>I improved my deadlifts with this one simple trick!
I improved my deadlifts with this one simple trick!
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love this meme
>what are lifting straps
I actually tried doing this at the gym and had no idea it was a troll
I feel like such an idiot now
Hurt your thumb?
Its not a meme. But not necessary either if you dont compete somewhere where straps are not allowed
You're an idiot.
I prefer having a functioning thumb thanks
>takes roids for for 6 months
>writes an article on human anatomy
If you're not juicing and looking for tips on good spots to inject oil into your quads - you have nothing to look for on that site dude...
instead go on Veeky Forums for meatheads (bodybuilding.com) where you get bitch-slapped and called a faggot for such posts, so that you never do it again.
Fucking strips of cloth that are worse than cancer. Go raw or go home, fraud.
Double overhand or bust.
Actually useful things for people who overtrain their forearms constantly which hinders all other exercises as well. I avoid them whenever i can, but then i had to deload and stop lifting for a month in order for my wrists and forearms to recover. No such issues when deadlifting with straps (i never used them for any other lift though)
>I caused permanent nerve damage with this one simple trick!
You think hooked grip is a troll? Did it huwt the widdle baby?
>i'm literally afraid to lift and wonder why I get no pussy
Well my thumb doesn't work anymore
I lift more than you'll ever do, son. No need to fake my manliness with hook grip
Does hook grip really fuck up your thumbs? I don't dl (hate it), only squat, and was thinking about transitioning to oly lifting. Since I play classical guitar that would be really bad.
Aww, you guys finally broke your 2plate deadlift plateau. Proud of you
If you need hook grip, you need to train forearms more and stop cheating yourself out of gains.
You're weak and haven't been lifting for long.
Am I fine using mixed grip only or should I invest and try out straps?
bumping for this
You should only ever use double overhand grip for deadlifts
Straps should be used for the other heavy pulls when your forearm gives out
>not lifting with the knurled fat bar where you can't touch your fingers together.
>inb4 non-Kawai Leonard hands handlet
Unless you're planning to compete in powerlifting it doesn't matter.
But I don't want to lift a lot less because my grip is holding me back. Even when I use mix grip to increase weight wouldn't my forearms still improve?
Alright thanks
why would your grip hold you back
are you a griplet
Take a pencil in your fist and hold it with the side of your thumb (just like he holds the bar in the picture) now squeeze.
>Pencil=no weight+grip pressure
>Deadlift= several hundreds of pounds pressure+ grip pressure
Now you know what it would feel like without permanently damaging your fist.
You're welcome.
this pencil is tiny, i grabbed like 6 pencils, and it doesn't hurt at all
tried it with a screwdriver, no pain at all
is the thumb hurting a meme? only for people with tiny hands?
You sure that wasn't your dick faggot?
How much do you deadlift?
Than you didn't grip it properly retard. Look at the picture and try again. If you do it "properly" you'll be pressing the screw driver with your thumb bone, there is no way it doesn't hurt
450 lbs
No they really don't, everyone here's just being a pussy. About OL, loads are lighter than powerlifting, so you should get away with regular overhand grip for a while; you can use straps for snatches, but never EVER for cleans. If you don't plan to compete and have no problem with being a griplet don't bother with hook grip
Yes. My forearms aren't that thick. And my palms are sweaty so if I dont use chalk it just slips. I thought everyone is able to lift more with mixed because the underhand puts a force in the opposite direction
My max is 405 but if I did both overhand it'd probably go down 90lbs +. Not sure
I'm literally holding it exactly as in the OP pic, as tight as possible, and pushing down with all my strength on the actual metal part of the screwdriver with my other hand
shit doesn't hurt yo, it kinda presses near my joint a bit, i can tell it's more solid of a grip than without the thumb there though, it really stabilizes the index finger
When you reach big boy weights the bar will roll out of your hands if you use DOH, that's why most people use mixed grip or hookgrip(or straps).
My health are more valuable than a higher deadlift to me
mixed grip is how you tear your shit
straps is how you blow out your back
different user here. How does hookgrip work? It seems super similar to DOH
The bar wont roll with hookgrip, tho it will hurt
>mixed grip is how you tear your shit
>straps is how you blow out your back
lmao the dyel shit you hear on Veeky Forums
Are you putting your thumb UNDER the bar when you're lifting, or are you putting it parallel to the bar? Because I hookgrip and it never hurts me while I'm lifting, but I'm also not putting my thumb directly underneath the bar.
In hookgrip, you set your thumb inside of your finger grip instead of over it to prevent the bar slipping from your hands. The bar will still try to pull out of your hamds, but it'll just force the thumb into a tighter grip in your fingers.
Well then just do it. you can lose your fist for all i care..
