You can tell a numale by his face.
You can tell a numale by his face
>tfw not a numale face
Feels good
That's the most punchable face ever.
I think it's just the obnoxious smiling. If they just looked normally it'd just be an average face
Just don't smile and you won't have numale face.
hey there sexy ;)
I literally have triple the test of those in the 200 category. Wow.
They probably haven't had morning wood for 10 years.
Not really, all the white dudes have receding hairlines, rounded jaws, and potato faces, especially the faggot on the far left. The asian dude is the only one that actually has some masculine features, the jaw in particular, it's really of no surprise he has the highest T out of that group of cucks.
How to know whether you have normal tests level, without going to doctor?
It's something in their eyes that begs for approval and acceptance. Usually eyes full of life are a good thing, but their eyes only have life in wanting to gain acceptance from others - living for other people and through their approval. Sad.
>receding hairlines
nothing to do with test.
Just go to a doctor and get your T levels checked, it's a pretty easy process, but in any case, unless you want to be a cheating faggot, just make sure you get enough vitamin D and zinc. Eat more oyster.
I don't like needles.
That alone tells me you're low test.
Your political beliefs.
you'll never make it in life if you can't handle a simple blood test, go in there and stare the needle down while it draws blood from you.
Sounds like you're projecting.
balding can be a sign of low test
I've done it several times, but, apparently, you have to also ask to check test levels.
Nah, just not a pussy.
post pic of your face
Every doctor appointment concerning test ever:
> "Ha ha why would you want to know about test?"
> "No-one ever has low test, it's not important"
> "Go home and stop worrying, im going to put you on a government watchlist for steroid use just in case though"
thats a good print you got a link?
Somehow the asian looks the most masculine in this one
That's Eugene, which makes sense, since he has the most test.
>it's really of no surprise he has the highest T out of that group of cucks
His T is still dangerously low. A good doctor would put him on suicide watch immediately.
yea... I thought the whole glorification of feminization in the medical community was just a meme until I got my T levels checked.
>A good doctor would put him on suicide watch immediately.
They are so disgusting.
We need to kill them.
Source? They can't be that low unless they tested themselves on the afternoo
Yeah it's honestly pretty fucked. When I got mine checked the "normal range" was 8-32, mine was at 24. It's pretty retarded to think I could have 3 times the amount of test as someone else and we'd both be considered normal.
It was some shitty buzzfeed video, all of those cucks are buzzfeed employees. no surprise there
Depression and low test have a link.
PrivateMDlabs google it. They give you a requisition so you can go to any lab and have your blood drawn no questions asked.
I'm too bitter and jaded to care about what people think of me anymore 2bh
This happened to me.
(Netherlands, nu-male doctor)
>male feminist allies
>work at buzzfeed
>have pathetically low test levels
I’ll take “Things that make complete sense” for 500, Alex
I've found female doctors are much more willing to engage with it and get you tested, maybe they appreciate test or just have an understanding of the importance of sex hormones for wellbeing as it is such a big part of female health.
Male doctors on the other hand resent the suggestion that more testosterone is better and seek to bury it.
well you do look better than those cucks of buzzfeed...
>The Soyim
If you have at least one functional testicle and you are not sick, you have normal hormonal levels, stop worrying like a faggot.
Stop blaming biology for your failures. Test levels only have a marginal effect on your masculinity. 99% of your perceived manhood is made of social norms and is expressed in social interactions.
I've an appointment with an endo soon.
>tfw 22 and have T levels lower than the average 85 year old
I'm just wondering if my gains could be better. Me
Test is useful for several reasons, but growing up with naturally high test is sort of meme, makes you look slav. Basically look like a wide framed version of pic related
Ignore that faggot, he's probably a low T beta that has deluded himself into thinking that T levels don't matter. Just get your T levels checked, stop eating processed shit, eat more eggs, lean chicken, and oyster, lift heavy and lift often.
when i asked my doc (male) to check mine, my doc asked me at the end of the visit whether i was planning to get married.
ahhh, love them asian doctors.
