Is yoga a meme?
Is yoga a meme?
The lifestyle, yes.
The actual stretching and shit, nah man it's good for you.
Yes. It was invented in the 60s by a white dude (only including race to show that it wasn't some indian guru pollacks) and now he hosts private retreats in his compound and sexually assaults women who come to learn from him.
he saw some drawings of Indian gods in weird body positions and decided to have people pay him to make them copy the positions, mix in some bullshit spirituality and bam you've got a highly profitable fad. Now the lifers are getting pretty old and hips are shattering left and right my friend, it is not good for long term joint health.
That being said you should train still train mobility by stretching and foam rolling.
This. Yoga (and pilates) are fucking GOAT. Fixed my back after I snapped my shit up.
It's merely a form of meditation, utilizing stretching to induce comfort. It's easier than meditation, because you have both your breathing and your stretching to focus on, allowing less free thought to float past.
>Now the lifers are getting pretty old and hips are shattering left and right my friend, it is not good for long term joint health.
Exactly, lifting, proper diet, good cardio, and lack of health conditions can prevent frailty in old age, not yoga.
Stupid question.
If you were a bear, would you eat this girl?
Yoga is stupid, it's for gullible idiots who are missing something and hope to find that something in spirituality but they think they're smarter than traditionally religious people.
What they're really looking for is the feelings of meaning and purpose and self esteem that come from competence in my opinion.
if i were a bear the only thing id eat was my bf's dick
>tfw you went to a hippy "gifted" high school that was too small to have any traditional athletic program so instead weekly yoga was taught by a Tibetan woman who was a mother of one of the kids. There were also "life" sports like tennis, dance, swimming, and ice skating lessons. After school there was a running club. Nobody competed in anything.
The hippie spiritual crap in yoga, yes, it's a meme. The stretching and movements and all that stuff, no, that's legit.
yoga class seems like a good way to pick up chicks if you're joocy
There was a school like that in my town. All the guys turned out to deal drugs and the girls turned out to be easy. Greatly appreciated that institution and their weirdly affluent despite having regressive left ideology parents who pushed them there.
Best blowjob I ever got was from a girl who went there actually. Took the whole D down her throat, she was fucking tiny and I could literally toss her around with one arm (I played football in the public school).
Now she sells crystal jewelry and handpainted canvas bags and blogposts on fb about her organic gardening project in weird typed baby speak. All her hair's in dreads and she dresses like an avatar character sorta, lots of wraps and repurposed scarves.
Initials are NE if you're from my town and think you might know this girl. Haha she's dating some diminutive beta dude now who would probably cum in his pants or have a freakout if he knew the types of things I used to do to his gf. I should hit her up.
But in reality: No, the actual stretching is also a huge meme.
the only thing kids at my school were dealing were Magic:The Gathering cards.
>yoga is a highly profitable fad
>That being said you should train still train mobility by stretching and foam rolling.
Holy shit I don't think I have ever seen a more blatant example of cognitive dissonance.
The actual act of yoga is great for flexibility. It can help your lifts by increasing your range of motion in almost everything. But the "lifestyle" of yoga is trash and should be avoided.
A positive about it is if you join a yoga class at your gym or uni it's guaranteed to be filled with gym bunnies and qt 3.14 hippy chicks.
Don't be stupid, yoga does not equal stretching.
It's forcing your limbs into a bunch of weird positions, with SOME stretches that just so happen to coincide with actual mobility training.
You're the one with the cognitive dissonance bucko
You are actually retarded
it's from BCE times
you guys are all meatheads lol
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
I just wanted to know if it was worth the time & effort
I dunno most peoplpe here seem to want to take steroids and get MORE SCOOOPS COMON mega fuckin huuuge brah! I'd say it's probably a good place to find hotties if you're already not emanating pussy repellent, and goes after a different type of thing
though I dunno there's some fatsos that go there and I've never gone to a class
I know some of the poses are hard to do coordination wise
well for me at least since I'm a dummard
faggot bear
>we killed god
>Getting this defensive
lol I think you and I both know that it's bullshit and the reason you're angry is that you're a wannabe yoga instructor or have payed the hundreds of dollars to a studio or something like that.
It's ok user you can turn a new page to a whole fresh evidence based nonbullshit chapter of life. wouldn't that feel good?
Shlomo please go
Not that person but, do you have any evidence saying that yoga doesn't work or does what they say it does or is it just personal opinion?
I'm curious.
FUCKING uptodate or pubmed it if you're want to find out jesus christ you got a computer right in front of you and a brain in your head. Check out the studies which say yoga "works" and look at where they're coming from, and then check out some orthopedics and sports med journals on yoga related joint and msk injuries and report back.
It's literally just stretching with meditation.
The whole thing with women think it's a way to lose weight and exercise, that part is the meme.
Post your damned sources dude.
If you can spend almost an hour writing multiple paragraph posts bitching about it you damned sure can do ten minutes of googling to find something to back it up.
>calling out someone being defensive for being a retard
>replies with wall of text filled with butthurt
oh the irony
T. Cucked by a yoga dyel
No, look how ugly her feet are
Truer words have never been spoken.
good for stretching yes, if you are looking for spiritual stuff you are going to have to do a bit more homework ;)
Nice dubs of lies faggot it suck those toes and her asshole you low test numale bitch