Zyzz doesn't even look like he lifts when he puts on a shirt

Zyzz doesn't even look like he lifts when he puts on a shirt

What guy you know has a physique like that without working out. Maybe a coal miner doing hard labor all day.

only things that stands out is his traps

Your perception is completely fucked

>tfw he was never that big and had a horrible looking fuckng face then died before reproducing

This is king of Veeky Forums

Zyzz looks weird af in clothes, but his torso insertions are pretty much perfect.

>he roided for this

Zyzz was a flaming homo

Dude i know you look like shit just stop

>Muh no physique looks good to me except the top .01% genetic freaks but ive never been below 15% bf lol i cant believe how high my standards are

That’s a Huge part of the Allure of being a Shredded M8 Taking said Shirt Off to reveal your Sicc cunt physique

Oh? Tell me your extensive knowledge of gear and it's interaction with genetics. I'd also like your advice on a more optimal way to gain 60lbs of muscle in 3 years while maintaining your shreds year round. Asking for a friend.

he wore pants that were smaller then the shorts that the literal gay prostitutes in the worlds most infamous preaids gay club club 54 used to wear.
it was creepy as hell how utterly flaming he was and how oblivous everyone was to it.
the entire aesthetics thing was gay as hell
the ss thing was pretty damned closet gay too

Looks like a greek god even with a shirt on

You sound like an estrogen-fuelled bitch. Are you off cycle at the moment?

Found the numale

No, the numales are the ones shooting gear into their ass and following the aesthetic lifestyle(whatever that is)while wearing tiny shorts and worshipping "zyzz".
I am a het male

typical sad cunts jealous of zyzzbrah
not gonna make it

Um... he's dead, bro.

He doesn't put shirts on anymore.

He looked pretty stupid



Just how the wealthy homosexuals who bankroll bodybuilding and powerlifting/strongman likes em.

No I actually just work in the fitness industry and have both experimented with gear as well as observed different cycles and it's interaction with different guys. For those who think roids should make you look like Rich Piana or bust, it's not that straight forward.

To my understanding Zyzz cycled for 3-4 years, the first two with orals, and then ran a cruise dose of test, high tren, and clen year round for his last couple years of cycling.

You don't get big fast on low test high tren. For how he ate and cycled, you don't get any bigger than he did.

Good thing he wont put a shirt on ever again, then.

>where all going to make it bro's

What's the point bros? Even Big Ron doesn't even look like he lifts when he puts on a shirt

What a fucking gay haircut

>we're all going to make it brahs!
*lives until the sun explodes*

Body dysmorphia: the post

Maybe he meant hell

Damn does that guy even DYEL?

u jelly?

Neither do you

He looks straight up skelly now.

i dont get why people on here praise this dude when everybody is so against DNP. you guys know he took dnp right?

u wot m8y

Those narrow shoulders and that huge head are fucking hilarious

U wot

I keep seeing this screenshot of a random video recycled as proof that ztzz wasn't aesthetic. Do people really fall for this? Is the cope this bad?

Anyone else on this board fucking hate zyzz?

jesus christ

>Is the cope this bad?
Yes. Zyzz fags are coping this badly like you

He's better off as a corpse. Good riddance fag

Wtf is this

A god king bleeds

t. body dysmorphia

That was literally about 6 months into his fitness journey.

Those pics are from music festivals where it's pretty normal to dress like that

Too much drinking

You can like someone and not agree with every single thing they say or do. If you're not an autist.

>cycling on oral

Isn't that retarded? I know people kickstart with oral but cycling entirely on it?

I should say, he ran orals. For a good while he posted his cycles on boards (before he was running year round) and I believe he started with Halo and kickstarted with dbol for a cycle or two before converting almost entirely to tren4life.

Pic related. Year 2 I think?

>what is aesthetics?
When will you learn that looking bigger =/= looking better?

Winter is bulk season for a reason

100% skelly

It's all about dat shoulder width. Zyzz had a shit frame.