Am I too jaded from being on Veeky Forums all the time where everybody is a fake natty.
Can this really be done without roids?
Am I too jaded from being on Veeky Forums all the time where everybody is a fake natty.
Can this really be done without roids?
Fuck no.
That guy is obviously on.
You don't get 3D delts like that and muscle fullness while being that lowbodyfat and depleted.
If he's even slightly energetic or can even function at that lowbodyfat then he's on not only gear but industrial strength stimulants.
Not a chance. What's that saying 'im natural since my last cycle'
cmon bro do you really have to ask that question
isn't a ffmi of 25 possible without drugs?
According to that dexa scan on his insta, he should be just under 25.
He's 5,8 and weighs 176lbs.
Lol you guys. Leave my gym owner out of this.
The guy has been training for 20 years and is extremely knowledgable. That is a pic from a contest with perfect lightning. If you saw him in person you wouldn't think so.
Looks pretty natty to me in normal lightning without a pump
there's no way this dude isn't gay.
Oida, dein Ernst?
by natty he may mean he is off heavy androgens! but top KEK at getting that shredded and keeping the fullness and striations completely natural! i would say he means high dose anavar, proviron, masteron or other highly anabolic substances.
He is flat as fuck
difficult to say, he's not that far off from nick strenght & power who's a real natty at his bb show
Doesn't matter.
That study has been discredited.
Plus plenty of natties have surpassed 25 anyways.
>Plus plenty of natties have surpassed 25 anyways.
rich piana for example
>Delts bigger than chest
Pick one
>judging that his delts are bigger than his chest on a front latspread
absolute bbing pleb, look at his insta, his delts are clearly smaller than his chest, he just does this pose a lot because he thinks it's his strong pose, his shoulders are rotated inwards, the illusion of bigger delts that irl is one of the point of this pose
I did notice his shoulders were rolled forwards after I posted that
look at this pic from his insta, the guy is like 30 and has that kind of chest acnea ? that's not just razor burn.
He's probably on some oral shit, like turinabol since it's fastly discarded by the organism and he can claim natty when tested.
that's what Jon jones tried to do but he was dumb in his timing.
I don't care how light he is, I don't care how long he's trained for, I don't care what he eats. There's so way for a natty to have body fat that low while retaining anything like that kind of muscle.
>There's so way for a natty to have body fat that low while retaining anything like that kind of muscle.
This is not excuse for you to be "built"fat though
maybe uses some fat loss gear like yohimbine and some to protect his muscle mass.
no signs of heavy roid or especially tren usage tho.
Lol faggot suck andis dick next time in is his homersex gym.
His name is Andreas Puerzel and he is a well known gay for pay in Vienna.
You can acauire that amount of muscle mass naturally.
Its the combo of leanness and mass thats the big alarm bell, especially if its maintained constantly.
He could be 23.5 FFMI, which is the average for steroid users, and still be /fraud/. Guys like Jon Skywalker who admit to using steroids are still frequently well under 25.
FFMI is a bit of a red herring. Honestly, you want to look for
1) Paper thin skin, with
2) Super full muscles that look like they're bursting out of the skin
3) Very full deltoids and traps at very low (five percent) bodyfat
Look at these two guys and it's obvious which is on something and which is natty. Then ask yourself "Does this guy from Instagram look like the left or the right?"
Veeky Forums doesn't know anything about bb'ing, don't bother asking these questions here. are there any natural competing bodybuilders on here? no. any elite bb coaches? no.
the ratio of people here with a well developed, lean physique vs novices with no experience is probably around 1:1000
it's a cesspool of mediocrity and ignorance
it's not maintained constantly, not even close, it's months of dieting and depletion combined with a careful balance of dehydration and manipulation of other factors + massive carb/glycogen loading to have the most muscular fullness on show day. OP's picture looks like he did that process damn near perfectly
Veeky Forums doesn't know anything about that though because rippetoe doesn't talk about that kind of stuff