Can lifting make up for being black?
Can lifting make up for being black?
Lifting cures everything!
Dude, don’t hate yourself for being black. Hate yourself for asking that.
fucking trolls in this thread
hate yourself cause you're place OP
No lifting when black can only lead to being a GIGA NIGGA
Probably make you look more threatening to the police and get you shot even faster then waiting for another black person to shoot like like the norm
Being a yoked black guy is already the norm.
Get a high paying boring job like being an accountant or programmer. That's something that will impress people.
>Dude, don’t hate yourself for being black
nice try schlomo
Accountant here. Literally nobody cares.
How black? How are your facial aesthetics? I was an autistic 6'5 lanklet before I started lifting. Now that I'm into ottermode I been making it, basically a Jamal now. I just got hired at a high-end nightclub as a model/busser. I had orientation today and the other girls they hired were all 8-9/10s. The 9 was a mixed white/latina and she was flirting with me and complimenting me multiple times. Since I've been lifting I've been more positive and more confident, had one night stands with hot girls, had multiple orgies with actual qt3.14s, and have a fwb who really wants a relationship. Don't be a sad cunt, be the best you can be with the genetics God gave you. Be positive, smile a lot, and give off good vibes and they will usually be returned.
Don't bother with racist bitches dude. I got snubbed by this cunt the other day implying I was a broke ass Nigger. I make 100k plus a year but in her mind I'm broke cuz black, don't matter how nice my car how nice I dress or how buff I am.
You can't do anything about people's prejudice dude. Concentrate on getting with chicks who dont dismiss you out of hand.
On a side note, I love it when a woman's opinion of me drastically changes when they find out how much money i make and I Can raw dog that cunt and never speak to her again.
You have to lift if you're black, if you're skinny people will think you're an addict, if you're fat people will think you're the sassy black stereotype. Sorry man, the only way to be taken seriously is to lift.
you want to be a regular nigger or a giga nigga??
Wear glasses my man
Shutting this down.
The extreme negativity, racism, hate, and pure idiocy a lot of you "men" post here daily truly makes me cringe Irl.
The reality here is: OP is a different skin color. Is superior to the white man in many physical aspects and is a success. Good for him! Don't be such a negative ******* for the sake of beig a dick...
The insane amount of comments insulting people of color also has to stop. I'll begin calling out those comments when I see them. So knock it off.
Due to being a black man OP has more life experience than the vast majority of Veeky Forums, with the average poster being a sheltered white boy, and knows how badly POC are treated better than anyone here. Who the fuk are you to tear him down? Get a life. Truly.
OP. I wish you the best of luck. It sounds like you've found a winner.
this annon, if you are walking on ice might as well dance.
Hollywood says yes, so probably no.
Low test Hillary supporter
It depends. White women will never like you, but if you have pride in your race you would never race mix anyway. Lift, do sports, be proud of your people.
I said this as what you would call a nazi. Different people can be friends and we can respect each other, but only if we know what we are. Think about your people first, then yourself. What the other races think of you is insignificant, and if anything, they will respect you only if you did what I said
High test BBC Trump voter checking in. Stay mad faggot.
Youre a slut and you should sort yourself out.
no matter how hard you try, you will always be low IQ. also applies to the other deluded mulatto itt, no physical feature or exaggeration will ever make up for your inferior mind
Don't hate your own race man. Do what said and continue to improve yourself. Break the stereotype that gives black people such a reputation.
yes it can, but most importantly, act white, get a good salary, wear formal yet casual clothes (v neck sweater on collar shirt + khakis and leather boots etc), make sure you don't use black slang and have a white accent (not southern, think california)
skin colour is irrelevant broseph
lift, be a good person, work hard = top tier human