped up in sheets.

They really thought veggies were unhealthy? And they taste bad why would they use the for taste?