How to get back on the waggon

Not like the information I’ve lost weight I’ve lost weight slowly for two months it’s just 3 weeks ago I fell off HARD.

Even when I make my breakfast, even when I meal prep it’s just so hard to get back in? How does Veeky Forums recommend I ducking get back ON

power through it or slowly ease my way? What’s good

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Bitch your thread was active for 90
Fucking seconds you don’t need to bump it that soon. Not to mention it doesn’t even do anything. Holy fuck you’re cancer

Just start now. You fell off, ok, forget about the fuck up. You have your plan, just get back on it. Not tomorrow, not "next time", rigjt goddamn now.

Intermittent fasting, apple cider vinegar therapy. Try those first. The latter can also kill your cravings but it's hell trying to get the diluted tbsp down.

Also buy sugar-free gum to take the edge off your cravings.

As for your question, power through it. You've already lost weight and you know how to do it, you just gotta get that discipline back. Don't baby yourself.

you just can't teach willpower.. either you haven't or you don't. Literally just fucking do it

have it*

We need another bump b4 the thread dies... also cut sugar cold and ween off the cheese, as long as your excersising you'll be alright with a couple set backs

>"you just can't teach willpower"
you absolutely can, get that defeatist bullshit outta here

PhD claiming willpower can be trained:

>"Compared with a no-exercise control group, the participants who performed the self-control exercises showed significant improvement in self-regulatory capacity"
- study in peer-reviewed journal

>"Relative to the control phase, participants who exercised showed significant improvement in self-regulatory capacity"
- different study by different authors in different peer-reviewed journal, evidence that regular exercise increases willpower

stop telling yourself you can't do anything about your problems

forgot third source

you're craving because your microbiome is craving it. just keep eating healthy food and grow those bacteria. the cheese and sugar bacteria will soon fade away. i had this happen to me with sugary foods and desert. now i cant get enough of health food and deserts dont faze me

can I jack off to your pictures?

you have a lovely figure going there femanon. i dont recommend further dieting. stay health and maintain is my best advice.
females especially have a higher risk of osteoporosis due to hormonal cycles. esp after menstruation. take this into account and keep your bones strong. load your skeleton appropriately with squats and deadlifts. get strong bones with good calcium foods.

I was 380lbs, got down to 210lbs. Got a GF two months ago, gained 20lbs. Now i'm struggling to get back on the cut. I'm so fucking hungry

I went from 290 to 160, currently 180 after 3 years. You can make it, it is so satisfying to see yourself live the dreams of your previous self. Now I have to accomplish the dreams of my current self.

I don't get it. What's the aesthetic appeal of a bra that just repeats a word?

it isnt even pink

>it is so satisfying to see yourself live the dreams of your previous self.

This is all I FUCKING want....this hit me so hard in the feels....damn it user...

ur pic reminds me of my oneitis fuck you op ruined my fucking day

I fell off my diet and ate like shit for 3 weeks.
Pizza, McDonalds, icecream, donna kebab when I was smashed on the weekend.

Regrettably weighed myself expecting a carcrash, I'm still at 116lbs. I was 121lbs before my shit eating.

What the fuck??
Can someone explain how thats possible?
I feel fatter then I did at 121lbs

replaced muscle with fat. similar thing happened to me. thought i was magic but i could see that my body got fluffier.

Weight is a shit measurement for body composition. The best are how you look in the mirror, and how you feel.

If I had to guess I'd say you probably are dehydrated and carrying fuck all water weight

Thanks dudes

Your body is nice,woman.Hit the wieghtroom.

You have any pics with your stomach not so covered?

Anyway from what i've seen you don't really need to lose that much, just enough to get that tinge of abs showing and maybe start lifting a bit to get your upper body more toned.