You guys truly are retards
>I want to go on a drug for the rest of my life whilst disqualifying myself from competitive sports in order to fix imaginary problems with my own self image
the broscience on this board is unbelievable sometimes, what a retarded post
pick one lol
> for the rest of my life
unlikely, although possible
> imaginary problems with my own self image
sometimes, although not always
did you actually read the thread? literally nobody here mentioned anything positive about juicing, the only remedies suggested were changes in diets.
>tfw too late to reverse the effects of low test
>already got a baby face
>already have wide hips
>already have girly hands
>girls will never be interested in me because I have the "gay" look
I was put in homeschool because I acted out in school and became depressed and got very little exercise in my teens when I needed to get those growth hormones
I hate this fucking life
Are you sure about that?
That asian dude doesn't look like a numale though.
>asian guy has the most test of the bunch
>asians have the lowest test of all races
what happened to white people ?
what a gay waste of webm
>im afraid of needles
you tranny posters are the worst thing on this board
t. Soy shill
absolute horseshit, citation needed
male pattern baldness is caused by dihydrotestosterone fixing itself on your hair androgen receptors.
If anything, it's the opposite. it means you have healthy T to DHT conversion, therefore, healthy T levels (and sadly a lot of androgen receptor in your scalp)
What disliking needles have to do with trannies?
it's exclusively a western europe/usa problem. the rest of us are fine.
cuz only trannies and women dislike needles
>wide hips
>pencil neck
I think about ending it every day tbqhwy
hmm, okay.
The opposite.
>whilst disqualifying myself from competitive sports
Nigga, there is not a single person on this board that is ever making competitive sports
/r/asianmasculinity really bragging about how /theirguy/ has the test of an 80 year old instead of a dead guy, huh?
Quit questioning Dr Shekelberg and chug down the soy he ordered or the police gets involved
>arrested for being swole
nothing to see here
>mad white soyboy
Its amazing how falseflags can get the self-hating wheel running
>Dad balding
>My hair is receding already at 25
>Noticeably thicker in the back than on the top and in front
I'm definitely losing my hair. Shame most women don't realize it's a good thing.
I thought Ashkenazi were considered white
He's not even that big.
special snowflakes want to maximize their position in the intersectional hierarchy of oppression so they don't want to admit that they are white.
>I don't like needles.
>this was posted by someone who claims to be 18+
are you some kind of pooftah? you don't have to like them, just don't sperg out while getting a blood sample.
when will /nufit finally get their own board, for fuck's sake it's all so tiresome.
Thanks again to reminding us that tripfags are cancer that should be exterminated (with bullets) and that their "past as oldfags" is always irrelevant
Do I look like underage? Like I said before, I did blood test like half a year ago. Apparently you have to specifically tell them to check test. I just fucking don't like needles, what's there to not understand?
still low as fuck though
>I just fucking don't like needles, what's there to not understand?
What don't you understand about the part that you don't have to like them, just tolerate them for 5 seconds?
You're like a toddler having an autistic fit about some vegetable he doesn't like.
Wtf is this the new ducklips? So many numale faggots do this open-mouth smile with crazy eyes.
they are like their own species of failed men
its the Schrodinger jew, they whites when its convenient to loathe and demean, jewish when it fires back
Hes a big guy
for swedish standards that is
Ask an Ashkenazi Jew if they are white.
Seems like testosterone levels tanked since the study that was done 20 years ago. Here I'm with 340 told to fuck off you're healthy by doctors. Though have all symptoms and dead penis. Only one more thing has to be dead to finish the puzzle
Shit tons of trannies pin their estradiol in the glute or thigh just like you guys do.
Start juicing?
izlee izlee izleee
as opposed to becoming a full time athlete and never placing over 9th in any contest?
IsleyIsNumberOne is a known physical abuser of women and a violent drunk who has been known to sexually assault women
i feel so so sorry for that cute doggo, he/she deserves so much better than to be stuck with a bunch of useless cucks
best scene in the history of cinema
>If you have at least one functional testicle
see, i'm worried i have at least one functional testicle. the right one is like 1.5-2 times larger than the left one, maybe i'm low test
phil fish is based, don't include him here