Daily reminder that deadlifts are unnecessary if your goal is aesthetics.
Daily reminder that deadlifts are unnecessary if your goal is aesthetics
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Didn't we had this same exact thread a while ago man?
Deadlifts raise you t levels a lot,and i don't wanna roid like some faggot autist.
The only thing blaha reps these days are number of chins and his sets are getting bigger.
t. weak little bitch who needs to justify why he is such a dainty pussy boy
>tfw i have a body shape like blaha :S
What don't you understand about "daily reminder"?
I deadlift 4.5 plate at 74kg thx
as previously stated the unapparent necessity to make this shit thread again
He's getting thinner day by day.
It's not mandatory, but it's better to do it than not do it because deadlift gives you that over all thicccness of back that is hard to achieve with machines only. Bodybuilders should both do this both high rep and low rep to build strength and mass.
If you get strong at deadlifts, you get strong at rows, bicep curls and you add a bit more weight at your squats.
Sure, it's not the best aesthetic exercise, but it's surely the best exercise if you want to get stronger in all aesthetic exercises (except bench press).
Then you would be a literal world class athlete and I doubt that a world class athlete would write here or even would write just retarded shit like that.
What's a good minimum deadlift to have? (if you don't care much about them)
Yeah they raise your t levels for like 15 minutes which is nothing in 24h. Its not going to affect anything.
>not deadlifting every 15 minutes
Anything above 150 kg is strong. Sure, on Veeky Forums everyone claims to lift 200 kg from the ground in just one year training, but for some reason everywhere I go, regardless in which gym, I'm at least the second strongest guy with a 180 kg deadlift, wew, it's almost like people lie on anonymous boards, would explain why none of these "high class athletes" post any pictures with time stamps.
>World class athletes cant fuck with inferior cretins when they are bored
Fuck off
Post body with time stamp.
Post a picture cuntnugget
Blaha is a master of disguise
truly the most well-rounded man you can find.
Daily reminder that you're a cock sucking prancing gay fairy if your only goal is aesthetics.
It's a shame powerlifting isn't a real barbell sport, it's a hobby. Didn't have the genetics for Olympic lifting?
shit genetics
have you ever seen his wide hips? of course he doesn't look good
I have dived too deep into the Blaha rabbit hole but holy shit is he for real?
The fucker makes massively batshit insane claims such as that he has lizard dna and is a descendant of jesus christ himself an shit. Him saying hes fat cause the fbi ordered him to be so isnt even that bad of a claim compared to others he has made.
>you think your a gaming guru??
>I DARE you to make a WOW character.
>My guild will jump your ass so fast is will...
holy fuck is this some bastardized navy seal pasta???
no you don't, lying faggot. you struggled to deadlift 1 plate and you never tried again in your life. also,
yep. a no good, dirty, lying faggot manlet. no surprise there.
>tfw bloho has been on a three year cut
>pulls 800
nothing personell kid
>uses copious amounts of drugs, more than just steroids
>trusting youtube profiles
what if my goal is Pete Rubish mode
Nah, this just goes to show how important cutting is. Also, leg day, the guy on the left has the shape of an ice cream cone.
mirin that neck
t. Ugly boy
t. broscientist
practically speaking 100kg is a good enough minimum for deadlift. you'll have enough strength to practically lift anything that needs lifting irl and it'll be impressive to tell normies that you can pick up 100 kg.
yep, my max is around 180kg, but i only go near the max like once every 6 months
i only deadlift because i sit a lot and deadlifts are like a miraculous thing for back pain from constant sitting. it's always just up to 150kg though - i keep my rest short, or reps a bit higher
i'll never compete, so why chase crazy numbers, but i still deadlift religiously because i want to
>He actually believes blahino's claims
also, the other guy is on gear so he can do anything for hypertrophy
This is my screenshot. I made a meme. This is the rest of the wow message for those interested. I think he goes on to say he has the right to shoot the guy in Texas if he sees him or something
He's definitely starting to get bigger in the last year or so. I'd hope so with 700mg test + equipoise and tren
in that case do nothing but deadlifts, guy doesn't even squat in training
did efferding do conventional deadlifts while he was bodybuilding, or did he only really start training them when he transitioned to powerlifting?
oh bullshit no you fucking don't, come on now, i love deadlifting but it sure as fuck won't drive your rows or bicep curls
this is almost as stupid as the squats grow your arms Medhi bullshit
>Powerlifter doesn't squat in training
Unless you're referring to his recent training which was for a push/pull comp which does not involve squats.
However he has squatted in the past and can definitely squat more than most of Veeky Forums
Yep I do with a stiff bar
u mad?
There's a 74 in my region that does 250, 4.5 plate isn't that good
>if i keep lying, then surely i will convince people on the internet
0/10, pissed off, phony ass, lying hobbit shit. keep on bitching.
no, he actually does not squat in training anymore even for meets he's squatting in, he does single leg work with bulgarian split squats being his preferred exercise
he says squatting beats his hips up too much, it's in this video and also he talks about not squatting in training in the podcast
>can squat more than most of Veeky Forums
he squats fucking 750, he squats more than anyone who has ever come to this website
Should I deadlift and squat some weight,and then put the weight down,before I go meet a grill?
>he's still going
he's just telling jokes.
A 4.5 plate dead lift is not that impressive you spazs
You go to a shit gym then
Every gym I've lifted at has 300+ lifters
>Then you would be a literal world class athlete
>4.5 plate deadlift at 74 is world class
>bragging about being a manlet
>bragging about being an oly lifting reject
I don't understand this meme, is the idea that having a well built lower back going to make you look more thick and less lean, even at lower bf%?
I was wanting to get really into deadlifting but my ideal physique is zyzz mode. I don't plan on crushing 4 pl8 deadlifts any time soon and It's not going to be one of my main lifts, just something I do once or twice a week for a few sets. I'm sure I ignore threads like these and just do it anyway, right?
no, deadlifts are not going to make your hips wider or any of that bullshit
the argument against conventional deadlifts in a hypertrophy routine is that they're incredibly fucking hard to recover from and not conducive to high reps, which is why you usually see bodybuilding routines using RDLs or SLDLs (look at the renaissance periodization hypertrophy templates in the Veeky Forums vola filedump), or even hex bar or sumo (3DMJ routines, alberto nunes beyond the basics templates)
You have to be fucking kidding me. It's not even summer
I rackpulled 2pl8 the other day :)
Is this real? What's the matter with him?
nobody said it was, dumb shit. stop putting words into peoples' mouths, learn to read and turn off mom's computer. it's past your bed time.
>yep I do with a stiff bar
same way i bang ur mum m8
> I only do two 1-3RM sets of deadlifts (and maybe 2 or warmups).
Perfect core gains without the bloated gut look. Feels good desu
Theres a great youtube series on exposed tv with spliced clips of blaha and no commentary. Gives you a good idea of his compulsive lying and delusion
i dont do them heavy, but they work very well for giving me a tight core, they dont train abs at all, but they work the enclosure to them excellently.
I've been doing some Frank Zane stuff for a tapered look. It's what Zyzz studied.