Anyone else lift harder when a girl is near you in the gym?
Anyone else lift harder when a girl is near you in the gym?
Nah but I’m a skeleton
No, I'm annoyed when anyone is near me when I'm working out.
>lift harder
are you lifting with your little dicky?
No, I'm out of that age.
Yeap, and more casually too, finishing unfinishable sets without visibly breaking a sweat.
No, but i would be mirin' that turd cutter... holy shit! i'd bury that!
I did this once, starting grunting up the 45kg dumbbells she walked out the weight room and returned with two staff members who asked me to leave and escorted me out for making her uncomfortable.
>a girl
>in my ghetto powerlifting gym
i haven't been around a girl in so long I forgot what it's like
i lift so I have a chance of not dying alone and so I don't completely succumb to the bugman life or turn into complete trash lusting away my life and will die alone
I'll take fap fantasies for 500 please Alex.
>in my ghetto powerlifting gym
Gotta admit I'm kinda jelly, even though I lift at home with dumbbells and the gyms in my town are gay as fuck and a bit too far away.
I do, and I definitely focus more consciously on form. Sadly, I am a 5'5 bald fatfuck, so it isn't like they notice me except to be revolted.
I need a thick assed fitness chick
gotta start getting girls first
>I need a thick assed fitness chick
LEL @ not posting the girl in the OP and her Asian boyfriend
well i guess fucking her doggy is out of the question. KEK
No way, I'm in my own world when I'm lifting, especially so if I'm trying to set a new PR
why would there be a girl in my home gym user?
she has sharp knees
Rice is the ultimate beta orbiter
There are vids of them making out at her birthday party.
she's obviously getting fucked by other men. and using him for money and fame
a 135lb 3inch dick will not get her off
>thread has nothing to do with chinks
>asianmasculinity comes up and shits up the thread
r9k was a mistake
I feel you user
>daughter dresses like a whore to go attention whoring at the gym.
>mom makes fun instead of scolding the little slut.
The state of modern day parents. Day of the rope when?
>>thread has nothing to do with chinks
except the girl in the OP is dating an asian guy
stupid thots
If a girl is wearing that and she gets raped, she was asking for it.
I would never let my daughter wear that
why do all these skanks say shit like kill the workout?
my parents wouldn't let my sister walk out of the home like that
135lb dick might