> live in a haze
> cant focus on any task, extremely behind on everything, professors hate me, every task feels like an enormous undertaking
> cant stay on nofap, break down and fap to gross indulgent fetish porn that won't do anything for my gf if i ever get one
> urban hermit, live alone, socialization/interaction with others is 99% youtube and chatrooms
> fell for the women-hate meme
> few irl friends, the ones that i have are as autistic as me
> mean to mom & dad, abrasiveness & general bleak outlook is starting to become difficult to hide when interacting with others
> haven been working out consistently
> unspeakable, abysmal sleep schedule
> empty fridge, have been living off fast food for months, dont know where next meal will come from, which is draining my wallet
> no motivation, want discipline but cannot develop it
> virtually no repercussions other than frustration in self and knowledge that i am leading an decadent, indulgent, immoral lifestyle
this is a horrible waste and i am currently a failure as a human being. i am so disgusted at how i am acting.
I know it is possible to recover from this, it has to be. Im 22, been like this for like a year and a half. i hope its not too late.
Has anyone here been through this? Does anyone have any advice? please help me figure out how to change Veeky Forums!!!!!