I think the imbalance thing is a huge meme.
I asked my coach who deadlifts 850 and he has never developed any imbalances pulling mixed his whole life. 5 of his long term clients who deadlift 750+ also have had no issues with imbalances.
My deadlift is currently 650 and same boat, zero issues.
thonking man face
I apologize, I just hopped in the thread out of passing interest, having just got into deadlifting, and only done DOH myself. I'm sure different individual's hands are all different, and maybe larger hands have an easier time with it, but it's likely they need it more considering how small bars actually are.
So I have this weird problem no matter how thick or thin my calluses get they always hurt like a bitch by the end of pull day. Deadlifts and lat pull-downs shove them into my hands so much by the end of the workout I want to cut them off. Am I gripping wrong? Are my handjobs likely shit?
you are probably gripping, then pulling, aren't you?
try sliding your hands down the bar / dumbell bar to push the skin towards your wrists before initiating grip.
the most callouses come from skin pushing on itself
>yfw hook grip deadlifts with 495
it makes absolutely no sense that an asymmetric grip wouldn't cause some kind of asymmetric development
literally using your thumbs as straps
As the history of bodybuilding injuries has thought us - it's not wise to use unnatural body positions and movements. And hooking your thumb under the fist (and then pressing with an enormous load) is anything but a normal finger position. At best you'll eventually develop deviation and end up with crooked fingers, or you'll seriously injure your thumb and you can kiss your lifting career goodbye.All it takes is one slip...
If you think that it's worth it, then, by all means.. After fucking up my rotator cuff, even 5% chance is too high for me.
Can you explain why? It's a slight rotation in your shoulder which affects muscles that are being worked isometrically.
If it does cause any imbalances than heavy rows were enough to even everything out for me.
I've seen like 1 post about some powerlifter with uneven traps. Meanwhile I know heaps of people who deadlift over 700 mixed with no imbalances. I get trained by a former world champion and record holder who also trains other world record holders and nobody has an issue with imbalances.
I know it's anecdotal but just from the level of experience these guys have it's very persuasive and I haven't seen any strong proof of mixed grip causing issues.
directly engaging the bicep is an undesireable technique for deadlift
so i suppose once grip fails you just fall back on straps?
This doesn't help me at all. My grip fails at 100kg and now my thumb hurts
Literally nothing wrong with mixed grip, your not going to develop muscle imbalances from it and if your tear your bicep your either retard that has bent arms or a retard that doesn't know how to train on gear
it's like the reddit of fitness
>never EVER for cleans
spotted the american "weightlifter"
What else is there... That's why they're invented, and that's why anyone who lifts serious weight uses them.
You can take a couple of weeks to deload and sometimes come back with stronger grip, but after a month of deadlifts you'll run into grip/wrist/forearm related issues again...
The most important thing is that you lift that weight, and your primary focus are back and quads anyways, so why bother what the wrist or your grip are doing? As long as you lift properly and minimize the risk of injuries, pretty much nothing else should matter.
it's literally impossible to have a hooked thumb underneath the bar without fucking up wrist alignment. Try it out.
We don't have one of those at my local gym, but I use a thumbless double-overhand grip when getting my Deadlift sets in. Mostly because it forces my forearms to work harder and (hopefully) will help train my grip strength (having bigger forearms would be nice too, but I'm starting to suspect I got good genes for calves at the expense of my forearms).
>Kawai Leonard
Fucker I think you nailed it, I will keep conscious of this next workout thanks.
what's wrong with developing your forearms/grip?
Use straps, mixed grip creates imbalances and has the potential to cause your bicep to tear. Don't google "bicep tear" unless you really want to fuck up your day.
I use straps for rack pulls and high rep RDLs, but having to apply them before a heavy deadlift takes me out of the zone.
fucking this!!! i do the same thing
>what is r/fitness/
>all these faggots bitching about hookgrip
>olympic weightlifters using it for decades with no problems
only reason to go straps or mixed grip is if you are diddlying >8pl8s
weightlifters, look it up, some clean and jerk more than you can deadlift, fucking soy boys
>Just use straps bro
>You'll be fine bro
Why the hate on straps? Has anyone actually lifted with them? My grip strength increased when I started using them. Before I was DoH in the mid 300s before my grip failed and strapped up to 450, now I'm able to bang 405 for 3
Just swap which hand is pronated each set you absolute retard
My hands are too small
>tfw handlet
hook grip is real and I don't even have to put any effort into squeezing the bar anymore
although it kinda hurts and I'm only lifting babbyweight
how do I make it hurt less, real answers pls
Try using the opposite grips next time - if you can't, you're asymmetrically strong
>t. Guy who fell for the mixed grip meme and can only double overhand 285
My hands are too small to hook grip. What do?