Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
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Uh no. A 'Bro split' is a split that doesnt do legs. Thats literally all its ever mean. Its the most common thing done by 'bros' because 'dude why do legs its all about the arms bro' attitude you often find by people who skip leg day.
The entire term has been bastardized into meaning any form of split, but that isnt what the term originally meant.
Wrong. It means a split where you hit each muscle once a week.
Another common mistake, it has nothing to do with frequency at all. But thanks for ousting yourself as a new lifter.
I've been lifting for 2 years and started doing PPL after about 18 months. The last couple months of following a more intense lifting plan my muscles just started getting weaker week by week actually. Now I'm progressing again, slow but steady. Wouldn't call myself an expert by any means, but I'm starting to get better at listening to what my body likes/progresses on.
I've started doing one day of HIIT and one day of swimming in between lift days as well
whatever makes progress, the friend in the OP is a faggot either way and i doubt his routine had alot to do with it
>tfw I have shit genetics and can't gain much muscle so I train for strength instead because it's the only way I can see month to month progress, which keeps me motivated to go to the gym
Yes it is, doesn't mean it is correct.
>4 years of strenght training
>no aesthetics
all he has to do is cut for half a year
if he did serious strength training for 4 years, he should have impressive muscles by now. cut aways the excess fat and he would be extremely aesthetic.
Squats are not necessary, and furthermore they're too dangerous. You're better off with leg press and leg curls.
Same goes for deadlifts. There are other ways to train your back that aren't as dangerous. Both squats and deadlifts offer too high a risk of injury. The only reason these are promoted here is because they're 'manly' looking, and Veeky Forums is all about the optics (looking manly doing it, and of course the highly-touted 'aesthetics', which of course are useless and silly).
Bench press is also done mainly for how 'manly' it looks. Frankly you get more benefit from doing chest press with dumbells, you're working the supportive muscles more that way than with bench press.
Never come here again.
fucking disgusting cap age differences
inb4 pic but fitness
You sure are fucking stupid
You should move on from strength training after a year or so if aesthetics are your goal.
Almost as if it's a story made up to play to the social dynamics of a shitty gook imageboard
guys i'm currently doing this routine:
i've done a PPL before and i enjoy seeing the result of both of thos routines.
i'm tall and still skinny fat so it's still slower than your "normal" guy but i''d be interrested in finding a new routine.
i workout at home, i own a bench/incline bench, a rack , a curl bar and normal barbell.
two dumbell too.
my biggest problem is working my back without chinup/somethingup.
but changing rouytine once in a while is enjoyable so if you got any advice...:)
Yes it is.
The loudest pushers of power lifting and da big lifts are usually either obvious shills or easily manipulated fucking losers who're either not doing it or are going to stop doing it soon.
The complete drop of SS as a recommended or even mentioned program and drop of interest in powerlifting and strength training and lifting in general is because a fuckton of people got burned and they all now associated ss with lifting and gymming in general so it's just this thing they don't want to do now
dude duh do barbell rows off the floor
and lateral raises (some scooby video)
all these good lifters have moved on because they go to real life no longer shitposting in their youth (you)
they still post here, as do people you talk about (isley)
inb4 this was a throw away comment and you dont read any of the caps in the thread
pretty much. looking manly is the primary concern of boys. which is also why there's hardly any yoga talk on a fitness board.
quite they myopic view of people who actually lift, and are good at it among life in general
its ironical that you have all this cultural critique of fit and by extension gym culture; thinking they are formulating their perspective from fit, as you formulate yours by analyzing fit
No its wrong
The best way to look good natty is to do a strength program with a day a week for vanity muscles e.g. Bis tris delts neck and traps
ULXULvanity-dayX is the patricians choice
gym culture and young kid gym culture (almost entirely built around the do you even lift breh culture) are different things. you talk to people who've been going to the gym for a long time and very few of them are powerlifters or bodybuilders. both these disciplines are for competing in and useless to 90% of the gym going population. pulling numbers or even getting shredded is a pointless pursuit in the long term. talk to people who've been gymming for a long time and you'll learn that they're a lot more focused on mobility, endurance, explosiveness, yoga, jiu jitsu etc, basically a lot of things that make you look gay and as such aren't part of the gym youth culture.
which is alright i guess. you're only young once and its a good time to focus on appearances (both aesthetics and looking manly) but there's a lot that goes into fitness than is part of internet culture.
This is a nice thread. Thanks for the posts lad
How do I convince a friend of mine (who has been lifting since august) to minimize his routine and focus on progress on compound lifts? I really want my buddy to make gains but this seems to be something that noobs have a really hard time understanding.
He is doing some PPL meant for Intermediate lifters with all these isolation exercises and been stalled on a lot of his compound lifts on really weird numbers (his bench is more than his squat, both under 1 plate, wtf) and I've been telling him to do SL5x5, etc. but he doesn't want to because he won't "feel" like he's getting a good workout.
Landscape is changing. Guys like Jujifmufu is popularizing pretty functional training/gymnastics. His dudebro antics are really appealing for Joe Average.
You have to show him. Ask him to jump as high as he can. Tell him to do a handstand pushup. Perform something athletic. He will see how far he is actually lagging behind. This will motivate him to adopt your training.
thats exactly my point needs to hear that, i linked the second post because it reaffirms his projected stupidity
>Veeky Forums is all about the optics
and heres your post proving the opposite of what he said
its all about growing up
he's gonna get someone killed though
5 years later average joe's are just called normies
sometimes people are just so fundamentally wrong its really hard to give you actual concise help. i guess have him read all this shit i posted, or the fit sticky or the fucking ss TEXTBOOK
haha show him pic related
grill training
Yeah...they obviously all got their noob gains maxed out and moved on to other powerlifting programs...that's it.
It's not the fact that they all ended up looking like shit and were absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to basic lifting beyond shit tier powerlifting stuff.
Yes, that's exactly it.
also you can google the "fit information repository"
all i have left is shit from it, but it includes txt files and ebooks so you are better off downloading it rather than me waiting for someone to say something wrong and me 'happen' to have another image proving them so
how long do you think it takes to get 1/2/3 etc shit on compounds? after you do that, which takes less than a year then you can do whatever routine you want yadingus
1.It depends on the individual
2.It does not fucking matter how fast they do it if they fuck up and get suckered into a mindset of instant ego boosting prs. There is no fucking reason to do it as fast as possible.
This doesn't build technique
This doesn't build mass
This doesn't build work capacity
This doesn't build a true base of athleticism or strength
This is just taking advantage of the fact that you can push new lifters so that they can lift more every workout.
There is no logical reason to do that beyond trying to implant the idea that 'lifting this way = good because I put more weight on the bar'.
Which is just a manipulative scam.
They never learn anything and will constantly hop between powerlifting and not doing fucking anything for the rest of their lives. Inevitably leading to injuries.
A split is just training different parts of your body every day. For example mondays are chest and arms, wednesdays are legs and back, fridays are calves and forearms.
It's just a different way of training
This. I mean people on here unironically say you shouldn't use a pussy pad when squatting. How exactly does bruising your upper back help with anything??? Total giveaway that Veeky Forums is full of soyboys-in-denial who want to look manly to compensate.
There's no yoga talk because yoga is new age "muh ancient eastern wisdom" bullshit that has nothing to do with fitness. Go back to
If you need a pad, the bar is not in the right place.
>not strengthening the mind-body connection