Am I really supposed to believe this is natty?

Am I really supposed to believe this is natty?

Other urls found in this thread:

Tfw body like a greek god
Tfw face of a model
Tfw makes tons of money and travels the world


I'd much rather be strong than look shredded

He's natty.

He started training at 14

Only dyels thinks that he is natty

I started training at 14 and I don't look like that

Look it's possible that Jeff Seid and Jeff Nippard are natty. David and Steve Cook aren't natty they just do a gram or less of test from what I understand.
Purely visually David is not natty, Steve Cook hides it better.

its only natty if you believe it!!

>these are the people that give advice on this board

Why do you even trip? you're pathetic

boby by anavar! high dose1 80 mg a day

toss in some test prop at 500-750 mg weekly and this is obtainable in a few cycles!

B-but lighting an angles bro!! Seriously nattys are delusional if they think laid is natty. His butt buddy Dylan McKenna is obvious fraud

He's only been lifting for 5 years so I somewhat doubt it. Maybe he has really good genetics but fuck knows

I'm stating the truth you fucking retard and I have tripped since like 2012. Laid and Cook aren't natty Jeff Seid and Nippard could very well be. Think twice before you talk about shit you have no idea about okay?


I was validating your statement you fucking mong

Sorry that was meant for the emoji react guy I'm kinda drunk

just wanna pin this twink faggot down and cream his asshole, tbqh

>started training at 14
Are you manlets by any chance?

dude probably eats anavar pills and clen to be this lean all year also he is strong as fuck for his size

>I'm natty btw

you either didn't train hard enough, had a bad diet or simply have shitty genetics, sorry bro

If you really think that after actually having lifted since 12 is comparable to after him lifting for what 4-5 years is the same you're delusional.

Easily natty.

hes been roiding since high school

Me too, man.

Just compare Jeff's delts and David's. David is OBVIOUSLY on gear especially with his impressive deadlifts. Jeff is in no way obviously over the natty limit.

Why does he have Walleye nipps ?
Must suck to have to shave your entire every other day.

>let the fur fly

You can look like that with a pump, proper lighting, and the right amount of vasodialators.

It won't be all day, but a photo only lasts a moment anyway

The latent vascularity, leanness, and delt size in op's pic are markedly different

are you saying you think joff is natty and laid isnt? kek

I don't follow either of them closely, but the pics of Jeff where he isn't posing for a set and pumped look well withiin the realm of natty. He's not overly large and overly lean. He could be roiding, but his phygsique with the same lighting, pump, and proportions are well within natty limits.

Laid doesn't have a pump in this pic and is clearly quite large and very lean with unideal lighting. His physique is also possible natty, but it's pretty high on the peak end of natty. The likelihood of him being natty is low enough that I'd be he isn't.

I don't keep up with these guys. I've just seen them in passing.

Having a pump and being really lean can make you look huge. His FFMI is actually pretty low.

lets not just brush over shit genetics like it DOESN'T take amazing genetics to look that good natty.

Nobody cares for your opinion here

I hope youre not implying Clay Mathews is natty.

who cares what you believe faggot

Fat fuck "bearmode" detected

Joff leave

OP pic deadlifts 635

I started training at 14 and I'm 5'10
You may say It's manlet, but my dad is 5'8 and mom is 5'4

i honestly don't like these kinds of bodies, it seems like he is fucking fragile, especially his lower back...seems like 1 kick would destroy him, beats all the purpose of it for me

The whole natty or not thing really is pointless.

Some guys that look like him really might be natty, but if they are its because of their genetics and they probably would look like that doing any routine.

He's fragile? He Deadlifts over 600lbs lmfao, squats over 500 and benches over 315.

whats this faggots name again

anyways thats why i said he seems fragile

You know nothing about steroids, do you?

ITT: faggots who spend more time reading about lifting than lifting trying to claim any picture in this thread is natty as well as Jeffery :^)
Pls go

I'd at least like the decency of a rebuttal to this

How could you possibly believe Jeff seid is natty before David laid????

cope fatty cope

David is a possible natty the guy looks pretty natty in pics without angles/ pump/ filters etc

yo. ive been in the gym 8 years natty. I have a nice body. I want to cycle and met a guy at the gym who has everything.

