op is a fagget
I don't do cardio
i dont do leg day
Why? You want chicken legs?
I never train chest
I had two checkers burgers and a milkshake after leg day yesterday. I'll start flagellating myself immediately
I want to buy the forbidden and fabled creatine but I need a job first
I took a extra day off from working out. I'm just exhausted.
Don't be schismatic, repent and submit to pope
its like 15 dollars
Okay I’ll buy some
>start new video game
>meet someone who wants to help me learn it
>we talk for two weeks, pretty enjoyable person
>a lot in common
>talk about how to lead their "guild" eventually
>voice chat for first time
>wtf it is a girl
>she thinks my voice is "cute"
>explains why she has a lot of people always wanting to talk to her
>whatever, move on
>get invested into playing with her eventually, about 2 months ago
>cries about her irl issues with me on voice chat
>mention whenever I hit the gym, she asks for pics one day
>exchange pics, she is hot af
>thinks I look "big and serious"
>she mentions in december she is starting an 8 month trip around the world, and she is a vegan liberal feminist
>tell her I am a chad carnivore conservative misogynist
>she thinks it is funny
>one night we end up drinking together via webcam
>jokingly suggest we meet up
>she says yes
>keep in mind, wait a few days later to bring the subject back up
>she says she thought about it a lot too and decided "#yolo"
>she offers to pay for plane ticket over
>book a hotel and rental for a weekend
>ask if she is staying in the same hotel or going home friday/saturday
>mention room only has one bed but has a couch
>she says she will share a room with me
>3 weeks away from meeting
>nervous as fuck
>pretty sure she only agreed to it because she remembers what she said while we were drinking too
Is this the potential start to something, or am I just getting friendzoned by someone I never met? I doubt I am going to get laid but there is hope. I know I definitely feel something towards her but I don't think she feels the same about me. She says I will be the first person she met from online though.
Want to take more Tren but don't want to be complete baldfag!
Don't do cardio.
Don't do abbs.
Don't count any macros other than protien.
Eat my boogers in private.
Such is life.
She 100% wants to fucc. Not saying you necessarily should but don't friend zone yourself.
Worst case senario is you make a move and she tells you it's not like that.
But she'll understand why you made the move and not hold it against you.
But more likely, she wants the eggplant.
I haven't gone to the gym twice this week and I'm on a 6 day ppl program.
I don't think i'm eating enough. Think I've lost a pound...hopefully not.
My arms wont grow but every other area does.
100% bald >>>>>>>> thinning hair.
If it's getting thin, just embrace it and go full bald mode.
Thinning hair brings an aura of desperation, conformity and inadequacy.
Oh i shave it down. Have a decent shaped head and stuff,just thinning on top. Have taken finasteride and dutasteride but it just seems to prolong the inevitable...
i just wish i had the hair god gene
I always get full and don't finish all my food
My bench is 175lb 3x6
Squat 225 3x6
But my DL is 365 3x6 or 4pl8 max...
I haven't done cardio for months
I haven't been to the gym in 9 days as I'd have to wake up at 6:15am to work it into my new schedule
I will stop drinking for 3 days, but then feel so good (high energy, clarity, work stamina) I think to myself, "Geeze, I can go to the Tavern and have just a few pints"..... and then a few turns into 10+.
Also, Day 18 of No-F*p, and I really can't tell much of a difference. I have a bit of ED as it is.
>I'm over 40.
Drink coffee in the morning but take a caffeine pill before gym instead of coffee. Coffee isn't that bad for you but too much is bad for gut bacteria ecosystem.
Try to take 0 caffeine on days where you don't need alertness to stay sensitive to it.
I ate 12 slices of pizza from Domino's earlier in five minutes and I feel like a fatass
Haven't done bench in a year.
Was diagnosed with a minor slap tear and really just don't want to get surgery...but these things don't heal on their own, either. Has killed my motivation in the gym entirely.