I want to look like OPWhat should I take to get this look. Anavar? how much I just want to start slow and I dont want to lose my hair or get gyno.

What do I do?

Diet good and do cardio to get cut idiot

I diet great and do cardio and have been in the gym for 8 1/2 uears 5 or 6 days a week.
I want to take a shot at making it a career or maybe being a model. My life sucks and it's worth a shot.

I am also 32 years old and this is it. My window is closing.
Why the fuck wont people just help.
>pic related
is me.
I actually think I may a chance at making it. i'm 6'1.

you look awsome bro, why would you cycle.

>that haircut
>hides legs because they are shit
>straps because faggot who lacks grip strength
lmao kys

You're not far from that, work on your lower abs

because I want to try and make a living doing this and all the instagram models and youtube people are on something.
I made that body natty. With a little help I think I might have a shot.

I'm growing my hair out.
I work my legs and ass, they are on par with my upper body. I am not hiding anything.
I know your closet homosexual ass lurks these threads to jerk off.

I do work em, I cant get this last 10 pounds off. Ive tried for years.
This is why I am thinking one cycle of anavar will set me over the top and then I can maintain .

I trying to explain, I work like a dog i'm under paid. It's miserable. If I dont take one shot at the good life i'll regret.

Is Anavar a good route to achieve my goals ?

the competition is brutal bro. I'd say you have more of an edge being 30+ and with a pump and lighting you're already there.
>Why the fuck wont people just help
because people don't give a fuck about you. They'll sell you some gear for sure tho.

The problem with this you faggot is that the random person you come across who you want to mirin is gonna look at your body they aren't gonna think to themselves how much you probably lift

Why job do you do?
>one cycle of anavar
oh boy, /fraud/ here. Let me bust your bubble.

Everything you know about steroids is bullshit.
That god forsaken study everyone refers to where the roiders gained more muscle mass doing nothing than nattys did with lifting? its bullshit
a 500mg test E cycle for 16 weeks is the standard cycle for beginners. Sounds alot right? Its not. When you finish your cycle, you will be disapointed by the gains. And then you do PCT where you lose your glycogen and water.

Anavar isnt going to do shit. Its a woman steroid because its weak and side effect free.
Anavar is also in 90% of cases fake. And if you find the real stuff its gonna be expensive af

Is that a blow up doll?
anavar is a mild steroid used by alot of athletes.
I want to try and be a fitness model like David Laid..
I read it is a good beginner cycle with minor side effects.
Is this not true?
What do I do about hair loss.
I worked in trades for years in a sanctuary city and now i'm doing sales. I have a degree in crim justice and if I cant make it in fitness I will join ICE when They go on a hiring spree.
macho man wrestling buddy.
You see how shitty my life is. I had to move back in with my parents in my 30s.
I want a better life. This is why I want to cycle can take a real shot

forget your studies and articles. Everything you read online about steroids is retarded bullshit. Im telling you from first hand experience that even 500mg of testosterone is maybe 30% of what you would expect from it. And i lift 6 times a week.
It has minor side effects yes but its also weak as fuck. Like really really weak.
Also, ANY oral steroid will shut you down. There is no workaround for pinning and testosterone. Anything you take will shut down your balls.

What you need is a low dose of test for a longer period of time. Pinning 250mg of test for like 10 months or maybe even longer will give you really good gains.
Not much you can do about hairloss. If you keep your cycle low and dont buy any harsh shit you wont get much hairloss at all.

Trust us, oral only cycles are stupid as fuck. You need a test base then go from there. Start with 500mg test per week. The point of starting small and simple is that there are very little to no side effects and you can drop it if you want at any point without any real harm.

Also like user said, anavar is faked or underdosed 90% of the time. Its expensive but only really expensive in comparison to test which is literally a couple bucks a week at most. It is extremely mild and will shut down your natural test production the same as any other steroid. Why do a 6 week oral only cycle, make jack shit for gains and then have your test levels fucked up afterwards and lose 95% of it.