I beat my dick to hentai
I never train abs because the exercises are annoying and rely solely on compounds to develop them
Today I only got 4 reps in my second set of squats so I left the gym.
I had a Tacobell Breakfast Crunchwrap and a fried chicken quesadilla. I did legs this morning but I think I'll go back and do back again to atone for my sin.
Literally me except for that last part.
I injected myself with chinese made bathtub hormones this morning :/ not proud of myself desu
I raped my grandmother twice today, but later I found out she actually enjoyed it. ;D
I should lift, I should eat a little more, I should study more because my gpa is crashing faster than the stock market crash of 1929.
But instead I just sit browsing Veeky Forums and youtube.
I think I might have adhd, but since I'm awkward as fuck, I haven't mustered up the strength to go to a psychologist.
I had three bites of a brownie. I am trash.
I've been lifting for almost 2 years but my lifts are all shit since I keep getting injured or have to stop for some reason.
Also I stopped doing BB flat bench and replaced it with DB flat bench and I have no idea how to progress on it since loading up the weight is so cumbersome I'm afraid that even if I can press it I'll snap my ickle baby wrists trying to bring it up to my chest.
Also I fucking hate squats and don't ever push myself hard when I do them.
I don't know how to cut, I'm eternally bulking and just getting bigger, I have abs but it's not well defined so I feel shitty about it
When I go to the gym ( planetfitness) I just do light bodyweight exercises and yoga off in a corner. I only go to cruise in the showers. I walk from showers to dressing rooms towelless semi erect and leave my curtain half open so my semi is visible to all who go by.
fuck her then move on
you wont want her after that trip bro
>liberal feminist
And you kept taking to her because?
I ate a pizza hut pizza for the first time in many years and it was fucking trash, i don't remeber it being that bad tasting and on top of that i feel bloated to this fucking day.
>huhuehehe le epic op is a faggot shitposting xD
Go back to rebbit kiddo
I prefer MMA over lifting - wish I started this sooner.
Also I have no motivation for work sucks I've wasted a month of my life.
You might be right.
To see if I could fuck her, and we do have a lot in common despite that.
Why don't you just get on fucking tinder instead of making everybody uncomfortable?
You're not really helping dispel the sterotype about gays being sex-obsessed degenerates.
I clench my teeth when I lift
>on Veeky Forums where there are threads dedicated to looking at men
I doubt anyone is actually uncomfortable. And those that are are the types of guys that change in the dressers and not their locker. Being naked is normal user.
Her political beliefs are secondary to her, if she sees you got your shit straight she'll go full /pol/ for you if that's your fancy.
Still she's probably a roastie tho so just fucc and dump
Go for it OP. Don't be catfished.
i don't cruise but hot water gets me a chub and since i'm always fogretting shit in my bag i do the same thing literally no one gives a fuck since showers/stall are right in front of each other
Intentionally getting yourself erect and intentionally making it seen isn't normal.
Basically a prostitute showing their wares.
Not what most people came to the locker room to see, I presume.
Use your empathy, user.
We live in a fairly sexually permissive society. Why invade a shared space with your agenda when there are ample venues for this?
Because it gets me laid 100% of the time it's tried user.
With no repeats to date!
I'll never stop eating dirty and I'll probably never be under 15% BF because food is tasty
Ok well just know that you're selfishly taking advantage of a public space when you could easily do this on CL or Tinder and deserve no pity if you're attacked or kicked out.
get off them roids boy
I, personally, would never do you violence. I'd simply alert the manager that they'll face litigation if they don't ban the prostitute showing his catalog in the locker room.
But, I'd also feel no sympathy if you were attacked at for this.
user, you need to understand, some people have been abused and depend on not being sexually exploited in public places and you're violating that trust for selfish reasons.
Video that shit. She'll scream rape when she enevitably feels guilt for being a roastie slut
You will go to hell brah.
Didn't he say he's in his shower, like what's the play here, "I saw a guy naked in his shower I demand you kick him out".
>he thinks the Orthodox are the schismatics
Stay mad, Romefag.
"I saw a guy nurturing an erection in the shower, with the flap open and then proceed to showcase said erection in the locker room."
Nudity is par the course in locker-rooms.
Cranking your junk isn't tho.
Getting a semi doesn't require effort when naked user. What's your problem?
I am feeling really bad in the last mounths. More than the normal. For mounths i've been breaking my train and going to the gym 2 or 3 days for week. I am losing everything i build.
In the last 2 weeks i stopped working because my contract end but i m not using the extra time to focus. Today i spend the most part of the day in my bad and only ate peanut butter with diet chocolate powder.
I don't know, looks like in the last 2 years i stopped growing as a profissional and as a studant. I miss my oneits from my job, i buy something expansive and that thing already broke, i can't take my drive license, i don't have money for whey anymore, i am not eating my diet with focus.
Sunday i will do the biggest university test of my country and i dont read an entire book in my life. I not even know what i do with my life.
>Why invade a shared space with your agenda when there are ample venues for this?
Gays get off on taboo sex more than straights do.
I'm resistant to doing abs for whatever reason. Hitting them twice a week these days and it is effort. Save till the end of the workout and it always feels like a waste of time, but I'm too vain guys!
don't you have some migrant toes to go lick you cuck?
>carrying on traditions set by Christ is bad
The ultimate irony considering orthodox have been cucked by kebabs for centuries
Communist bitches will suck the meat off your doodle user
Hoping so. We just got done talking about what places to hit up and what alcohol to buy.
And give you all the STDs that exist
I ordered a large chow mein with brown rice yesterday. Still have half of the container leftover, the temptation to sin again grows.
Die young then fatty
The only exercises I perform are pushups and walking
>Day 14 of no fap
I feel like I'm going to explode. Trying to not watch any sort of porn is the hardest part.
I haven't been working out cause I've been busy with work and chasing girls
Extremely horny but I don't want to fuck random girls. Which is extremely hard because I have lots of opportunities but they're all girls with huge daddy issues and I don't want to put my dick in crazy :(.
Not that guy, but yeah kind of. Came here from Veeky Forums after realizing that being a skinny twink isn't very appealing, but I like the look of skinny legs. I'm 5'9" 135-ish, and I used to bike everywhere so my legs are fairly big. Going for a really skinny ottermode.
My 2nd confession: I don't track what I eat and I also eat like shit to try and reach 2400 calories a day.
I neglect my rear delts.
Which exercise is best to blast it bois?
>100 band pull apart
>rear felt flyes
It's a small weak muscle so you need to keep the weight low and just rep a fuck load out. You should start doing band pull apart equal to your pressing
Excuses excuses user
i dont find my gf attractive anymore after getting fit
literally nothing wrong
I quit my 50k/yr job last week without another job lined up. I have very little technical experience and I know I will have trouble finding another well paying job.
I don't know what to do with all my time, it feels like I'm just floating around wasting my time.
The Bible says he WASHED people's feet out of compassion and respect for his fellow being. He wanted to show that no matter if you are rich, poor or a slave you're a child of God.
This turbofaggot is basically slobbering on nigger toes for attention.
>I skip leg day and instead do cardio bunny stuff
>I eye fuck every 20 year old brap hog even though I have a long term gf.
>I care way too much about arms lately. bro split is life
>I eat like shit and would probably look great but I love food too much so I'm just farm THICC. Already 27 too so my prime is passing and I'm at high BF
>Not stretching/foam rolling well
>Not counting macros on bulk
>Have stopped focusing on legs
i have been unemployed for 6 months, became a cardio fag, and don't plan on ever working again
considering becoming an actual and legitimate hobo
plz halp
You must be underage
Haven't worked out the last two weeks. I've only been at it for 5 months after a 6 year haitus. But I feel my motivation starting to return. I'm immensely fearful, that if I stop I'll never start again.
I bench and ohp in the squat rack
>I am a chad carnivore conservative misogynist
just hide your powerlevel around her and you'll be fine