But dont you need to take other stuff with test?
So you dont get gyno and hiar loss and fuck your test production long term?
I don't want to add much mass. I like the mass I have, I just want to be cut as fuck.
Do you two have experience with Anavar?

I'm meeting a mutal friend tomorrow morning. What should I look for? How do I know if it is good

>But dont you need to take other stuff with test?
no, test itself is already one of the strongest compounds. You can reach all your goals with test alone.

Listen, i know you dont want that. But there is no workaround to sticking needles in to your legs. If there was a decent way of doing steroids without needles then everyone would do it.

>i just want to be cut
You know whats awsome about 250mg of test/week ? Its a low dosage and therefore the side effects will be non-existant or very mild.
But whats even better is that, on that dosage, you can cut as hard as you want and you lose 0% muscle as long as you keep working out.

What you need is testosterone ENANTHATE. Like 5-6 vials atleast.
And you need AROMASIN. To keep your estrogen in check.

i wrote this down. I'm going to bring this up to the guy im meeting tomorrow.
I appreciate the help.
I dont mind sticking a needle. I just assumed it was more than I actually needed to achive my goals.
Look at the guy in OP
This is my goal, lean cut. It seemed like Anavar was geared for that.
What is the difference between that test dose and Winstrol and Tren which is associated with that shredded look?

It is kinda mindblowing how someone talking nonstop about aesthetics can walk around with a haircut like this.


>because I want to try and make a living doing this
Fucking delusional.

forgot his name but yeah his deadlift is around that

Laid only looks like he roids in optimal pictures who also are afterwards photoshopped.

As someone who has been called out for roiding when posting a carefully picked picture I'd be hesitant to judge after seeing what he looks like in videos.

His look in photographs is probably not achievable natty for someone his height though.

Not watching.

He's tall as fuck

user, do you not want to look like a final fantasy character?

why? looks good to me

different steroids dont really make you look different. In the end its all muscle.
but the different roids have different side effects.
Tren makes you lose fat and gives you that dry look if you dont overeat. Test makes you store water in your muscles and you can potentially look "soft".
EQ increases RBC and gives you disgusting veins so to speak.

so what is david laid on in your opinion?

is he 5'4? could be natty. otherwise no.

>Needs proof he pulls 635

>Is shown proof

>"Hurr durr sumo not watching"

You look great dude, no homo
If you lean out a little more you could probably get a foot in the door fitness modeling

whats ur thoughts on dnp?

>thinking sumo is a legitimate lift

He's like 6'1+

he is on steroids i guess? maybe he isnt, i dont know.

its a pesticide used in agriculture. If you want to put that in your body because you are too much of a loser to cut like a normal person then my best advice from me is to take the bullet.

Otherwise its good to cut out fat, but it can be pretty dangerious because your body overheats.

post a pic bro. do u have the body to match all this knowledge?

Show us a video of you pulling that much weight conventional.

Pro-tip: You can't.

thanks bruh. but i feel like there is one more level to get too before i really have a shot

He's 6 fucking 3. No chance he's natty

I have a friend that looked like that on a cyclical keto type diet. He got that big the old school way though, and I mean nutritionally, not steroids.

>walk around with a haircut like this.
>hating on hair that reacts to ki

anume hair
no he did keto but also geat

They are all on something, to even compete in physique or body building you have to be on something or you are going to be left in the dust. Their entire livelihood is based on looking good, if you think they aren't going to do everything in their power to keep the money flowing in you're a sucker.

>posting such retarded shit with an ID.
Ayelmao. Thanks, you save me a lot of time to know i can skip every post of you cuz its completely delusional

>thinking this physique is from test
>what are pre-contest drugs
Why are you even triping? You clearly don't understand shit and just spill "1g of test" to pretend you know things.

It doesnt matter how much AI you take 1g of test will bloat you.
That is mast/winst physique

Also, lmao at thinking that physique comes from "vasodialators" and not water manipulation + pre-contest drugs

What are precontest drugs?
What drugs are david laid on?

>water manipulation doesn't have vasodialating qualities

user, you HAVE to do better.

>this is a mast/winny physique

David, pls go